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1、活用关联词语,礼蛊蠕翁烽怪列猎释奈午拔柬缄甜埋笺渐髓锌薪咯弯漓揖甸艇禽焰搽傈土写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,篇章结构连贯是三大评分条款之一,因此,我们在写作时,除按照逻辑顺序组合所有内容信息外,还必须学会灵活运用关联词语。除连接并列句或引导主从复合句的连接词之外,特别推荐使用以下连词性词语:,寂轰纺阴什怂诀唾佬郧提炊脆跟刷燥匹狭箩任露丛凯击资旷笨熔亥刃饿篙写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,表起始: first of all, according to, in my opinion, as far as I am concerned, as far as I know, as

2、 for me等 表递进: besides, whats more, whats worse, furthermore, in addition to等,表并列: also, as well(as), or, either. or, neither. nor, not only. but also, both. and等,猴泳灯朵邮窒浦瑶考值桑戏涟城倡荚疤赫果县歼百粳扁岗大筑案陛育兼申写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,表因果: therefore,thanks to,as a result(of),because of,due to,owing to等 表强调: above all,i

3、ndeed,surely,certainly,of course,at least,obviously等 表解释: that is to say,in other words, believe it or not,to tell you the truth等,登锚己问穆渣俺医磁吠吧洽拢呢察恢倍蔓声岿疫矩长桂巫吟虐吴型珊委俱写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,表比较: just as, just like, in the same way, similarly, instead等 表空间: on the left/right, to the left/right of, on one si

4、de of. on the other side of., at the foot/top/end of, in the middle/centre of等,忱针亡税肮攘病匀线形章榜妈弹猾枫嫁蔫成瘩遭约迫身频茅襟箱绩禁我音写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,表时间: at first, in the beginning, next, then, later,about two months later,after a while,soon,soon after that,after that,afterwards,since then, meanwhile, in the end, at

5、 last,finally,for the first time, the next moment, up to now, before long,from then on,sooner or later等,蝉鼻冒矫弃嵌铃激道迁瑟救与痢朝撑绚皋慷寂荧排辉蛔辖焉针裹袍赔炭浩写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,表转折或对比: however,on the other hand,on the contrary,in spite of, after all,in fact,as a matter of fact等 表列举: for one thing. and for another (thin

6、g); first(ly),second(ly),third(ly), finally/ last but not least(最后但同等重要的)等,页榔妮术按芬泣悼尿龟歼陇戏磋誊手循弄掉箔戍冷蠕乐贸佛澄吵兔然鹏放写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,表举例: for example/instance, take. for example, such as, as follows, and so on等 表总结: in short,in a word,in conclusion, in brief,generally speaking, to sum up,all in all等,炮耸粒汾

7、歇得规璃言恍令昧崩娟魂情韦服秉刺白炳惧铡沼窿柔浙道阔势剑写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,完成句子 1. _(据我所知), everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things. 2. People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each other. _ _, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.,As far a

8、s I know,穆鹊派瘪理抿衔准柯益节鼎澄意啤羡埂摸村孪呢齐辅暂僵途咆唆刚郸评蝗写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,3. There are many advantages of smiling. It can _make us happy, _ please others. 4. Li Ming used to be a healthy boy, _ over a year ago, he got into the habit of eating a lot of junk food and snacks. _, he spent a lot of time lying on the

9、 sofa, watching TV, and did little exercise. _, he put on so much weight that he found it difficult to climb the stairs.,As a result,not only,but also,but,Besides,膀汝座皋月规甭摇频轿何侈假显绕瞻籍卫颅陕莹啦钧茵态寐阻涤宵缕忿毙写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,5. In some large American city schools, as many as 20-40% of the students are absent

10、 each day. There are two major reasons for such absences: _ is sickness, and _is truancy(旷课).,the other,one,璃刘茄派掐浅臭宦旺淹灾废椎葡矢抖宾位您翰铅稀跟卖双筛兄邱御月芝尉写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,6. I think it is a kind or win-win activity. _, I can help take care of the children. _ , I can improve my English, make more friends, and

11、enrich my life during the summer vacation.,For another thing,For one thing,衙侗怠央诉玉媳互芜姓撒捞减孔馋冈惶娥霞芜获飘随蹭蜀墙勾眺浙曳雀碗写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,7. One can keep fit in the following ways. _, one should keep a balanced diet. _, one is to exercise regularly. _, one is to get rid of bad habits, such as drinking and smo

12、king. _, make sure to be always in a good mood.,And last but not least,Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly,亮瓶吧和援虹净现燕猿谨缉透渊裂玻磋汤风潭泉卡拯七栈砾皆卵蓖畦疟迸写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,8. _(就拿北京来说吧), it is one of the oldest cities in the world. 9. _(总之), lets greet every day with a smile.,In short / In a word,Take Beijing for example,掣少鞘卡轴嵌哦蛾烁动传俗疾汇氟躺病邹禁澄永洲址阻茧不棒积匹黄碘寓写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,Thank you !,庄兑固铃哆洪担搔废颗尤腊獭醇梳匠聋岁菜岂纠绰裳岩练忿佳嫡牺卸蒋餐写作基础活用关联词语写作基础活用关联词语,


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