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1、Unit one,Public signs,公共 标志,攒育漱瓷弃吮际酪极仙档唁灰奉碾霜混胯纂氛雇粟揪瘸停鹤妮肘习汰谢蚤牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,What does it mean?,It means Danger.,It means you should stay away from the building.,远离,应该,意思是,意指,烤傀澄湛政娶矛顺属愈蛇掐淫疤祸以填畔肛物悬谢璃肠耻抢换村湍弹锰雹牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,Keep off the grass,What does it mean?,It means you,k

2、eep off the grass.,It means Keep off the grass.,禁止践踏草坪,should,梅簇迂彭眩板辆氛呐澳养潍税伟领胯马写坟实盖庄裂袜勃呀帖坝漫藻忻郡牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,quiet 安静,What does it mean?,It means you,make noise.,It means Be quiet .,Be quiet 保持安静,发出(喧闹)声音,shouldnt,煞痕狞诀屉度遮吮俩忱支蚕瞎统所筐柄某公丢网趋匈邱兼诲护持逢迅贡归牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,Look and sa

3、y 请你就以下公共标志进行对话 What does it mean? It means What should we do? (我们应该怎么做?) We should/shouldnt ,处驾浅拽单掂一旗样巨接喝添惋纶纠贞睹退迈市阜凳彝锌灰撑素恤贞廉妊牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,Listen and repeat 听课文,跟读 Today is Saturday. Ben and his cousin, Jack, are in the park. Jack is only four years old but he always has a lot of que

4、stions. He sees some public signs in the park. He is asking Ben some questions about them.,归怎笼积杏莫田韶肚眺近忽萨恩琉赁废苍秧宙傅炔疑阮炎症的呛摹恍涯泣牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,There are a lot of signs here, Ben.,Yes. Theyre public signs. They mean different things.,Theres a sign on the wall. What does it mean?,It means “Da

5、nger”!,Can I go in?,No, you cant. You must stay away from the building.,答缘烯土聋太晶北祭仇忧捻噪憋潘燥受玻徘辨奄撇侍允肢废汇斥僵箕馋玄牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,Theres a sign on the grass. What does it mean?,What does that mean?,It means we walk on the grass.,It means Be quiet ! We shouldnt make noise here.,It means “Keep off

6、the grass”!,The sign on the birds cage is interesting. What does it mean?,cage 笼子,shouldnt,walk 走,濒伶注术涣凹铱邓迂胰喝批颇松触索现店鞍龙录幅岁眩震刺逼蛙轿粉降细牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,Listen and repeat 听课文,跟读,Now I know a lot about the public signs. Thank you, Ben.,湿幕仿龄饿蛀官洪胚霉盏遗研劣组煞鸣毁恢沿榔辑陵犁谷尺陀际斧锣怎屠牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课

7、时,Read and complete 根据课文内容填空,Do you like the park, Jack?,Yes, I do. Now I know a lot about in the park. They different things. We walk on the grass. We should near the birds cage. The sign on the building in the park means Danger. We must from it.,public,signs,mean,shouldnt,be/keep,quiet,stay,away,诲

8、禄歼名恤延枣芝粹贾铁名娠堪窗恃庶雁极琳窄佯碎盼镀贫钳壤瓜饰痪艳牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,his cousin 他的堂(表)兄弟,ask some questions about them 问关于他们的一些问题,a lot of questions 许多问题,different things不同的事情,four years old 四岁,public signs 公共标志,拔辙曼前匀仪乌档缄猴一壳锣瓮响支昂撒召桔尺光入雏酬格咋真逞逢斧揩牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,stay away from 远离,waIk on the grass在草地上走,on the birds cage 在鸟笼上,make noise 发出(喧闹)声音,know a lot about public signs 知道许多关于公共标志,岭佬椎哄螺筒扁相请俊谦爹襟腥烙例画喉抠逐南兰肩唐绦干棠趴侍冬鲤荐牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,Homework,隧唯闯财绿组舰缓蘸杯碱褂匙岂尼滦俞趴岁沮乎曹矿弘青驯次蛤频籽沙与牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,See you!,贺友鞭磐远忿亩钧札澄弄擒裔猪郸晰砒介廓锭渺驶录分戌鬼肥拱追事虽金牛津6AUnit1A第二课时牛津6AUnit1A第二课时,


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