masculine vs feminine cultures 性别文化.doc

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《masculine vs feminine cultures 性别文化.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《masculine vs feminine cultures 性别文化.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Masculinity versus its opposite, femininity, refers to the distribution of emotional roles between the genders, which is another fundamental problem for any society. This distinction opposes “tough” masculine and “tender” feminine societies. The duality(二元性) of the sexes is a fundamental fact with w

2、hich different societies cope in different ways. Surveys on the importance of work goals show that almost universally women attach more importance to social goals such as relationships, helping others, and the physical environment, and men attach more importance to ego goals such as careers and mone

3、y. However, Hofstedes data revealed that the importance respondents attached to such “feminine” versus “masculine” work varied across countries as well as across occupations. Masculinity stands for a society in which gender roles are clearly distinct. Men are supposed to be assertive, tough, and foc

4、used on material success. Women are supposed to be more modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life. Femininity stands for a society in which gender roles overlap. Both men and women are supposed to be modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life. Because the respondents were mo

5、stly men, Hofstede suggested calling this dimension the Masculinity Index (MAS). The list of countries in order of MAS (high gender roles distinction at work) shows Japan at the top. German-speaking countries (Austria, Switzerland, and Germany) scored high; so did the Caribbean Latin American countr

6、ies Venezuela(委内瑞拉), Mexico, and Colombia, and Italy. The Anglo countries (Ireland, Great Britain, South Africa, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada) all scored above average. Asian countries, other than Japan, were in the middle. The feminine side (low gender roles distinction at

7、work) includes other Latin countries (France, Spain, Salvador, etc.). At the extreme “feminine” pole were the Nordic countries including Sweden, Norway, and the Netherlands. Low MAS countries are characterized by cooperation at work and a good relationship with the boss, belief in group decisions, promotion by merit, lower job stress, and preference for smaller companies. High MAS countries are characterized by challenge and recognition in jobs, belief in individual decisions, higher job stress, and preference for large corporations.


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