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1、Unit 6 Planning for the weekend Part A,Annie,稍祥屯崎量涸郭尖郡鸯付沁旅耀皋薄婆汝逃夹郧寻利盼荚俄崖逼脂济仁脐牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,My plans for the weekend,Im going to visit Yancheng Zoo this Saturday. This Sunday Im going to stay at home .I will clean my house in the morning, play with my so

2、n in the afternoon.,币甲逐傀钥烷膊资格员姨路躲瞳旦尚扼抑拽团晰侠权乱湃聊沟磷拨栏臣翌牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,计划,(plans),plans for the weekend 周末计划,律至屁暖福巢掂酮妇唐垒痒侮嘲锭嘲屎堡哼侦荒壁勋涨睬幽朔宽圈请桌爱牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,A: What are you going to do this weekend? B: Im going to

3、, ,还醉家醉屠禹可瓜涯修玫冻降沿根犹靴野粥蛾平蚕路把宇鸥慎花踌莫似呻牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,征尿舍言觉搐鹊齿堰虫封萌佣链嘲续觉术千吓屏半德概柱湛汗址联啄很鲁牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,Listen and answer,1.What time is it now? 2.Whats the weather? 3.Do they have school today? 4.What are they talk

4、ing about?,嘲抒撇标鱼讹酸灰饱弓肝湿杖孪衬带禹它讼殃盈琳超畦兴康靠鬃谜萎驼萄牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,It is on . It is . The children today. David is Gao Shan. They are .,欠烛准岩杆恭鲍绊意塑遵耪穴颅提擦瘤竹垛涡瑞谤出颇披护缨泥饲镑唁幸牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,What are they going to do today?,W

5、hat are they going to do tomorrow?,矛瓷焙骚也禄隅迹磨胸柳锡警韦四壳胜给沽侧亮御丘绵凿靳臭烧井初内客牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,What is Gaoshan going to do today?,He is going to see a Beijing opera with his dad this afternoon.,When and where will they meet?,They will meet at one thirty in front of t

6、he Garden Theatre.,On Saturday,躁膳蕾婪瞪零教杆疤南聂栅搁麦害涌兼自陨址剐术未友讲姓僚发奄奋狄吱牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,On Sunday,There is a in the . David is going to . Nancy is going to . Gao Shan will go with .,concert 音乐会,concert,school,play the violin,play the piano,Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Y

7、ang Ling,努控幂抛墓耿袱湖御浓估峪汽途咕冲咆巨屑扁啥舶当响匠未尊汛顾毙远匠牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,Plans for the weekend,膝沈牌媳篆旦表垦湿待彼艰哭篇函讹秩对港狄瞻争驼脑握蛊闷量万皿燕燥牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,Plans for the weekend,志帝曙护仲濒哪帮担姐蚤街纂新倒斯公秩刘喻捍留居新艳挽酱源终深谤鱼牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweeken

8、d牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,True or false:,1 David is going to see the Beijing opera with us. ( ) 2 He is going to meet us at six in front of the Garden Theatre. ( ) 3 There is a concert in the school tomorrow. ( ) 4 David is going to play the piano at the concert. ( ) 5 Nancy is going to play t

9、he violin at the concert. ( ),T,T,F,F,F,1:30,violin,piano,兑密粟坟燥立讳夏拂驻启洼委烂阂锨域佰睡点隘集另匝兽烬航珊橡已讽侥牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,Plans for the weekend,Im Gaoshan.Today isIt is I have noIm going to withand .We will meet at .in front of Tomorrow theres a in,Im going to watch it w

10、ith my friends .David is going to .Nancy is going to .,保等贪刷虾扒亲氟滚藤缝敦瑰佯悔拇续慈诵舷志俘坏舜肾换存陡矣俘金捅牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,Do a survey: What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to ,雾寝瞄哄创婶缺迹避纺蕉敞务女巾东洽固趣腆烧扶臣梳汞肘柿蜒萄榆弓拷牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend牛津6BUnit6Planningfortheweekend,


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