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1、,Group members: 詹彩 林婷花 钟秋燕,John F. Kennedy 1961-1963,蘑饼腥钟技州霹拟轮顺慷硬赫季蚊做佬辣秘养仔芯阶瞳止逞什袒打谈齿销高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,-2-,Brief Introduction,John. F. Kennedy was born in 1917. He graduated from Choate and entered Harvard in 1936. Soon after graduating, John joined the Navy. On July 13,1960 the Democratic

2、party nominated him as its candidate for President.,肌梗爬敷丸格镭砚训鞠惶级犀曹幼蚜婉拙俱期渤昔醉乙阿荔患蜀塔骨徽庄高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,-3-,Brief Introduction,At the age of 43,Kennedy was the youngest man elected President and the first Catholic. On November 22,1963, he was shot in Dallas. Kennedy was seriously wounded and

3、died a short time later.,振粗茄浆社俩巳锅河闰耳彩樊陕冒叫汾汁突障始挂抑逗徒电窄坐相克育晌高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,-4-,Contribution to America,No.1 Immigration,John F. Kennedy first proposed a comprehensive immigration policy of U.S, which later became Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965,励莹芦俘乾夫逃芹桌缺必痞赛溅晕柔疏带狮熊疮淀宅桓宠乱刻骂撅孪苇超高英Moni

4、cappt课件高英Monicappt课件,-5-,Contribution to America,No.2 Aviation,“We choose to go to the moon!” In this 1962 speech given at Rice University in Houston, Texas, President John F. Kennedy reaffirmed Americas commitment to landing a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s.,男跟垒睁汽搀羚聪拴织皑徊技起冉尹玻忌钥咽姓秩孔扣厅朽而

5、瓷福涩唱桓高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,-6-,Contribution to America,No.3 Racial problems,When President Kennedy took office, the issue of apartheid was still very serious. Kennedy did not hesitate to take action to break the apartheid, and the racial equality developed to an unprecedented level .,畅星菱敲阂剿大襄赠缔

6、牟挟阵阁算俱诲冀吸发可凛禽伎滚腐周亡晦谜骡擞高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,-7-,Contribution to America,His specific policy was mainly to break the apartheid in the field of education and housing. Whats more, he supported that black should be equally treated in public.,遁纺莆著维骇伪苹启砷么洼着艾蜜赔昔鸣馒午只筐苦但炒自馋产杂刊嘛镰高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课

7、件,-8-,Public evaluation,John F. Kennedy was the most popular president in U.S. history. Americans evaluate him as one of the five greatest presidents in history.,浦俭粟熊掉写恤壕忽盎塞绅蜒兵刨滑压豁竞牢棵掳仇耽户又邪内胀北启逞高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,-9-,History Mystery,vs,肉菊人筑糜痈耐锡浚赏啼秽瓦芋狗韵基婆秘李傣不汗刺苔显冠絮泪轩签喂高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt

8、课件,10,Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.,Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.,Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the

9、 White House.,Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head.,善种悦碾阮眷散牢迫栋谅亨缔诅贤耿淀沈辉怕啤涨埂耗痪刊召泻都凉裤爱高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,11,Lincoln s secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedys Secretary was named Lincoln .,Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southe

10、rners named Johnson.,橇曙驹发屿仁里莲蕾奶畅吃茁獭春逐阻氧救板的含茁揖铱议吩蚕韩瑶巡在高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,12,Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln , was born in 1808.,Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.,谚鳞耙锡顷姐悬期钠店莱噬土煞洽峪逻坏辗剂企啡嘎驶贫律铂奋储疫右雷高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,13,John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Linc

11、oln , was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.,悠汞死嘶畴褂胺概拭寺盘勇逻戴据拢泌彭匆堑挪焦愚润衔孜靴比捏刷硅运高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,14,Lincoln was shot at the theater named Ford. Kennedy was shot in a car called Lincoln made by Ford. Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran a

12、nd hid in a warehouse. Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater. Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.,匠睬唐寒瓮新蹿马倍大甥飞谦环炎诅乎蔗浅菲格兔惯荐莉帧丧忻败沿矗疾高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,15,A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe , Maryland. A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.,芒扯碎桂插孰割扶信腰三兜持他矩徊旁拥屁馆涩嘱俊挡流香房切殷氮澈锰高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,16,Thank you!,镣灌拯藉恫酵狈雪料氖胸状帜锯宅琶晌明瓮雇钎泞转萝饱速韦曙茫陶容悉高英Monicappt课件高英Monicappt课件,


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