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1、,小学生英语趣味阅读,会昌县第三小学,刘 聪,莱杭骑花叶屠或潦示福公立揩鬼曰浑抽拾墓锡将帧哑颗缨穿去碳凸运峭敦小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,Lesson 1 A foreign language一门外语,助寡讣掌贫汰凳饵婉燥凡伐泵婪骄狂漳濒厄焚碘排矩到躇体瓶黎纬嘛逾卜小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,学一学 rat 老鼠 fat 肥胖的 cat 猫,佯烽亢旭司涛孰颂斧镀沁价只贷缆褪杉菩滥皂凋卜萨待宁乳呸砂耪蝎娥量小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,听一听 The mother rat and her babies are playing in the garden. A fat

2、cat is coming to catch them for dinner. The mother rat and her babies try to run away. But the baby rats cant run very fast. The cat is getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the mother rat stops running and turns around .She shouts at the cat like an angry dog,”Woof ,woof,woof.”The cat is afraid and

3、runs away. The mother rat turns to her babies, and says,”You see how important it is to learn a foreign language.”,墒坪致屏韵屈案仪熙映酸空将峨株侦疆滔掷瓶谨浩瞒眺雹魄瓣葫薄震烽凯小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,读一读 The mother rat and her babies are playing in the garden. A fat cat is coming to catch them for dinner. 注解:catch them for dinner抓他们

4、当晚餐 鼠妈妈和她的宝宝们在花园里玩耍,一只肥猫来了,要抓它们当晚餐。,呛崖共拆噶哄圈祝翻虑旺轧善逐齐驶厘事崇尉臻瞥亏盼崎眨郡擒攫田沟磺小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,The mother rat and her babies try to run away. But the baby rats cant run very fast. The cat is getting closer and closer. 注解:getting closer and closer 越来越近 鼠妈妈和她的宝宝们想逃走,可是,鼠宝宝跑得慢。猫越来越逼近了,,她剪垒杖慨蔓裤儒彝浑役优耽追宾充冒钠绒谗蜒煞栖罐

5、过卒瘴纽厨纹梳客小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,Suddenly, the mother rat stops running and turns around .She shouts at the cat like an angry dog,”Woof ,woof,woof.”The cat is afraid and runs away. 注解:Woof ,woof,woof 汪汪汪(狗叫声) 突然,鼠妈妈停了下来,转过身,像一只愤怒的狗对着猫大叫“汪汪汪”。猫一害怕就逃走了。,茶碌复创缆致综行卫哀绽巍仁坚余函当缝叮拢谊矩挪成锤删示配咨氰由煎小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,The

6、 mother rat turns to her babies, and says,”You see how important it is to learn a foreign language.” 鼠妈妈转过身对鼠宝宝们说:“你看,学一门外语时多么重要啊!”,踌胳拢芥育矾妆律倔禽柄妙赏袖菱瞪论面趾吱怎玲茨碗庄愧堰谁计二港疾小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,想一想 根据故事内容判断正( T)误(F) ( ) 1.A fat cat is coming to catch the rats for dinner.( 抓他们当晚餐) ( )2.The mother rat and baby r

7、ats try to run away.(逃跑) ( )3.The baby rat shouts like an angry dog. ( )4.The mother rat and baby rats get help from a dog.(得到了狗的帮助) ( )5.The cat is not afraid (不害怕)and does not run away,T,T,F,F,F,谚寺随漏孕童碾坦停秃滑请彰乐贷一欠蚜四捶司忱沼妊琐翰樱渝遏揽减柞小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,Thank you,脐审泼燎秸谊馈慈栏晰秆险隅咙冷嫡怒燕活具前乘酝磨有柳笆榨专诅仗鬃小学生英语趣味阅读小学生英语趣味阅读,


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