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1、题型四 英汉互译学生学习与生活类Passage 1 1. 现如今许多学生对上网十分感兴趣。 But it has the good sides and the Bad ones. Generally, we can see the following good sides. First its quick for kids to get lots of information they need. 2. They can also open their eyes by making use of the Internet. Besides, they can make a lot of fri

2、ends on the Internet. But the bad sides are also clear. 3. It is easy for kids to fall in love with computer games and its hard for them to stop. That is a waste of time and money, 4. 并且这对他们的学习也有害。To make matters worse, a lot of kids get cheated on the Internet. However , I believe that the good sid

3、es are over the bad ones, so I would not give up the Internet. But I will never spend more than one hour on the Internet. 5. In this way, it will not have a bad influence on my life and study.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文。讲述了学生上网的两面性:有利的是可以更快地获取知识、提高学习成绩与结交很多朋友;不利的是很容易沉迷于网络游戏、影响学习及上当受骗。1.Nowadays ma

4、ny students are very interested in surfing the Internet.【解析】对感兴趣be interested in.;上网surf the Internet。2.他们也可以通过使用网络来开拓他们的视野。 【解析】open eyes开拓视野;make use of使用。3.对孩子来说爱上电脑游戏很容易。【解析】It is +形容词+for+sb.+to do sth. 对某人来说做某事怎么样;fall in love with 爱上;computer games电脑游戏。4. and it is harmful to their study./and

5、 it is bad for their study. 【解析】be harmful to./be bad for.对有害。5.按照这种方式,它将不会对我的生活和学习产生不好的影响。【解析】In this way按照这种方式;have influence on.对产生影响。说明介绍类Passage 21. Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than others. Career(职业) women are healthier than housewives. Facts show that the jobless are

6、in poorer health than the job holders. 2. 工作为什么对健康有好处呢? Its because work can keep people busy, away from loneliness or solitude(孤独). Studies show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. 3. Instead, the happiest people are those who are busy. Many successful people

7、who love their work feel that theyre the happiest when theyre working hard. By working together, people can often meet others and find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. Work can give one a sense of fulfillment(满足). 4.工作可以使人感受到他的社会价值。From the above we can learn that 5. the more you wo

8、rk, the happier and healthier you will be.Let us work hard and study well and live a happy and healthy life.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇科普说明文。主要介绍努力工作对人们的影响。科学家研究表明努力工作的人比无事可做的人寿命长。因为生命在于运动。1. 科学家发现辛勤工作的人比其他人寿命长。【解析】hard-working辛勤工作的;live longer than sb.比某人寿命长。others=other people其他人。2. Why is working

9、good for health? 【解析】本句为特殊疑问句。为什么why;对有好处be good for 。3. 相反地,最开心的人是那些繁忙的人。【解析】Instead相反地;the happiest最幸福的。本句含有一个who引导的定语从句,修饰those。4. Work makes one feel his value in society. 【解析】价值value;社会society。5. 你工作地越多,你就会越开心、越健康。 【解析】the +比较级the +比较级越越。happier越开心;heathier越健康。咨询建议类Passage 3(2015烟台改编) Almost ev

10、ery day, we discuss the topic of health. But what is health?1.“Health” means eating well, getting enough exercise and having a healthy lifestyle. Here are some useful rules. Eat different kinds of food, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating fruit and vegetables keeps us healthy, b

11、ut many of us only eat our favorite food. 2.Remember that we can only get what our body needs by eating all sorts of food. Drink water and milk more often. Everyone knows that water is important. Besides water, kids also need plenty of calcium (钙) to grow strong bones, which is rich in milk. Every d

12、ay, you should drink at least three cups of milk. When you are 9 years old or older, 3.你最好尝试带有很少糖分的饮料。 Pay attention to your body. When you are eating, notice how your body feels. When your stomach is full, stop eating. 4.吃太多使你变得肥胖和不健康。 Limit the amount of time you spend watching TV and playing comp

13、uter games. 5.Try to spend more time doing sports, like running, swimming and so on.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了四种保持健康的方法:吃的多样化、多喝水和牛奶、关注自己的身体和控制看电视和玩电脑的时间。1. “健康”意味着吃得好、获得充足锻炼和拥有健康的生活方式。 【解析】mean意味着;get exercise获得锻炼;have a healthy lifestyle拥有健康的生活方式。2. 记得我们只有从各种食物中才能获得我们身体所需的东西。 【解析】本句为动词原形开

14、头的祈使句。remember记得;all sorts of各种各样的。3.youd better try to have drinks with little sugar. 【解析】最好had better;尝试做某事try to do sth.;带有with;糖分sugar,为不可数名词,故少糖应用little sugar表示;饮料drinks。4.Eating too much makes you become fat and unhealthy. 【解析】吃太多eating too much;变得become;肥胖fat;不健康unhealthy。5.尝试花费更多的时间来做运动,例如跑步

15、、游泳等等。【解析】spend more time doing sth.花费更多的时间做某事;like例如,为介词;and so on等等。观点看法类Passage 41.美国男生和女生们都喜爱看电视。Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the television set. 2.Some even watch television for eight hours or more on Saturday. Televisions are like books

16、or films.3.一个小孩可以从它们中学到好的事情和坏的事情。Some shows help children to understand the news and places from other countries or other times in history. With television,a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the ocean to see a ship. 4.Boys and girls can see a TV play, a concert or a game at

17、home. Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programs show crime and other things that are bad for children, 5.so parents sometimes help them find other interesting things to do. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。讲述了美国孩子看电视的习惯和电视对他们的影响。说明了看电视有利又有弊。1. American boys and girls all li

18、ke watching TV. 【解析】男生和女生们boys and girls;喜欢做某事like doing sth.;看电视watch TV。2.一些人在星期六甚至看8个小时或更长时间的电视。 【解析】even甚至;on Saturday 在星期六。3. A child can learn good things and bad things from them. 【解析】好的事情和坏的事情good things and bad things。从中学到learnfrom。4.男生和女生在家可以看电视剧、音乐会或者比赛。 【解析】TV play电视剧;concert音乐会;at home

19、在家。 5.因此父母有时帮助他们寻找其他有趣的事情做。 【解析】so因此;help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事。Passage 5Its OK to eat fast food occasionally but fast food is high in calories. So, if you eat a hamburger and chips, you can easily become fat. 1. You should eat homemade food because its good for health. 2.每个人都知道快餐既便宜又快捷。However, fast

20、food isnt as tasty as homemade food.3.Young people prefer eating pizzas, hamburgers and chips. But they should eat soup instead. Fast food companies spend a lot of money in order to make people believe that fast food is cool.The average Americans eat three hamburgers with French fries a week. Everyo

21、ne needs health.4.并且我认为拥有健康的饮食习惯是非常重要的。 5. Fatness can lead to other diseases. That is why America is now starting to fight back against the fast food companies. They stop serving fast food in school cafeterias and restaurants.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。讲述快餐和家常餐的区别。快餐是很方便,但对健康有害。为了健康,应多吃家常餐。1. 你应

22、该吃家常餐因为它有益健康。【解析】homemade food家常餐;because因为;be good for.有益。2. Everyone knows that fast food is both cheap and quick. 【解析】每个人everyone;既又both.and.;便宜的cheap;快捷的quick。3.年轻人更喜欢吃披萨、汉堡和薯条。【解析】Young people年轻人;prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某事。4. And I think its very important to have healthy eating habits. 【解析】做某事its +adj.+to do sth.饮食习惯eating habits。5. 肥胖会导致其它疾病。 【解析】fatness肥胖;lead to导致。


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