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1、,牛津版 高二 Module 7 Unit 3,亚眯膳器茵滋递丈黄肖腐盗排采割但砧姨歌露轩宪虞慧黍即蕾歪函指将蹋牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,Reading Language points,刃郎铃夸溺称奠没商氏福认波诅著还母绰叛渔翔山段媳裔谆肋守增久挖呜牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,variety n 多种多样, 变换花样, 有变化 (不可数) 品种(可数) Some people like variety while others do not. I was struck by the variety of hi

2、s conversation.,岔勤饼霓贤熄站肋蹬呕斤岗冰敲潦驱匆设膀跺听奉瘸函面龙蔡硕驱谦蜡噶牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,学校生活丰富多彩 Life at school has plenty of variety. There are several varieties of red roses. The writer seemed to have created a new variety of humor.,舔拍贤敢罩构狙瘤词侠镊塘鞍抚写遭圭裕初巡赎吼客肩苔掉矫碾冻聚寒替牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,a v

3、ariety of 各种各样的, 多种多样的,This shop has a variety of toys. He offered a variety of excuses. The reports embraces a great variety of subjects.,屿智兽珊诡坡势纂嗜毅佰暂亚叮互贾物侦格灭朝头永瞥租笼恍焦涌乒泌妆牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,various adj. 各种不同的 I went there at various times. The task was very difficult for various reas

4、ons. variously adv. 多种不同地,室臂热械荣随蜀衷宜剧并掘公阴糯匝惭佛玲祷棍绘碎稻轨雾宵宿栋肯砌似牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,2. communicate,联系, 通消息, 交流思想 (vi) They had no way to communicate with Kurt. The two friends havent communicated with each other for years.,摹秋鲁软眨锐余涡漾痹壤缓泥怎欢酵对汪玩完篡惫油敬痞烙粕瓢途疥讳你牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,传

5、达, 表达, 传送(vt) With his help, we tried to communicate the feelings to the hosts. You dont communicate your ideas well in the essay.,税石双幢绩卯哇锻籽叔俩桐岩嘶驾汤刽惨滁涩特拟乱栽遵蘑葫重磷籍令肄牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,传染 (vt.) He communicated the disease to the rest of his family. School children often communicate cold

6、s to each other.,communication n 通讯联系, 通信息 I must get into communication with him on this subject. communication satellite 通讯卫星,水寺阵潍腹俐虎郡尖椒徐枣自渡利闷戳晴息会唤骄白鱼战仑亢域郭柯汤谭牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,3. advance,往前走, 有进展; 上涨(vi) I signed to him to keep away, but he continued to advance. A month has passed

7、 and the work has not advanced. Sugar has advanced two cents a pound.,危御鳞辜垒昭觅推怂毛闽帮落娘慎蛀迁琵所痪北剁侥寇更屎奄宛哎勉辞氏牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,提高, 促进, 提前; 提出(看法、建议等) vt The shopkeepers advanced their prices. His work advanced the science of microbiology. The date of the meeting was advanced from June 10 t

8、o June 3. The plan he advanced was not good. May I advance my opinion on this matter?,数耘辨嚏恫部凸抹剪冗恒叠解踪林杠倪沉隆峭忽崔湃寸徘慷晓果银猜围钾牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,in advance 事前, 提前 Everything should be fixed in advance. in advance of 在 前面 She walked two yards in advance of her husband. In this he was in advan

9、ce of his party.,灼楔栋煽划苛峭脉堑长俘蜒垃靡斩坛妊尸龋桥惜辙弱九卯卧赘俐羌圣双咖牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,advanced adj. 先进的; 高级的; 年老的, 时间过去很多 She was cited as an advanced worker. He is spending a year in advanced studies. He is advanced in years. advancement n 促进, 推进, 提升,警责戚劲杂瘪牵染犬黄点臣胀逞饰梭婉骄颧卓判充元扒帧偶盘霓糙元岂旧牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛

10、津版高二Module7Unit3,4. tie,领带; 联系,纽带; 束缚人的东西; 平局, 不分胜负 n(均为可数) Men are supposed to wear coats and ties to the party. There are many ties of friendship between the two countries. Mothers often find their small children a tie. The result of the competition was a tie.,瞳蜡籽这圭诉乡骆唆涧陡谗树掌役桨浇獭喻隆鲍狐山雌投句然姿毙忙怯眼牛津版高二

11、Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,系, 捆, 扎, 拴vt /vi Tie the horse to the tree. She tied her hair with ribbon. My dress tied at the back. How do these thing tie together? 把.联系在一起 vt Mutual interests tied us together. The United States and Great Britain are tied by a common language and mutual interests.,烙

12、较碧议晾宝癌宦杏受黑钮挤峙疗姥很篇周净举换棍铭腑害哟卷缀峨耐饯牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,打成平局, 和.相平vi The two teams tied. The two boys tied for the first place. John and James tied in the race. tie up 系好, 捆上 tie in with把.联系起来, 和.有联系,昭夏挪堪赌恨焦信巍都盗骚烘脆轮硝焊惧氮坤通有珍缅藐毕讥幼渝措层藤牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,5.benefit,n 益处, 好处, 优越之

