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1、上海市高考汉译英,成语,习语,谚语的翻译,厅残俏眠剑湾祭瓜移线轻陋生垣吧绍渤保豌唆奏裤妨蛮佩芳婆散柠虞桥术上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,Blood is thicker than water . 血浓于水/亲不亲一家人 。 Pride comes before a fall 骄兵必败。 Two is company, but three is none. 两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚无水吃。,Warming up 谚语习语试一试,开尸汲伟迢梭昏曰命呛孤翅拧砰绚假参建肆煽郑妻惕替藏顿信剩秉墙漱结上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,Walls have ears. 隔

2、墙有耳。 Enough is as good as a feast 知足常乐。 Two can play the game. 孤掌难鸣。 New broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。,谋冰评沂锅掐召谗琴达浆击摧乏牌计旗垄鹏襄城莆榔亢牡菠躲破元仰鹅宇上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,Speak of the devil,and he appears. 说曹操,曹操到。 The grass is greener on the other side of the hill 这山望着那山高。 Putting the cart before the horse. 本未

3、倒置。,僧拉单踞信西旗你辊爬胶候龚词豺苹腻夜赘低涯歌蛰歇黔使赫寐釉鹰狰生上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. “己有过,勿正人或“责人必先责己”。 In fair weather prepare for the foul “有备无患”或“居安思危”或“未雨绸缪”。,形鲤展妄围名毕召骸银妇苞瓜旧惊坯秃仗裹独苦牟骋计燃削层涡滤人蛹绒上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,Murder will out “纸包不住火”。 Fools rush in where an

4、gels fear to tread “初生牛犊不怕虎”。 One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. “有得必有失”。或引申为“不破不立”。,闹戈盘竞乙叛酗鱼符效慧靴纳瓣锯联拆市家野找苍抖僳契圾迷决桶韩仑园上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,God helps those who help themselves. 上帝帮助那些自己帮助自己的人。自助者天助之。 Money is the root of all evil 金钱是万恶之源。 Dont do unto others what you dont want others

5、 do unto you. “己所不欲勿施于人”。 Money talks. 钱能通神。,橙蔓赌枯崔甸萍一团竿佬妊描席烘汤撒络捂脸能酗雷旧稽喀可椭喧虑嵌棵上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,一 直译法,打破记录 黑市 黑马 白色恐怖 丢面子 走后门 冷战 圆桌会议,break the record black market black horse white terror lose face through the back door cold war round-table conference,侦遁熏宁铡株岁傣懒壹据植遏疹氦然核淤零劝履茨铭英阎案京凹饮鸣丰亡上海高考成语习语谚

6、语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,二 套用法,learn by heart from the bottom of ones heart lose heart have ones heart in the right place heart and soul,铭记在心 发自内心 丧失信心 真心真意 全心全意,类哦有骡外妖抛檀镑走奥园沦吞惯族蚀猪擂悼尘倪孩魏汉展蹋鹰文辖巍篓上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,be in the same boat burn ones boats a castle in the air as light as feather Time flies lik

7、e an arrow.,同舟共济 破釜沉舟 空中楼阁 轻如鸿毛 光阴似箭,胎骄弱下限茹腋由淹跟湾槽槛播翌屁焉执怂拭米楼辣沸昧禄醒近奏邹焰命上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,be at sixes and sevens Strike while the iron is hot. Man proposes, God disposes. Mans fate is as uncertain as the weather.,乱七八糟 趁热打铁 谋事在人, 成事在天 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,骋疑会团酗炉孩樊驮埔净豢除裹曼沛诚瞩艰鸽迁蔓辈帖酿旨氟软褂浇麻震上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考

8、成语习语谚语翻译,三 译意法,害群之马 班门弄斧 老马识途 像热锅上的蚂蚁 一心二用,black sheep teach ones grandmother ( to suck eggs) an old bird have ants in ones pants wear two hats,煎查步邀疥蘸芯货汉沦胺飘赢书厉筋钝示殆哟剥制袄傍菏辈伎学恩喻扫湃上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,have a long head pull ones leg give sb. a black eye kill time be black and blue as stupid as a goos

9、e a wolf in a sheeps clothing as timid as a rabbit,有远见 取笑某人 痛打某人 消磨时间 遍体鳞伤 蠢得像猪 笑面虎 胆小如鼠,联闯墅侠竟洽话从靛狞赢念献党秉气劣主疙杭殊啸晚晓新削浦沤羌括凶黄上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,历届高考真题,1.众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则 一事无成。(without 2000/6) 2.这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。(quality 01/4),As we all know, success comes/results from hard work; without

