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1、外研版小学英语(三起)五年级下册Module4单词词组解析(A)Words and Expressions in Module4单词词组解析SB P.67 Words and Expressions in Each Module:Module4librarylabrri(名词)图书馆(复数:libraries) go to the library去图书馆短语:library card借书卡/图书卡。a home library家庭图书馆。in the library在图书馆例句:There is a big library in my school.在我的学校里有一个大型图书馆。课文例句:Le

2、ts make a home library.让我们建一个家庭图书馆吧。These are the library cards for the children. student与pupilstudent与pupil都有“学生”之意。pupil特指中小学生,特别是小学生。student适用于任何学习或喜爱学习的人,可指中学生,但主要指高等学校或专科学校的学生。例如:Li Ping is a pupil,but his brother is a university student.李平是一名小学生,但他哥哥是一名大学生。studentstju:dnt(名词)学生(复数students,同义词p

3、upil)短语:a good student一位好学生。 例句:How many students are there in your class?在你们班里有多少学生?课文例句:Weve got books for students.我们有给学生的书。sent(动词)送,发送,寄(send的过去式,动词形式:send-sends-sending-sent)短语:sendto送(寄)给/把送(寄)给 例句:Please send the letter to Daming.请把这封信寄给大明。课文例句:A friend sent these books and CDs to us.一个朋友寄给我

4、们。CD(名词)激光唱片,光盘(复数CDs)短语:a CD about animals一张关于动物的光盘例句:These are many CDs.这是许多光盘。课文例句:A friend sent these books and CDs to us.一个朋友寄给我们send的含义及用法send具有“送,寄”的含义,要表达送给某人某物,要用send sb.sth.或send sth.to sb.有同样用法的还有give,bring等。例如:He sent a big toy bear to me.=He sent me a big toy bear.他送给我一个大玩具熊。【注意】物是代词,只用

5、带to结构。put(动词)摆,放,摆放,安放(动词形式:put-puts-putting-put)短语:put on穿上,put up举起,put down放下,put away把收起来,put off推迟,puton把放在上。putwith放与一起/把和放在一起例句:Put on your T-shirt.穿上你的T恤衫。课文例句:Lets put them on the shelf.咱们把它们放在这个书架上。Lets put them with the CDs.咱们把它们和光盘放在一起吧。We can put them here.我们可以把它们放这儿。idea ad(名词)主意,想法(复数

6、ideas)短语:an idea一个主意,a good idea.一个好主意。例句:His idea is right.他的想法是对的。Lets go swimming.OK。Thats a good idea.那是个好主意。课文例句:Lets make a home library.Thats a good idea.好主意。shelf elf(名词)架子(复数:shelves短语:on the shelf在架子上例句:The books about computers are on the shelf B.关于电脑的书在B架子上。The book fell off the shelf.书从架子上跌落下来了。课文例句:They(The books about sports) are on Shelf C.它们(有关运动的书)在C列书架上。heavy(形容词)重的,沉的(反义词light)短语:heavy rain大雨例句:The bag is very heavy.包很重。课文例句:They are heavy.它们很重。


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