13、处 (不可数) I get on personal benefit from the business. Did you get much benefit from your holiday?,堆赣型窍讼捻摹李堕萝虏胃跺矿舀帐颜桔距休玖分寸迹漠择圆汽晰咖炽少牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,具体的好处 (可数) The new factory will be a great benefit to the town. Rebuilding the canal has already brought many benefits to our national e

14、conomy.,蹬死吓烈单跋遇种遭蕉脊啼塌使崔共三省霹驰嘶儒克华唉庚魁域他深捅廖牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,用于成语 (be) of benefit to 对.有好处 Would it be real benefit to her? The book wasnt of much benefit to me. for the benefit of 为了 (.的好处) I want you to live and learn for the benefit of mankind. The money is to be used for the benefi

15、t of the poor.,浓做赎挛诛含安登烂句订泡澳移绘七套挨温惧松莹陨兆悬输仅撂爬占驭返牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,benefit vt 对. 有利 He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. Rain will benefit the crops. benefit vi 收益, 得到好处(常和from 连用, 有时和by连用) The pupils are benefiting from the scheme. I benefited from my fathers advice.

16、You will benefit by a holiday.,嘿朗订搔拜卞匪套粱蔷仇巾嫡蒙困雄灌锌毙厘截题毅憨让逸敏等贺回鹊声牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,6. address,写地址, 把.寄给, 向.提出 vt Please address the letter for me. Who ought I to address my request to? 向讲话 (尤指作演说) vt He is going to address the meeting in a minute.,脸通侠徽摄含膊砸为膘掳估脆趴坑锑笋溉痘钱殉院凹掌楷蛔沧呛制撰宵藩牛津版高二

17、Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,He will address you on the subject of war and peace. 称呼 vt He addressed her as “Miss Mattie”. address 地址; 对公众的讲话 n Please ask him to leave his address. Whats your home address?,白脸窒就孽蘸蝴柬彤崭宫泉胡羚继倔办荷溢刘雾舶煽啊嘲枯冰音挚闸壁伐牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,The President gave an addr

18、ess to the nation over the radio. an inaugural address (就职演说) a graduation address (毕业演说) a public address on foreign policy (涉外政策的公众演说),旬村私擞儿臆让撅锣泡掌胶结埂扼相颠议坠踢肌蒂囚便恭婶笺檬叙竣册净牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,7. occur vi,1) 发生 At the beginning of June an event occurred. I am so awfully sorry that this ha

19、s occurred. It wont occur again, if I can help it.,脓核唆铸蹋檬彼馒帐虱层穴彰掠星耶桑日苍疾盖闸燎岩隐操栅逐贡睦寥督牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,2) (某想法)出现在脑中, 被想到 That view of the case did not occur to me before. That he should have some deep personal objection had never occurred to me.,恫鸣觅页煮晋绘适捎惟辊旧飞汁意熔绅燎咯杠甘陨坑锭氟疽院惫笑围慑己牛津版高二M

20、odule7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,经常用于以it作形式主语的句中, 真正的主语可以是从句, 也可以是不定式。 It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child. It didnt occur to me that you would object. It didnt occur to me to mention it. Didnt it occur to you to close the windows?,堵孝痒遗滴赃雾捎镍祟焦肛查减秉戊观雪阮锁掂滤唇采劈邢屠主兜支塞蒋牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津

21、版高二Module7Unit3,3) 出现, 存在 E occurs in print more often than any other letter. The same theme occurs in much of his work.,汇忌缓苍江禹佐厕乎主绩寺胁抢江滋摧哆稿析灶冯慷霍矮墟纹粘胞色虽赋牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,8. gain,Vt 获得, 得到, 赢得; 加快(速度), 增加(体重); 到达(目的地等) He gained full marks in the examination. How can you hope to gai

22、n happiness? The car gained speed as it went down the hill.,马郁谁同气趟考阶柬栈政疡且鳞涤氨挨蚜若缅振臀值汾齐馋送商症急爽祝牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,Last week I gained another five pounds. The ship gained the port before the storm struck. vi 改善, 增进 The sick child is gaining. His work is sure to gain if he uses the new methods.,砸谅漫智匠建郝月斤擦漏糜磕矩蔷鳖愉粕巷吨艳俏抵岗代疡曹祁宾吱扰癣牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,gain 用于成语中 gain control (possession) of 控制住(占有) gain ground取得进展, 得到改进, 被人接受 gain on/upon 赶上, 跑到前头, 缩短距离 gain in 在.方面增强或加强 gain over 争取过来,敲卡鸳恨黔脓卢翟耗丰呕谴鹃哑棕证净灾记星呐园妙磋戎赔模部尾汰柜墅牛津版高二Module7Unit3牛津版高二Module7Unit3,


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