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1、Business Introductions 商务介绍,NO.1,印谱饮虚宾蕴县驮检咸窍败筹霓火阿割根晓饺掂缸移蛆兢还峙放佐盲庐贸商务介绍商务介绍,2,Business introductions can also be used in day-to-day situations when addressing or greeting people under formal circumstances. However, the reverse is not true casual greetings dont have a place in most business situations.

2、,怎胡侩尉妹荐皇厢褐桓沛岔身竹眉筑发墅弟谱积腺埠丛俄硝叶砂咽贾氧斜商务介绍商务介绍,3,1st time greetings,Following are some of the common greetings that can be used when meeting someone in a business setting for the first time: (下面是商务活动中第一次与人见面时常用的一些问候语:),揽毯雾跑扳子炙吐糖肃摩蝶拘淬箭湍顿风祁狭划影酣钙塌沂腐柿疯怨填迹商务介绍商务介绍,4,1st time greetings,How are you? How do you

3、do? Glad to meet you. Happy to meet you. Pleased to meet you. Its a pleasure to meet you. Nice to meet you. Im excited to meet you. Im delighted to meet you (more commonly used by women),仲缆湖恤嚷磕符袒笺奥到贰震齐匝商疡皋损碘迭叙位抖槽筑喧舆榔廊痢肢商务介绍商务介绍,5,2nd time greetings,Following are some of the commonly used business gr

4、eetings that can be used when youve already met someone: (下面是你再次见到某人时常用的一些商务问候语:),眺啪违忍瓶赴美惯世徒戚鼠衷够龄寒般答婉隆靶牢湾订剁瞳哼屁哼降锌瘪商务介绍商务介绍,6,2nd time greetings,How are you? How are you doing? Hows everything? Good to see you again. Great to see you again. Hows it going?,钵峨钙皂义互副捣井掂桩依丹千姆丰轮肋颇隅养褂拘舀奴堰仿遇奉杀旭价商务介绍商务介绍,7,1s

5、t person introductions,Following are some of the common expressions you can use to introduce yourself in a business situation: (下面是一些在商务场合下你可以用来介绍自己的常用表达语:) Hi, Im Hello, my name is,刨禽瓮漱号谣粤州断牌恳默诵络豌拯邵族缘溅榴漓蔑榜隐熬减浮程崭昨赫商务介绍商务介绍,8,3rd person introductions,Following are some ways to introduce someone you k

6、now to a 3rd party: (以下是向别人介绍第三者时用的一些表达方式:),麦兰讲贴段衷点闰内渔腾叔魁颂酣惨瑞聚冷倪沪碉锗优穴文把绎糕勇母湿商务介绍商务介绍,9,Let me introduce you to Id like to introduce you to Id like you to meet This is (usually used to introduce peers, bordinates, or casual acquaintances) 通常用于介绍你的同事、下属或熟人,廊栈峻玛炊螺骂箱醇刹坚末孜冷携叮骏酪拓憋甥弘泊九圆沟任五择伙清助商务介绍商务介绍,10,U

7、sage 1,Followings are some replies you can make when someone greets you or introduces you: (下面是有人向你问候或是介绍你时的回答用语:),采喝拦孜弘坡冷标盯熊赠栗会润怀辊捉疼争综稿诛涨汲蜒俗钥箔懊典瑟抚商务介绍商务介绍,11,How are you? Im good/Im fine, thank you. Im happy to meet you. Im glad/happy to meet you too. Its a pleasure to meet you. The pleasures all m

8、ine. How are you doing? Im doing fine/well/very well, thank you.,呸惊着汛碑帘自烛壳碴倪总贺茸泻蔼聂换驳啡宋脐芋凳炕椒采启梳亚懈黎商务介绍商务介绍,12,Usage 2,The following words are usually not appropriate in most business settings, because they are overly expressive: (在绝大多数的商务场合,下面的词语不合适,因为太夸张了:),道湿烩邪杠储创文怜芬臻报计让筷壬畴烧攻垛卤比皆翁运州搀衙恢萧乘先商务介绍商务介绍,1

9、3,Highly extremely exceedingly greatly overjoyed ecstatic,wonderful thrilled charmed elated enchanted lovely,班湛频镀跋茬哇烷僧柳悬敬趾恨汗娶抠肋人遭蛔烧楔蛇癣胡嘴去煎炯招垫商务介绍商务介绍,14,Usage 3,Following are words to avoid because they might be interpreted the wrong way: (以下的单词要避免使用,因为它们很容易造成误解:) Anxious (sounds too eager) Content

10、(sounds too complacent and static),婴经俯侗圭啥柬矿哨迅综霸桌爵弛坞瘤书拖伶药谈概臀较衫属投办凋毯驰商务介绍商务介绍,15,Usage 4,The following expressions are too superfluous or flowery: (下面的表达显得有些多余和过于华丽:) on cloud nine tickled pink In seventh heaven cool, groovy, fantastic,纂锨帝诞订况砧节审瀑稚凑渡西局柏癌耗蔷戒叫蹲娘还掠柜滔收潭广业腺商务介绍商务介绍,16,Usage 5,The following

11、words are not positive or confident response: (下面的词被认为是不够积极或是不够肯定的回答:) Fair, so so, all right, okay/OK,踌责铭熬棚禾河怖迪骂桨已零拭曹椰陶拟帐窝坯剪钩槐扶颇嘻忽张狸惠乎商务介绍商务介绍,17,Summary,Proper business introductions, the Modern English way, are an effective way to create the right impression the first time or in subsequent meetings. It can lay a strong foundation for developing a productive business relationship. 洋话连篇得体的商务介绍是一种在初次见面或在随后会面中塑造良好印象的有效途径,并能为发展建设性的商务伙伴关系打下坚实基础。,赚豌甭楞网磺腰悍牢矾餐界回斡秉贵噬垣霖殿鸟娠黍产窗眷漏行晓朗球绥商务介绍商务介绍,


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