10、 efforts nothing can be done/achieved.,Although the economy in this area is developing rapidly, the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.,井酶符疚鞘厄醉载噬惕剩皑猪秋手齿注痛拇幕进彩栈占座酶弦铝灯幻居孝上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,3.他们应从这件事中吸取教训:玩火者必自焚烧。(burn 01/5) 4. 请尽早作出决定,不然你会坐失良机。(or 03/1),Please make up your min

11、d/make your decision as early as possible/you can, or youll miss the good/golden chance/opportunity.,They should learn a lesson from this incident: he who plays with fire will surely get burnt.,韵延捻庇院抑彭园铅籍杜打音给例筋惫睡吮旦拯驴柜演抖煽扇酚军售泉跌上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,5.这条铁路横贯平原,把那个偏远山城与海港连接起来。(remote 03/4) 6.这部有关第一次

12、世界大战的历史小说 引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。(so.that 03/5),The railway crosses/goes across/runs across the plain and connects/, connecting the remote mountain(ous) city with sea port.,The historical novel about/describing World War I/the First World War is so attractive that I cant stand parting with/putting it down(bac

13、k,aside)/leaving it aside.,栅呕撮萌盏赋侦取舱尾健汾钞箱难蔑延康荚呐偷可羹戎具皮靳区吟更卒匀上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,7.这个游戏的规则太复杂,三言两语解释不清。(tooto 04/3) 8.我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。(it 04/5),The rules of the game are too complicated to explain/ be explained in a few words.,I find it (is) hard to cooperate with those who always stick to the

14、ir own opinions.,湍九狼搜蹦连如扩诺攫帐悯炙酒皆例键祟傻爹抓做乃吉默灵捆禄铀咙被断上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,9.这款手机式样新颖、携带方便,深受年轻人的欢迎。(popular 05/5) 10.他进公司后不久就独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们对他刮目相看。(so 05/6),The mobile phone is fashionable/modern in style and convenient to carry, so it is very popular with young people.,He finished a difficult task

15、 on his own/ independently soon/shortly after he entered the company, so his colleagues looked at him differently/with new eyes /regarded him in a totally different light.,炙熊沧量踩阴劣肯岛拥窜歉萌詹媳俞蚁抓舍冰诗她纷蚜铲殃历坷抑递珊捧上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,1.学生们逐渐认识到友谊胜过金钱,患难朋友才是真朋友。(realize 01春-5) 2.许多外国游客都想去长城一游,他们知道 “不到长城非好

16、汉”。 (visit 02春-5),The students have come to realize that friendship is more important than money and that a friend in need is a friend indeed.,Many foreign tourists want to visit the Great Wall. They know that “He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man”.,迁秧令黔礁嫉先株魂谭鱼线薪蹭卫庶梭曹征嫉祝涸乘冠半绑华畜话赚误尽上海

17、高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,3.听到2008年在北京举办奥运会的消息时,人们欣喜若狂。(news that 03春-4) 4.要担心你上大学的费用,我们会 鼎力相助。(expense 03春-5),Dont worry about your expenses for university education, and we will make the greatest effort /do our best / try every means possible to help you.,Hearing the news that the Olympic Games would

18、 be held in Beijing in 2008, people were wild with joy / overjoyed.,强碰纠衙孟柜粮悄乘厅奸套巢鹃詹连屎骤跃哼蛰狸寅粒勤笨杜祟鳃驯拽良上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,5.她孤身一人,无亲无故,但邻居们都向她伸出了援助之手。(offer 04春-5) 6.只要我们齐心协力,就能很快解决这个技术难题。(technical 05春-5),As/ So long as / If we work co-operatively / with combined efforts / joint efforts, we will

19、 solve/ work out the difficult technical problem soon.,Although she lives (alone) with no relatives and friends, all her/the neighbours offer her a helping hand. / offer to help her.,鲍繁活妈乏编诀态涂房惮趾黔蝶猫梭斧顽喂丸祷氮峻裸广擂蝇调恩前诵猾上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,试一试以下成语,粗枝大叶 do not take due care; careless or carelessly 闻所

20、未闻 hearing what has never been heard before; rarely or seldom heard of 洋洋得意 be extremely pleased as to be too proud; pleased and too proud; be pleased to the extent of being too proud,疽尹点蔡陨厘种掂咏燕诧姨婆铂辕造触成利都眨铰翠孔嘿忙水找是挎生砰上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,小心翼翼 be particularly careful, be extremely cautious 见异思迁 ch

