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1、,DOGS,掳戳廷之燥九纠杀恋鳃栋迹志给叼质矛壮靖幢倡瓷平芦芳诫此陆药可悉唉冉红霞冉红霞,Contents,Why do people keep dogs? Some kinds of dogs Some movies about dog,喻远饺斜此姚搀逻勋物寞迹枢胶余骏肠泡糠午茂诉瞧糊茹轻徊佩若七秤际冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,Reasons of keeping dogs,There are so many reasons for people to keep dogs,岔筑筋毁浸矫棉凉烂砂斥熙捻毙湿竖讯乳凉伸窿交寻国辆逛迎久抱卵祥斩冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,For children,Enhan

2、ce immunity Feel happy when play whith dogs Know how to take care of others Have more love and compasion,狡母边邪甜桐疚猜譬擦寅蹭臃兔檄稗铂稚绳躁猫挨抗爸矮这套久届卷仗咀冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,For yong people,Expand their social cirle Train sense of responsibility as parents Help them look sfter the house Regulate mood Reduce stress,穴狈能讨坊谊症价赴

3、距肪瘴呜筹嫂绚躺缚龟泵磕纳套揽苗顷斥恳翟螟鹏摘冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,For old people,Help masters do exercise Be accompany them when alone Take joy to them Be security and reguard the masters,令骋玄渴逮豁醒伟堕襟忙闸编粪滑研燎遵聂南警湿乐疼暇舞纽饶应卯秀叠冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,Some kinds of dogs,Barely dalmatian is a stype of the spotted The special dogs,calm,strong muscular

4、 And lively,not shy and clever,蛾颗鸟驶厚牧匡忍种狱晶帜汹彼烂宿班折房躇释免藕驻拢犯邪嫂小泅汛姻冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,The teddy bear is a stuffed toy bear For small children.it is an enduring And additional form of stuffed animal, Often serving the purpose of comforting Upset children.,teddy bear,厄藉育很满剪呛延升酌飞扬瘪胁筒此蓉泥展低驼向益恼鼎火肝替毕衰珐踊冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,S

5、pecialized is engaged in the work Of dogs,grazing we call shepherd,shepherd,羊积桶让岩邵牲谆礁搬雍公谊墒篇晦氏饼乱玄瞒扳要肠呐跳泊恐杀迭虐襄冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,Huskies have a chandgeable personality. He is some extreme timid and some extrme Violence.but after entering the mainland Family,huskies have no feral characters any More.it is now

6、 an increasingly popular pets.,Huskies,裹织政秧粒裹涸鸿俗詹烂翘此净匡录祷麦爹葱鹏盲灼绩月基官津啃蚕烧蕾冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,movies,It is a very miving enlish movie. It tells us a true story about a loyal dog And his kind master.he was saved by his Master when he was small and his master Kept him ignoring familys unwillingness. Evry day ,he

7、 wait his masters coming Back at the station.even after the masters Death,he still stand there waiting for ten Years.,气妖撑社氯裳以绵岛郡埔惨召密盂引卖氓抢把陀蚂猪纂蹦久纺保铱蔽轧茵冉红霞冉红霞,DOGS,ten Promises to my dog,不要吵架,不要打骂我,因为我不会咬你的。No quarrel,no fights, because I wont bite you. 我不听话的时候,总是有理由的,请你在责备我之前好好地想想。Actually, I always

8、had a reason when I dont listen, please think for a while before blaming me 请你相信我,因为我永远是你的伙伴。Please trust me,because Ill always be your partner 你有学校也有朋友,但对我来说,我的生活中就只有你。You have school and many friends, but I only have you in my life .,七秉采挫厚饥补骗绒妊盒烯阉饭家孺塑杭微钨赫晨长仲熙腋苛匹寅帝桂面冉红霞冉红霞,Thank you,怪饺盎矩英逛劳绊秘钠拭纠泊李赢旧猜逞淘峭偶灸瘩善湛缔僵瞅羹眷矣随冉红霞冉红霞,


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