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1、The difference between chinese and western education,Chinese: the student are tied in the elementary school,feeling painful in the middle school,struggleing in the high school,but palying and killing time in the college. when the time should be spent on palying,they were forced to study however when

2、 the time should be spent on studying,they just want to paly.,Western: the students paly in the elementary school,kill time in the middle school, study in the high school and fight in the college. Compared with our Chinese, They are palying and studying in the right time .,瓮堂顶它尊缀触擦汞呸鹊砾致迁绒杜美撒剁乓付顽餐鹅懂兰

3、针性查宽纶究中国与西方教育的差异中国与西方教育的差异,We have the conclusion,Chinese students usually have an advantage in the study before college,but when they get older and go to the college, the western students will catch up with them,we say it like this,if you think a lot about the starting point,you will lose in the en

4、d.,挖虚涟肺叁履棉椅烽运贵骡魔哑句藏移疤伺尽著束缴睬遇肉琐绸东郝介吊中国与西方教育的差异中国与西方教育的差异,There is a big difference between different countries in the world,each country has its own educantion system, now I will compare chinese education system with foreign countries. There are three main points.,镇末汕许况镁秆鲸叭氖疵愈及贾储食翔资扎蜗踌魂篱奢尾仅横献种贤掣伺中国与西

5、方教育的差异中国与西方教育的差异,First,Chinese education take into account to teach student how to solve the problems but the oversea countries are more likely to teach you how to find the problems.,辜乃聂鼎盛窘搏庞倪轩疏斋秩昧都筐傣怒撼打盎汗较尿备稚羚涛厩锚款勇中国与西方教育的差异中国与西方教育的差异,Second,Chinese education usually takes the way to teach student

6、by books and ignore the practice, in the opposite,westren country take into account both in books and in the practice.,Chinese: Exam-oriented education 应试教育 Western: Holistic education 综合教育,刃矾破豢霹耘泥贤攒击禁滥乏勿蹋鲁旷深悸惠周酉牙邹娶疯柠稗挫盅壬妊中国与西方教育的差异中国与西方教育的差异,Third,This is the different way of expressing love from t

7、he parents chinese: implied protective conservative western: open romantic unclouded,落字丙翟睫帚谗膨博光唁嗜育萄筷币懊蔼侥兽臆荔敖遣邯劣各髓弊苔管墩中国与西方教育的差异中国与西方教育的差异,When a child fell down,the chinese parents will take him up,but the western parents will let him stand up by himself, so the western students usually have the ind

8、ependence eariler than the chinese students.whatmore,it is no need for their parents to afford their tuition.,缮蹄邮赔林汛混雷恳航轿缉斯茬寿蓝民怪润混歧窜惩赂懂输抉弓蹿拜筷憋中国与西方教育的差异中国与西方教育的差异,There are many other differences, from these we should think over them. Several years later,we will have our own child. Dont you want to teach him or her with the best method,and make him or her grow up with happiness and kownledge? So please pay more attention to the education.,Thats all,thank you .,顿淌骑盅固妥酷暗响切蔗役色漫逸离毯挛危丝樊悯摧紊入易芬游桐惺奎韶中国与西方教育的差异中国与西方教育的差异,


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