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1、,British Etiquette,presentation,Performer:Tao Xianghui Zhang Xiaoming Qiu Chen Feng Liang,拈盆矛显纤丸蓉兆扑诵狠凉软压邮僚卫菊菲取濒为澜葵茄萍晒敏胶夺谎世商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,British Etiquette(Structure),Dining Customs,Social Customs,Pub Customs,Marriage Customs,助诽宏拙凳刮碎涕梅闷始术侄溜恕驰迷帮杂娃银磺颤娥无滚靶哼换模桨诗商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,社交礼仪 when in busines

2、s they are straightforward. negotiating, they will make them known by others and can take others idea into account. But confident in themselves, they will not give in to others easily. Not very punctual like we have thought. but appointment are always needed .And never use other language than Englis

3、h,1,Social Customs,聚篆昔寅娘佩肮妖操常伪三焕栖扁坚槐彩祝豺霞堪忠盛裂皱耻讲啊疑降皂商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,社交礼仪 they have professional sense, when they choose a career, they make their work to be the best. They are friendly and easy to get along with value constructive ideas. Small gift promote friendship,1,Social Customs,鸟令概挨糯雇纤伴试费唾绒羊

4、咙遁胖咀色仇笑镍敷矿涝专侮鼻橱弘卓眨音商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,1,Social Customs,社交礼仪 When in everyday life They thank a lot. when meet first time, they shake hands but not hug. judge people by their outlook and behavior. When they are outside home, they get well dressed and behave rightly. Gentleman and lady are been called

5、,兽创婿孙铜半冷胡卖专予劈缅一烟次辰告纬通盔滨澜挠扭姚遍蚌喘台睬坠商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,社交礼仪 Being gentle become a custom. and lady always first in British. Man will be on the outside road when walking with women they love old things like furniture, ancient cars They didnt like to be called English but British,1,Social Customs,鱼苞吾请汇正悼

6、腹疮躇匣奸初斜娠悼焉鼓倍唆炸蔓广焰芬插吗粟糠芋胰妒商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,2,Dining Customs,用餐礼仪 They value supper most ,lunch is always simple .important things are usually involved in supper. So when you want to talk business . When visit others home ,small gifts like luxury chocolates ,flowers ,vintage wine are welcome,把酞难饭钓他梯

7、撇妇挽钎陆季奢眠褒砧音侨保亿袁偿诽朴益时它睬铣佑衔商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,2,Dining Customs,用餐礼仪 But things like white lily, chrysanthemum, soap, clothes is not welcome. And reach early is impolite. You will make the host feel embarrassed. And they usually open your gifts to your face and thank for it The British love tea, especi

8、ally for women. Usually at 3 or 4.pm. Its called “tea break”.,欺垛答刽虏走蚜琶波砖吻引挖祖绢耙浴磊漂闪徊汉妖膝绦嘘力睡伟治宜泡商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,2,Dining Customs,用餐礼仪 When in form banquets, smoking is forbidden. they hate number 13. so 13 people cannot be at the same table,锻享狰絮淋凶地佃样仇胺瞅礁雅矾灭售茨更抽索届邯鞍背树距慎亏免橙碳商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,3, Pub

9、Customs,酒吧礼仪 Visitors to Britain may find the best place to sample local culture is in a traditional pub . It goes “If you havent been to a pub, you havent been to Britain. “ Most pubs have no waiters , you have to go to the bar to buy drinks, this is designed to promote sociability,碟砸苗岂丫定曰榷灌尽弥命装缀闷撕

10、袱示段嘶呻肠耪蔼脊缕层凶满啪魏渴商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,3, Pub Customs,酒吧礼仪 . You are permitted to try to attract attention but do not call out, tap coins on the counter, snap your finger and never ring the bell hanging behind the counter . Do adopt an expectant, hopeful, even slightly anxious facial expression. Always

11、say “please”,若殷燃茶拽锯蒙辽鄂侄栈沸供讯彰哪垒凛谁茫丰俐将长毛凋化美寺捎溜雄商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,3, Pub Customs,酒吧礼仪 You should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity but a drink Look for those who have bought drinks and are still standing at the bar to talk with,琵伙阻停砾惫映冬阻田惯彻丢挚铭敲谊撩迅贬精谅刀挛敢泡待眶英唆胰盘商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,3, Pub Customs,

12、酒吧礼仪 Talk generally about the weather, the beer or the pub and offer your new found companion a drink .if one of your hosts offer you the first round beer, you should be quick to offer the next when their glasses are still a quarter full,具开坞荤韦芦镐跌释蝶砾呼空马漂漾讫资蚜颓闺莹幕吮予鼓蛔采老滩纪汾商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,4,Marriage

13、Customs,婚姻礼仪 When girls grow mature, they wear different colors of tight closing, giving different information to young boys. green implies” come on, I am ready to be loved” Yellow implies “if you suit my taste, you have a chance” Red implies “I am not ready for love ,do not love me”. not be regarde

14、d as misconduct,费哦瓦辰弯哇膊开蛹枕蕴数罩擦稍崇群育退链锁芍疑镜篡迹琶随艺话儒什商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,4,Marriage Customs,婚姻礼仪 Once they were in love, the boy should give engagement ring to his girl, it is a traditional custom. People even regarded a marriage as an invalid one if there is not a wedding ring In the church, the bridegro

15、om should wear a ring on the ring finger for the bride.,牲半寂旧彦叠些迪佛耿功阜钱挡痘腮核阵磷凿候讽光蚤漓昼棉罩伍腐罕恢商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,4,Marriage Customs,婚姻礼仪 The British wear formal attire when getting married. they advocate white, it stands for pure love and lucky. When the couple get out from church, people give their congr

16、atulations by throwing colorful paper scrap to them,床兔倒槽昭文移磅孤瘟捡临哪崔捐篓芹衰终砂土旋宰寺尉睁砾汗铜诣登罕商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,4,Marriage Customs,婚姻礼仪 Honeymoon is also an important part of the marriage. in ancient times, people have a special drink made by honey for as long as a month. So it is called honeymoon This stand

17、s for a happy family and life .,策细铁锗唾塞蓖锁髓应言瘦旧硷蓑翱齿苑鲜身抗讽交负柳撑懦叫爱雍湿醉商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,Some idioms of British,To get out of bed on the wrong side means you will have a bad day.下床方向错了,一天都不会顺利 It is unlucky to have a black cat cross the road in front of you.看见黑猫在你面前横穿马路是不吉利的 To pass Under a ladder brings bad luck.从梯子下穿过会带来厄运 To break a mirror brings seven years bad luck.打碎镜子会带来7年恶运。 Opening an umbrella in the house is bad luck.在屋中撑伞会倒霉。,腔移盘捣揣俗攫缉福篱宪硝记馆颇逗豢攻李忘巷禾拈弹须槽檀产命抄赶随商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,奥缀该蜡燕屡恿呀硫事盈脱椅个棍萄溉肠吉投雌蔓烯褒琉喝丫埋韧厘迪增商务英语章节程展示商务英语章节程展示,


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