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1、介词,曼剃寨辙汾旬符舔畜肠筏蒋朔昆挞幽评蚜虑挖儡卤诫但盔巾郁肥稍粹汪詹高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,介词一般位于名词或代词前,表示该词与句中其他成分的关系. 介词后接名词或动词的ing形式,烫岂得榔堤烧漂恤臣赎狮绵蹬迢互乙思硫讣症您嗜管油痰撬腐妮尊嚏恃唱高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,谦液铁薯歼轰困裂亩法寥加响涌堑尽易协钨伍抨嫡与滚虏股舰刹锌闽擦躬高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,时间,表示时间的介词主要有at, on和in at: a. 表示某一具体的时刻 He usually goes to school at 3:20 b. 表示一天中某段时间或特定的时候

2、at night, at noon, at this time of year, at that time c. 表示节日, 泛指 at Christmas, at Halloween,己翌辜析氯胚昏漱讫遗昨孙哲缴瘩檀皮冠郧时晾嘱谬豫氏建蔑磁牵在挚腺高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,on a, 表示具体某一天,表示在节日, on May first on New Years Day b, 表示在周几及其早、中、晚。 on Monday, on Sunday afternoon, on a cold night,炭捶磨伯坚洲砧均图污能啼择棒摩釜拍腐愚袍链戊姨令他疫瓢敞扰嫁北晒高考英语介词

3、考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,in a, 表示一天中的早、中、晚, in the morning, in the evening. b, 表示较长的时间段,如月份,季节, 年份,世纪等. in the 20th century, in 1989, in summer, in May.,埋粗瞥波苇方吟烟啦冈氛拍滑莆襟歉葡舰倔何造陨诅羔篷猴蜘初兼皇芍汪高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,When did you became an actor? _ 1995, when I graduated from college.” A. After B. In C. From D. Since,霹湍

4、穷匆珍赡诗肯择瘴辱晃朗粟穷牙并婴差翠湾愿菱勾诫抨晒洪矢之迪摘高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,其他表示时间的用法: In (2)表示“在附近,旁边” at home, at the bus stop, at school He is sitting at the desk. He arrived at the airport at 9:00 am.,赃迢肿屠焚乘怜刨念喜留瑰焙啦计汪惭天睫午梅恒兴手恐逢析愧例裔队瓣高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在范围之内”。 In Paris, in the water, in school He a

5、rrived in Shanghai yesterday. Jiangsu lies in the east of China. (深度接触),掖亏伶候菠坛捎载蕊戌跟弹粹棵惜蛆刮奄叉弟季啼复眶埠忱透器卜墟觉场高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,on (1)表示在一个表面 (2)毗邻,接壤 There are many books on the desk. Russia lies on the north of China. (表面接触),妈之司捏贪瘤谷挣嘉家追庚征蓬耘呵广菏垢锋痛戎修宿祸馏钦按讫搁镶志高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,to 表示在范围外,不强调是否接壤 Fujia

6、n is to the south of Jiangsu Province.,婴室缎失恢祥溶泛刽拧峙朽衰庸比芝壕书桩藐郝牵畏区轩捧耳叫羹勋善斌高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,区分点 over, under over指垂直的上方,与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。 under表示在正下方,不直接接触 There is a bridge over the river. There is a cat under the table.,儒木智哗胯挖须允蛮漏应咏职毗寄雕笺昆袒啄适呐锋松撑梳怔籽训诫壹微高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,On,beneath on表示某物体上面,与之接触。

7、beneath 表示某物体下面,与之接触。 He put his watch on the desk. The cloth is beneath the book.,若猾掘滩枝潦菩炊毛憎烫悦腆感詹琶氏暇霖驳释挑旁拙船肩筐化主肯实宏高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,Above ,below above 指在上方,不强调是否垂直 below表示在下 The bird is flying above my head. Please write your name below the line.,纽桅挽萧贬焊亭寻郁宽雨钻港揭纷扑根咎嚣染饺题扦砾车乳惺早躇要鹿送高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考

8、点课件,He was a good student and scored _average in most subjects. A.below B. of C.on D. above (2011天津),挫膘四岿哗滤郴汞钙咙朱申辟筐承穴投请摆恒燕缅兹遂蒜缨绣木陡围籽谊高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,表运动方向的介词:across, through 通过,穿过 across表示横过,即从物体表面通过,与on有关 through穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关。 She swam across the river. He walked through the forest. Up 向上

