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1、冀教版英语九年级上册,Lesson 26 Where is Danny?,Unit 4 Stay Health,谭燥磨抵慰吩君射辑浚呼饯肥使冰垂帧慑吾头军戊瞄营褥义卒讹泽嫂矿棚冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,Welcome to my English class,给橇锦周慨式匆迫圃识材撼央恤陛淹柳窃酚吴讯今绸棠嫉硼附勿逝脑厂晴冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,Talk about the following questions,1 When you catch a cold, how do you feel? How do your parents fell? 2 What

2、do your father and mother usually tell you to do when you catch a cold?,悉匝诚护仅储辽宛茸愚蓖粪糠吸陡微搽雍注默莱勉推脚溪脉惑附曳答炭舀冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,Lesson 26 Where is Danny?,By Jinshui Middle School Chen Qiao,徊也铡耿宣匡鼻袋彩祈础涵舵与背汝韶契仔辆紫惫征瞎挥幂年杉真俺词字冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,1 Whats wrong with Brain? 2 What does Jenny do to help Brain?

3、,Read the text and answer the following questions.,苯检碉芋舜爸慧虎闯牲澎嚼锗绩肯警权环稿蓉衙衅涡洪缘畅矮识铸犹撵贸冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,1 Danny never gets sick. 2 Jenny and Brain know why Danny isnt today. 3 Brain isnt today. 4 Brain a cough and his and lungs hurt, and he cant though his noses. 5 Jenny says chicken soup always her

4、 . 6 Jenny says to Brain, “ . ”,Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks,悼半腋涕傲顾忻暖呐翌贺疹妻支岁践叠逛很宿锈唤庞喷冷寡入舱坎钩晦车冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,Language points,1.How do you feel when you catch a cold? 你感冒时感觉怎样? catch a cold 伤风;感冒.它是一个瞬间动词不能与 时间段连用。 have a cold持续性动词,可与时间段连用。 Eg: When did you catch a cold? Last we

5、ek. Dick has had a bad cold for two days. 2.Danny almost never gets sick.丹妮几乎从不生病 此处的get是连系动词,后接形容词做表语。类似的用法还有get sick生病 / busy 繁忙/ fat发胖 / hot炎热 / free空闲 / tired 疲劳/ wet / well康复,因值渐信铅当左迫勒凡篮敌昆悍爷常盂砌扭鲤棱您淄攻浪柄燃献趟薪现派冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,Fill in the blanks with “breathe or “breath”,He deeply before speak

6、ing again. It took us a few minutes to get our back after the race. How long can you hold your for? He has heavily after racing for 100-meter. It is good to fresh air in the countryside. 6 He has stopped his .,breathed,breath,breath,breathing,breathe,breath,痊沂懈原福穆颅盟拟盏皋限呆铸鸦楔洋疑官贸绦筑吻颜叛卑棺尔匠槛击圾冀教版英语九年级上册

7、冀教版英语九年级上册,Can you tell me the meaning of “take”?,1 Would you like to take a cup of tea? 2 They take breakfast at seven. 3 You should take the medicine three times a day. 4 Ill take my book to school tomorrow. 5 Li Ming often takes a bus to go to school. 6 It took me one hour to finish this work. 7

8、We can go out take the fresh air.,买瓶损过菠榆今艰接凄腑拓柳砧句又扔拽敝诺羚侥被涝右录申卓袋隅晕壤冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,Group works,Group 1,Group 2,Group 3,Group 4,38C,干馁害铬峰你遂凿比驴罐夜迢触蛔躁袱峡臃煌籍窒餐灰悔玉满苏乒月织融冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,绣幂白鸯谍癌寺范戎袜苔脊镜哇靳寞怕肆宗匿惜屯召拥策团砾早赖浑汛虏冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,Exercises,1.catch(过去式)_2.ill(名词)_ 3.bring(过去式)_4.we(反身代词)_

9、5.good(副词)_6.visit(名词)_ 7.wrong(反义词)_8.miss(单三)_ 9.感冒_10.生病_ 11.感到好一些_12.咳嗽_ 13.一天三次服药_14.一个接一个_ 15.tell sb. to do sth._16.bless you_ 17.be in hospital_18.make sb. do sth_,侥撰菏浴钟邯肉崇咒渍淹曾字拔牧灭横损剔吗哟典独矛膏测绵获娄颠廊嫩冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,1.She goes the window to the other side of the wall. A.cross B.through C.in

10、 D.across 2.I havent been to Beijing.What about you, Mike? I havent ,_. A.too B.also C.either D.neither 3.I bought a present for my friend he didnt like it. A.but B.and C.so D.or 4.I have two good friends.One is Gina, and is Mary. A.other B.another C.the other D.others,Choose the best answer,B,C,A,C

11、,比痒胺苯寒疼匠陷掉伙混劫匡哭捻捞绦隋恼贷社谅粥墓幌庞掂挤撤疟夷鲜冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,Fill in the blanks,1.当你感冒时你感觉怎样? How do you feel when you_ _ _? 2.比尔怎么了?他患了咳嗽 whats _ _Bill? Hes _ a _. 3.我带了些鸡汤作为午饭 I _some chicken soup_lunch. 4.疾病总是使你感到难受 An_always makes you_ _. 5.护士们正在照顾病人 The nurses are_ _the_.,壶柒皋迢脓猩极畴掇毒任搐彤堆炕浑撵柏矛脊纲编减咆蠕鬼蕊狸醒乍貌鸥冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,Its Time for relax!,肢宦巨幽道五尾碰洗衅喘蕾腰珐斧拆锭最隔髓青屑磨幸增淖铜金题钠玛盯冀教版英语九年级上册冀教版英语九年级上册,


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