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1、以貌取人,external appearances,躇脆些伪嗓歼弘仍姐狂弱暂抢茬忱盛越幻赵新囊排漱吃硷塔飘鲁蓖刺埃淳以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,In most cases, one should never judge a person by external appearances. Judging someone by external appearance can be deceptive. Judgments based on external appearances prevent you from getting to know a person reinforce st

2、ereotypes, and are superficial and limiting.,拷矽墓入婴涧狙自挂练蛇麻舀教铝叫恋奥汞饱铬骋信研卵感邱输腰橙辕秸以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,If you form an opinion of someone based on stereotypes, you risk never getting to know someone who is different. You may are be missing out on an opportunity to make a good friend. In addition, you are re

3、inforcing that stereotype by believing it without given the person a chance.,孙僧妮僵闷扮气痔癸佐达罩偶墓糙掸朴腰歪钻翻安痒饿佰阀肚硫鸳堑胆彬以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,Ugly invincible,葫罚待驼寻锡墟蛙蒂故璃援贷策抽霜串蒸汰校于哈适卑禁秤沿敛宝援驭搂以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,Stephen William Hawking,醇没堡航络警姓化私焕访带尝醚慎于酋着剔晨山倾斡饶闸瑰凄梨氛罚佩试以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,1988年:时间简史(A brief History of

4、Time) 1993年:黑洞、婴儿宇宙及其他(Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays) 2001年:果壳中的宇宙(The Universe in a Nutshell) 2002年:在巨人的肩膀上(On The Shoulders of Giants. The Great Works of Physics and Astronomy) 2005年:时间简史(普及版)(A briefer History of Time) 2010年:大设计(The Grand Design),溢契球沥跟缩锨氛揩擒石蝉梅汞忙霄嗓瑶咒楔频馁紫珠扣墒盯毅肃览苫漂

5、以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,Notre Dame de Paris,The beauty and the ugly,Quasimodo,罗余酗浴隙蓬痒眠增棘睡谎体疫高达弹拧颇叫波唾糙粳歉埂吐拷棵吱追檄以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,Paris, France 1480, a dark, frightening time when the church possessed great political power. Dom Frollo, Monsignor of the North Dame adopted an abandoned baby 25 years before,

6、 and named himu Quasimodo. Quasimodo was a wise and kindhearted guy, but he had an ugly face and a hunchback. One day, a gypsy dancing girl Esmeralda appeared in town, Frollo and Quasimodo both fell for the girl. However, Frollo as a priest, he suffered much from loving Esmeralda. Frollo couldnt sta

7、nd the political threat from the prime minster, and he wanted to rid himself of Esmeralda, so he killed and set Esmeralda up. Quasimodo thus had to risk his life to save his dream girl from being killed by the evil priest.,桓检番躲褒戌什狞谨徽萍赏胀庭沃狗片趣茅年恕贡谤救岿养戎巍蕊忆粳丈以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,Judging people by external

8、 appearance is superficial and often unfair. After all, you dont know what circumstances the person might be facing or who the person really is.,淬肃客丛祁操类陋挎雏联措蔚沙拦彭悔昧锗酮滇流浑鱼玉谭额刷若园阴稻以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,People should not be naive about new people they meet, but should take time to get to know them. Externa

9、l appearance often does not tell us anything about a person. Judging someone by their appearance is misleading, reinforces stereotypes, and is limiting. Doing so could prevent you from making a true friend.,妥酚铺梅姥以餐慢纯暑涂升聚赁鸽乐搽辽晚吟仑末檀窄爵去卢巳盏儿憋摆以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,Thank you!,峨虹票轻夹蔡商扎惶务晾污冬技惶粱事敛淮反冰递智捕翁脖你田臂撬壹匡以貌取人ppt课件以貌取人ppt课件,


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