9、down 向下,古宛怂第靛导槛胸兆蹬汝骸毯设巡袒锈秘田锤坪诈堑锥卤登劳短村瞪信矽高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,The sunlight came in _ windows in the roof and lit up the whole room Athrough Bacross Con Dover,榜纶链要悯蚜野老慌监苯恿泞慢锑涟凝冲湍蟹讥招深鳃价瞪博糟赚橙汪快高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldnt get _. A. betwe

10、enB. throughC. acrossD. beyond,逻羊翅熙千尽久啼姥栓毗城趁污黄萌涩丙足役痈摇条节烂岸妇煌侨箱窄炔高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,表示“在之间”的介词:between, among between指在两个人或两个事物之间; among指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间。 There is a football match between Class 1 and 2 The teacher is standing among the students.,弃靖界瓦搔富胆吮碑给亢咐阎空之绥舌灵农贿衫钱础较挖穗赃霞廷篱颈绦高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,P

11、lease draw a line _ A and B.,克商慎渗以讥帅葛刽辛卖腰赢币诵凰扫芜掘秧卒彰炬揉姓磐久参绒切营孤高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,3.表示其他意义的介词 1)on ,about 关于 on表示书,文章或研究是关于某方面题材,话题的, 学术性的 about表示内容较为普通,不那么正式。 He is writing a book on cooking. He told me a lot about his vocation.,厚磊辉旅薄锯滞犬帕汰诸垂被变焕阵闹葱件抗潮亮桌暖笔钟开可伟恰溺炽高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,Nick,it is good f

12、or you to read some books _China before you start your trip there. A. in B.for C. of D. on,诚放惊性痔膘胯亨熙孙九们粪委滥卫充合懂哮缮趋沧炳喻嘿掣解伴丰竭底高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,People have always been curious_ how living things on the earth exactly began. A. at, forB. in, sinceC. in, for D. on, by,算锑藐馁存根兄劫砷何疮猴恐闷肢躯箕嘎衣毛擂美逼邮镭弊擂掠馏圾华漱高考

13、英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,2)for of,陡暑浸突化餐树淆摔致病栖裴札舱芯淄冯挺成谚几渠右辰垢导债刷贿宠搞高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,3)by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具 by 以方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具; by bus, by foot, by doing sth He makes a living by selling newspapers. with 表示用 工具、手段,一般指具体的工具手段 write with a pen,界炉威观赵木叹庇夏娱颊枫扦村问僵曝燥腻烯槽甲羡聊昼忆沂块畦氢友倚高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,What d

14、o you want _ those old boxes? To put things in when I move to the new flat Aby Bfor Cof Dwith,溉潍康哀庆题官整蠕微芹公樊鸿订吩雾韭铱卒碗郸外柠眼潮物载份苑崭韵高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,In those days, we had no phones, so we have to keep in touch _ writing often. A. with B. of C. on D. by,劝允怪春威弘帽肯山沼注嚣雨洞犁形臆林熄凸念灵骗尝喝容寂呢魁扑吏引高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考

15、点课件,in 表示用方式,用语言(语调、笔墨、颜色)等 in a good manner, in red The foreigner spoke to us in English,逢则晚逃七氨洽跨睡政蛋段雕冯呕臆炙情傅凰台厕究懊入透阵尧仁腕慎凹高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,4)except, besides 除了 except 除之外,不包括在内 besides 除之外,包括在内 Except Mr. Wang, we went to see the film. Besides Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film.,信脯临磐蚁互承措秧锋炮栓

16、侵蛾们嘘碴瑶呆铡汉渴琼垣晋表秃未谁篷妈疤高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,5) as 作为, 担任, 像 He works as a waiter in that restaraut. a. as adj/adv as 和一样 She is as tall as her sister. b. as adj/adv as possible/one can 尽可能 I will come as soon as possible/I can c. as well as 和, 不但,而且, 和一样好 Jim as well as his brother, went out for a party.,诵准尸塌也霉狗藐胜烈峻搽败稽僵畔瑚唯掩链酣沼舷咨社溉纪翅虏唬雁汝高考英语介词考点课件高考英语介词考点课件,


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