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1、香河县20162017学年度三年级第二学期期末英语试题_ 学校 _年级 _班 姓名 _ 考号 _ 时间:70分钟题号听 力 部 分笔 试 部 分总 分一二三四五六一二三四五六七八九得分听力部分(50分)一、听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10)( ) 1. A. nice B. night C. nine( ) 2 .A. food B. fruit C. farm( ) 3 .A.drink B. duck C. dance( ) 4 .A. can B. clever C.chair( ) 5 .A. bear B. bread C. bad ( ) 6 .A. help B. have

2、 C. hungry( ) 7. A. how much B. how many C. how old( ) 8.A.good morning B. good afternoon C. good night( ) 9 .A. some water B.an animal C.any apples( ) 10 .A. eleven hot dogs B. seven tables C.twenty donut 二、听音,选出你所听到的句子。(10)( ) 1. A.I like chicken. B.I dont like vegetables( ) 2 .A. There are three

3、pandas. B. They are fifteen fish.( ) 3 .A.Would you like some tea? B. May I have one?.( ) 4 .A.Im hungry, I want to eat. B.Im thisty, I want to drink.( ) 5 .A.Monkeys eat bananas. B. Cows eat grass.( ) 6. A.I love animals. B.Id like some oranges.( ) 7. A.It is tall and thin. B. Its tail is long. ( )

4、 8 .A.Whats for breakfast? B.Whats your favourite food? ( ) 9.A.Put your cat in your box.B.Put your hands on your legs. ( )10. A. Ill take three ,please. B.Ill get some fruit for you. 三、听音,判断与所听到的句子是否相同,相同打不同打。(10) ( ) 1. My favourite food is noodles. ( ) 2 .Would you like some fruit?. ( ) 3 .My ele

5、phant is so big. ( ) 4 .In the afternoon, I have lunch. Then I go to school. ( ) 5 .Ducks and dogs can swim.( ) 6.Its time for dinner.( ) 7 .Where does a bird live?( ) 8 .This juice is good. ( ) 9 .I see twelve monkeys.( )10 .A tiger lives in a forest. 四、 听音,给下列图片标上相应的序号(15)。 (10) A.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (

6、 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )B.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.12 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五,听音,选词填空。(5) ( )1.The rabbit has_ears. A.short B.long C.tall( ) 2.I dont like _. A.hamburgers B. hot dog C.vegetables( )3. Would you like some_? A.chicken B.fruit C.soup( )4. _eat grass.A.Cows B Sheep C.Horse( )5Ill take _,please. A. fourteen

7、B. fifteen C.sixteen六、 给你听到的句子选择最恰当答语:(5)( ) 1. A. Yes, please. B .Yes,it can.( ) 2 .A. In a forest B. In the restaurant.( ) 3 .A.Bananas B.Meat. ( ) 4 .A. Fourteen tiger. B.Two yuan. ( ) 5 .A. Id like some dumplings. B.Its blue and white. 笔试部分(47分)一、 抄写一遍单词,看看谁写的最漂亮。(5)thirteen apple drink river mi

8、lk rice bear under horse short二 、下面单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同打“”,不同打“”。(5)( )1. mouth swim ( ) 2. nose monkey( )3. rice pig ( ) 4. face name( )5. hello dog ( ) 6. rice cow ( )7. cry fly ( ) 8. box six( )9. egg leg ( )10. student duck三. 选出不同类的单词。(5)( ) 1. A. animal B. wolf C. monkey ( ) 2. A.twelve B.tree C. th

9、ree( ) 3. A. in B. on C. me( ) 4. A. I B. my C. your( ) 5. A. white B. colour C. black ( ) 6.A. swim B. fly C.small ( ) 7. A. farmer B. student C. girl ( ) 8. A. thin B. friend C. short( ) 9. A.pear B. fruit C. apple( )10. A .milk B. juice C. open四、情景交际。(5) ( ) 1. 你到同学家里玩,同学请你喝饮料,如果你不想喝,你可以说: A.Yes,

10、 please. B.No, thanks. ( ) 2.你想让同伴看树上的鸟,你应该说:A.Look at the trees B. Look at the birds( ) 3.如果你不喜欢兔子,你应该说:A.I like rabbits very much. B. .I dont like rabbits. ( ) 4.当你得到别人帮助时,你应该说:A.Thank you! B. Youre welcome. ( ) 5.在晚上睡觉前,你会对父母说: A. Good evening. B. Good night.( ) 6.你想知道图片上的动物是不是熊时,你应说:A. Whats thi

11、s? B. Is this a bear?( ) 7.在快餐店你想买一个热狗,你会对售货员说: A. I would like a hot dog . B. I like hot dogs. ( ) 8.你想借同学的笔用用,你会说: A.Can I help you? B.May I use it?( ) 9.放学回家,John想告诉妈妈自己有一位新朋友,他应说: A. Mom, I have a new friend. B. Mom, this is my friend.( )10.你想知道对方会不会游泳时,你应说:A. Can you swim? B. Can a fish swim? 五

12、、给下列句子中画线部分的单词找到反义词,填序号。(5) A. white B. long C. thin D. big E. short ( ) 1. My father is tall. My brother is _.( ) 2. The elephant is _. The bird is small.( ) 3. The panda is fat. The monkey is _.( ) 4. The ruler is _. The pen is short.( ) 5. The blackboard is black. The wall is _.六单项选择,填序号。(7)( )1.

13、_are the pigs? They are on the farm. A. What B. Where C.How( ) 2.Whats this? Its_ egg.A. an B. a C./( ) 3.I _like fruit.A. dont B. do C. cant( )4.There are ten_.A. duck B. horses C. pig( )5.Can you fly?-_.A. Yes,it is. B .No , I cant . C. No, it cant.( ) 6. I like soup and bread _breakfast.A. on B f

14、or C. of( )7. Look _the elephant. - Its tall.A .at B. C. to( )8.In the evening, I have_.A. breakfast B. dinner C .lunch( )9.How _is the pencil?A. much B. many C .any( )10.Im _. I want to drink.A hungry B. thirsty C happy( ) 11.How many _are there? A.sheep B.sheeps C. dog ( ) 12. My eyes_big.A. am B.

15、 is C. are( )13._ you have apples? A.Can B.Do C.Are( )14._can fly. A.Bird B.birds C.Biirds七、读句子,为其选择正确的答案。(5)( ) 1. Lets go to the zoo. A. Id like some dumplings,please. ( ) 2.Good morning! B. Its white and black. ( ) 3. Is this a pig ? C. There are twelve.( ) 4. What colour is the panda? D.OK.( ) 5

16、. How many tigers are there? E. Yes,it can.( ) 6. Whats your favourite food? F. Rice and meat. ( ) 7.What would you like?. G. In a tree.( ) 8. Where does a bird live? H. Ten yuan. ( ) 9. Can a horse run? I. Yes, it is.( )10.How much are they? J. Good morning!八、连词成句,注意标点符号。(5)1. rice like Id chicken

17、and_2. is Its nose small_3. meat I like dont _4. like you some would noodles ._5. in a lives a monkey tree _九、补全对话(把正确的序号写在相应的横线上) (5分) A: _ B: Yes. Im very hungry. A: What would you like ? B: _A: _ B: Yes, please._A: They are twenty- eight yuan. B: _A: Youre welcome !A: Thank you ! B: Would you like some tea ? C: I would like some chicken and rice, please. D: Are you hungry ? E.: How much are they ?


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