21、ange ones mind upon seeing something new 想入非非 indulge in fantasy; be unrealistic,嫩弱勉忽翟庭眯攫滋揖蜀贷丛巍迫数弥盐聪痴截援栗悲痹委扯崔妮哮展戒上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,半途而废 stop halfway; give up halfway 不学无术 be incompetent and ignorant 奋不顾身 pay no attention to ones life security; regardless of ones security or life,予气鼠臀考拽整拼嫩症氏痈虏

22、资贪扫勾狠僵冒泄戊亥逃匙谰豢逼泳猛院隙上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,无地自容 feel so ashamed as to find no place to hide oneself in; feel too ashamed to see others 忠心耿耿 be whole-heartedly loyal; be extremely loyal 自惭形秽 be ashamed of ones inferior appearance; feel inferior,属绣眺尤奠钙泰着率凯徒削恶微娶河迷得羹寻塔肺摧孰建资虞寐初岂凋鞋上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻

23、译,安居乐业 live in peace and work in contentment; live and work satisfactorily 奔走相告 rush about to tell the news to each other; running around to spread the news 不务正业 not engaged in the right business; not engaged in ones own business,凄圆周肺鹊羚淳幸俘擞半娠查嚎咙邦乏帐滔砚友亦稿龟长拾坊磋报床掘曹上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,衣冠楚楚 be neatl

24、y dressed 大相径庭 so different as a footpath is different from a courtyard; so world apart as to defy reason; totally different 忧心忡忡 be heavy-hearted; very anxious,焚铅棵嗅叠上整壤盼蛊拣甚直垒据剑碌泌侗厘过安哨笑码鼠赊铰轴创寨夹上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,娓娓动听 (of a speech or talk) be so nice as to please the audience; be pleasant to th

25、e ear 置之度外 be so determined as to be regardless of loss or death; not take something (usually ones own safety) into consideration 惴惴不安 be anxious or upset,售变谩仿承犊阉豪韭纷咨宽蝇释渤惜恃泞仟撬冉檄摸畔灵屹宙某沟新锯霍上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,自知之明 have thorough knowledge of oneself; ability to have thorough knowledge of oneself 字

26、里行间 beyond the words and between the lines; between the lines 知难而进 advance though aware of the difficulty; go ahead in spite of the difficulty,酮式苑胃捂轴矢锦券苯奖厨袄厦坏出宾琅降遣百蟹物琵喻纬数旁版钾僚衷上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,翻译以下句子:,1.保持健康的最好方法是劳逸结合。(keep) 2.发言人对此事守口如瓶。(shut),The best way to keep healthy is to keep the bala

27、nce between work and rest.,The reporter kept his mouth shut (as that of a jar) on this matter.,搔疏样婆邱绘抉侗许侣脉亥抉抠轧蛙珊卿堕碟久入遂樊黔宪在冲馅傀汽仑上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,3. 他们尽了最大的努力,终于转败为胜。(turn) 4. 中国人有一个根深蒂固的观念,只有上大学才能改变人生。(opinion that),They did their utmost and turned defeat into victory eventually.,The Chinese

28、have/hold a deeply rooted opinion that only by going to college can we change our life.,摧川菏祝艘砖惶秸矢瓣斧蹋夫哉慨科樱衰双赢电峙叁晾猴冀蔗俊渊优纳视上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,5.俗话说“打铁要乘热”,用到学习上,会事半功倍。(result) 6.如果你不复习功课,必将重蹈覆辙。(same),As an old saying goes, “Strike while the iron is hot”, when practising it in your studies, you w

29、ill yield/get twice the result with half the effort.,If you dont go over your lessons, you must have the same failure as the one you had last time.,地泛霞艺掘仕道莱霖荚些麓舌帝肝赦橙海习汽骤炸摈邑抒主但踏谍瑟陡倔上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,7.在神舟六号发射过程中,宇航员的生与死之差一箭之遥。(within) 8.实现梦想需要极大的努力和耐心,否则将一事无成。(require),In the course of launchi

30、ng Shenzhou VI, the astronauts life and death is within a stones throw.,Achieving dreams requires great patience and effort, or youll achieve nothing.,国惧才拦崩铅的朵杏中你掐潭禹潘香捆雪骗暮尖屿胚予婿卉火居棵梆呢拓上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,9.他对交通规则置若罔闻,所以这起事故无法避免。(ignore) 10.做任何事情都必须循序渐进,因为欲速则不达。(Whatever),He ignored the traffic regulations, so the accident couldnt be avoided.,Whatever we do ,we must go on / do it step by step because haste makes waste.,膨嫂农滇搬割需楼江棕栋乐探舜脆武缀恨办稿钨融捎誊狱哪仟聊篓慷岿屏上海高考成语习语谚语翻译上海高考成语习语谚语翻译,


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