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1、高二外研版必修五,Module 4 Carnival Grammar (p34),靳牡推抽汪徒逊藐通倾爪南贫箍秃弗镁凛漂真壮急两鸥摩针诱篮立尚剁蓖高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,1. It is produced in China. 2. The tradition was revived by students. 3.The building is being built.,Do you remember these sentences?,回溶穴凰凛吁板冲已扼若含俺城角沃居咀螟肄候佬裂较赁斌航芭较奢罪搐高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,Who wrote this book?,Mark T

2、wain wrote this book.,=This book _by Mark Twain.,was written,葬火祥隘艳澎禄低副拳惫岔论居绪岁晕瑞工莱皑皖或央它去陵愤商颈牢谨高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,Review of the passive voice,复习被动语态 1.定义 表示主语是动作的承受者 2.构成 (1) be + done 一般时态 (2) be + being done 进行时态 (3) have + been done 完成时态,酸醒橡肛叼屉屠焙厅嗅饺儿颖冈氖贫佛描谩锣蚜胜眼弄置谐樟倒膨融蛇翅高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,3. 意义 (1) 不知道或

3、不必指出动作的执行者时。 eg: Computers are widely used. (2)强调动作的承受者时。 eg:Another school will be built in this city 。 (3)出于策略、婉转、礼貌等不提动作的执行者时。 eg:Much has been said but little has been done about the issue. (4)有些措词故意避免用主语,或用“有人”、“大家”之类,经常用it作形式主语构成被动语态结构。 eg:It is said that another steel plant will be set up in

4、this city.,幌若鸭吴漠妖维春涩飘擅活潭观狂北蝴瘟拜横谦遂陌钠瘟盅锄宾戈汾帛歼高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,4.特殊情况 某些动词用主动语态来表示被动含义 (1) lock, open, shut, move, read, sell, wash, write等用来说明主语的内在性质特征的行为动词, 且常与not, hardly, well, easily, badly, nicely等副词连用时。 eg: 1. The door doesnt open easily. 2. Moyans works sell well. (2) need, want, require等动词以及形容

5、词worth后面,常跟V-ing形式。 eg: 1.This dictionary is well worth buying. 2.Your hair need cutting.,卒育思共稳代亩内现扬卉江践搁识弦皖延醉辞褪孩识登骤匡尚嚷黎舒程脑高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,(3) easy, difficult, hard, heavy等形容词+to do,“主语系动词to do”结构, 并且该不定式与句子的主语须具备逻辑上的动宾关系。 eg:1.What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict. 2.Its not

6、my fault. She is to blame. (4)某些感官动词和系动词加形容词,如feel, look, sound, go, get eg:1.This dress looks beautiful. 2.The food went bad.,崔屉捐骸音庞宋加惋窑右尘择刀螺伤校恬零炳雏纱佬镐罗佣还献破友龋诺高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,用法 1.“be + 过去分词” 并非都是被动语态,系动词 be, feel, seem, look等词后面的过去分词已转化为形容词,作表语用,表示某种状态 eg:1. Im interested in mathematics. 2. Tom wa

7、s surprised at the news. 2.复合宾语(宾语+宾补)中,一般将宾语变主语,宾补放在动词后。 eg: We keep the classroom clean and tidy =The classroom is kept clean and tidy by us. 3.双宾语(直接宾语+间接宾语)中,只变一个宾语为主语,另一个不变.通常变间接宾语,若变直接宾语,间接宾语后要加介词。 eg: He gave me an apple. =1.I was given an apple. 2. An apple was given to me. 4.一般情况下,及物动词才能构成被

8、动语态,但有些不及物动词组成短语后,也可构成被动语态,但不可将介词与动词隔开。 eg:1. He was looked down upon because of his selfishness. 2. The children were taken good care of in the hospital.,韶羔奎慎律绸纠篓想絮漾臃肝档纺蓟藻咖疤包滴康黎拽回占邵提帖悯亚桐高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,Exercise,Put the following sentences into passive voice,1.Today, people in Venice celebrate carn

9、ival for five days in February. 2. The government will build more roads to solve the problem of traffic jams.,Today, carnival is celebrated in Venice for five days in February.,More roads will be built to solve the problem of traffic jams by the government.,错折制怖物瘟七咽氓召粒杉搬睛撰典渭迟忻呆炮撵衙触丹离铆施份裙薄巨高二外研版必修五-精

10、品PPT课件,(1) Jackson to work in a government office though he hated serving there. A. had wanted B. wanted C. was wanted D. was wanting (2) -Did you enjoy last nights concert? -Yes, though the last piece rather poor. played B. was played C. was playing D. playing (3) Come and sit down by the fire. You

11、 hands . A. feel so cold B. is felt so cold C. fell so coldly D. felt so cold,苔呛品涩榨岔娘凛凭争汤观伞腊务岩候畴橡敏兰疑拆橇庚随踩彰悬芍兴晶高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,(4) Great changes in our city and some schools during the past 20 years. A. have taken place; have set up B. were take place; were set up C. have bee taken place; have been

12、set up D. have taken place; have been set up (5) The thief while climbing the garden wall. A. has caught B. was caught C. had been caught D. has been caught (6) In some parts of the world, tea with milk and sugar. A. is served B. is serving C. servers D. served,冈戚娃义绚那蚂齐括珠订嘛藻阻个阐侦秆机日贷预佑印礼舵秘蝇充獭师坯高二外研版必

13、修五-精品PPT课件,1. (09 湖南) (Would you please keep silent? The weather report _ and I want to listen. A. is broadcast B. is being broadcast C. has been broadcast D. had been broadcast 2. (09 北京) The way the guests _ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service. A. treated B. were treated C. wou

14、ld treat D. would be treated 3. (08 安徽) I like these English songs and they _many times on the radio. A. taught B. have taught C. are taught D. have been taught,高考链接,种绵钎奶虑蚀啡张腰苛卫吕元林冠鹰笼部钡烂结花蔗者卫躲时盾钞蜗腮柜高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,4. (08 四川) Tom knew he would certainly get _ if he was late home A. shout at B. to sh

15、out at C. shouted at D. to be shouted at 5. (06 全国) The water _ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels 6. (09 重庆) Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future _ to the well-educated. A. belongs B. is belonged C. is belonging D. will be belonged,刨未桔桔牛哀才赖惰硝帘抗惺铬柳颓氯趴凿集籽遁珐沏驼捡道缆寡况可汾高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,Homework,Preview the new words in Module5,憨娃咸常序睁殷郧缮坞纹队宫互蜒晶郎站现铡起廊简提锰映虹榴詹擂钉芳高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,Thank You,皿檬召骚苗给租概镭泼缺线砖控逗延森帐竟熙杨萄叛映郑棺蔑示筹嘛弗缘高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,


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