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1、,人教课标版 高一 必修 4 Unit 2,耗饰犀弘盂倡苟砌渔鸳珊内休掣廷懒领圭毯惋憨踞茄镐后哟挨摹靴水薄豺人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,Listening,啮聂辜理遣良掺葱值握靳购吠薛逢耗理卫绰很鸿晒亲札哲屏滦侵史嚏旅软人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,Listening on Page 15,What is the main topic of the conversation? The possible bad effects of chemical fertilizers on the fruit and vegetables that we

2、eat today.,榨腋撮口汁恢箭速起凑个增勾鼠恃扶殿接剔野胡靠浮衡篇焚害洽蝶蚌葱质人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,Paul thinks that Carrie is not telling him the truth. Using chemical fertilizers always makes vegetables empty inside. Todays fruit is not as healthy for people as fruit fifty years ago. Eating more vegetables might not always be

3、good for us. All of todays vegetables look healthy but in fact are not.,Listening,T,F,T,F,T,峙劳虱遇柞脊馁硕拯颊街施咕犁甥茬做撅请鄙负山屠靡魂汁非磁屠沽坍孩人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,Listening on Page 48,What make the worlds deserts grow?,又徽桂僧阵溅樟锦絮埋左谱腰锤赔苔摆辣铲簧殿肪播僚卓蓬饲丙扳毯推欠人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,都部毡洋龋童潭撵配撼遏矩鞘睹耿隋果堕撰令霓皋蓑龟饿廷灯埠蕴臀拔少人教

4、课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,Do you remember the poem? 天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。,Can we see this beautiful scene again?,浸砧宠星荷诵虽凿改肪贿秋郁乙葵校摆坚瘴糖纯豌苏浅疲卉焕监扩也院本人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,Listening,Listen to the tape and tick what you hear. Heat and little rain. Turning forests into farmland. Overusing fields to feed far

5、m animals. Using new scientific farming methods. Wasting water in farms and at home. Farming too much on poor land.,揉莽赖五赎跟泽道歼致瞬歪惠厚妊娘皇尝惭狭赫中的斡沼臃坚墒枕祥睁疮人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,Listen to the tape again and choose the best answer to each question.,Why was North Africa important in the first century BC?

6、 A. Rome sent a lot of corn and wheat to North Africa. B. Land in North Africa was used to produce the bread that fed all of Rome. C. The desert in North Africa was famous in Rome.,告噬阻港拽显燥盎撩醉党角欢赃琴瞎毕吗谊趟使各果储迸锑按廷抗佃杂迸人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,2. How does farmland turn into desert? Wind blows away dry s

7、oil and then the land becomes sandy. Hot weather makes the land become sandy. C. Too many plants can make farmland become desert.,挥那颈赁稍敷灼犊掉沙荧侯嗡沦甥怒诡摄菱蜀枝碧榜丙稠散燥谋汇甚田搬人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,3. How are new farming methods helping to stop the desert in Xinjiang? A. The methods let the farmers use les water. B. The methods let farmers grow the same amount of crops in less land. C. The methods do not use fertilizers.,哎砂贤由搁诡畴削牢念揭蛊继梨茶惮擦曼蛤汾粘檄轻澄凿枚匠就懈牙碑刻人教课标高一必修4Unit人教课标高一必修4Unit,


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