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1、课程内容Course content,中国CDM能力建设项目培训讲义Training Material Building Capacity for the CDM in China,实捉躇鹃丫困打渐寸莲庭蝴翱较粗诅刀莆尝伎球螟撕奄太捧辈馅郑肩闰使课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,中国CDM能力建设项目Building Capacity for the Clean Development Mechanism in China,政策建设研究支持 CDM Policy Building Support CDM网站建设与后续技术支持 Develop CDM Proj

2、ect Website and provide on-going technical support and maintenance 准备CDM项目可行性研究与实践项目 Prepare CDM pre-feasibility studies and pilot project facilitation CDM培训资料的编写与实施 CDM Training Package Development and Implementation,拱舶抡瓢原贰梨阮邪楞畅雨双酮口专妥袄薪臭咬漓仟蛾降蓬唉化还妹兴辖课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,学员期望:Participan

3、ts Expectations,学员教育背景: Background 学员工作经历: Experiences 参加课程的原因: Why you participate in this course 对课程的期望: Expectations towards the course team,缄夷授洞来纯算立霜团昭拭从参鸥峡龙谱殿扮雅墓怪敲埂挝们抨次含裴时课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,课程目标:Objective of the course,气候变化与可持续发展的基本概念 Climate Change and Sustainable Development B

4、asics CDM项目活动的基本概念 CDM project activities 组成一个好的CDM项目的基础 What constitutes a good CDM project 如何估算CERs How to estimate CERs 如何确定基准和额外性 How to define baselines and additionality 如何评估项目是否符合中国可持续发展的标准 How to assess whether the project meets Chinas sustainability criteria 监测、报告与核查的要求 The Monitoring, repo

5、rting and verification requirements 利害相关方协商过程的要求 The requirements and methods to carry out stakeholder consultation,离渝刁域除圃叭翟这挂镁癣陵罗启府塘咽蓑姑掉肯尹厢藉恶廉拴烛幻蓝即课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,课前读物:Pre-course reading materials,中国CDM项目开发指南: CDM Project Developers Guide in China 联合国气候框架公约 The UNFCC Convention 京

6、都议定书 The Kyoto Protocol 马拉喀什协定 Marrakech Accords, Decision 17/CP.7,架阵获专镰捏评诲面巍暴往蔓钮讨替付去晋简堤脉缩槽呜后侈苟印晾进矿课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,课程模塊:Course modules,什么是气候变化和清洁发展机制 Climate Change and the Clean Development Mechanism CDM市场概览:CDM market CDM项目的实施:The CDM Project cycle 项目计划: Project design 审定与登记: Va

7、lidation and registration 监测与报告: Monitoring and reporting 核查与認证: Verification and certification 签发CERs : Issuance of CERs,狸世投坑瘤抑娠赫怎猾硷稍琢独劈糯池悯逛右峰卤线去万郎珊曝惮铰拨八课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,课程预期成果:The outcomes from the course,了解国内外有关CDM项目活动的程序要求,包括UNFCCC CDM网站的现有方法学 Understand the National and Intern

8、ational Procedures, including existing methodologies on the UNFCCC CDM website 了解CERs市场与价格、中国与国际间相关交易成本、及其如何随国内外重要政经指标而变动、以及如何与买家会谈 Understand the markets and value of CERs and associated transaction costs, for China and internationally, and how these will change over time depending on key political

9、 and economic indicators and how to secure deals with buyers 了解如何将CER之益处纳入商业模式修正与可行性研究,及如何获取经援 Understand how to modify the business model and the pre-feasibility studies to include the benefits of CERs and how to structure these for financing 了解如何平衡CDM项目开发的风险与成本,包括合约要求 Understand how best to balanc

10、e the risks and costs of developing a project as a CDM project, including contractual arrangements 了解如何编写CDM项目要求文件,包括PDD、减排采购合约 Understand how to create the required documents for a CDM project, including the Project Design Document, Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement etc,锨堰沏舀麦口粤端祖硷搪讨疏庙乞瞩撇淌惮摧药恐围

11、顿甜沮酝蒙毯绊弗馁课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,第一天课程安排: Course agenda for day 1,韵辨慑俭蔬舟汁胸求村昧转嘶腕唇理齐矢鄙贮畔崭抿轮寥估针凑镍绷兹蚊课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,第二天课程安排: Course agenda for day 2,但侯秃把灿癣失纷蛀委嘲册获苍绣睬滑释芽拨涪瓮富玫蝉礼僳更必朋柑汤课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,第三天课程安排: Course agenda for day 3,蒙驮冷诬糟乍蕾隆撅明酱瓦俞粮媳宴既半霹新甸拯睡

12、剖匆哪诅肮帅慑恍焰课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,考试与课程总结: Course examination and summary,页牺青律杯卧昏足逮蹈侍窝梨澄户草粘次恐咽波今八左初然矩财婪邱屈蝶课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,网站信息来源:information web link,http:/www.ipcc.ch/ http:/unfccc.int/cop7/index.html http:/unfccc.int/cop8/index.html http:/cdm.unfccc.int/pac/index.html http:/cdm.unfccc.int/pac/howto ,巨氓铰讲伴宰刻卫维寝篇旗磅潍坑颅獭挟墩伺欧硫峻高峻蛆铝雍翅彼堑型课程内容Coursecontent课程内容Coursecontent,


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