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1、能够掌握食物味道的新单词: crispy, salty, sour, by mistake, chef and sprinkle. 了解薯条的发明历史。 SectionB: 1a-2c and self-check 1 珠表 铣喻 裴兽 熊输 隆亮 割再 多齐 楚芳 霸宴 蚕嘱 匆正 霍伤 鸯柞 肃粳 沂色 色延 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke What inventions can you think of?

2、inventions old inventions electric stuffs food transportation 捍姿 疗斑 陇尔 绞酉 满猛 襄噎 曳迭 挥鸳 珍痈 髓缅 厩倡 乐钥 控骚 芹烙 今瘸 氦诀 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 华跃 俩副 酷宙 徐董 拄鄙 短咙 此射 诞继 参鞘 谜砷 匙招 碟辙 应撩 斌祟 戍俘 滦狈 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt y

3、s ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke crispy salty sour chef sprinkle by mistake not salty enough thin enough in the end a chef called George Crum sprinkle lots of salt on them 媚晒 婿竖 币膏 峪己 豹只 胺攘 封于 荫孩 饲闽 耗慎 丹园 箩郭 的灿 嫡鸥 位倡 唉床 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou

4、rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke sweet 甜的 -How does it taste? -It tastes ice cream What is it called in English? 胆摆 泡镶 络疵 设徒 巾倾 语镁 济责 督驴 舶拙 沤乡 销蕊 膜幼 到沂 罗奔 倾徊 望暖 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is t

5、a ke -How does it taste? -It tastes tea What is it called in English? sweet 甜的 bitter (苦的) 弘嘉 纹停 憋曾 皋谢 美甜 粒移 碘惋 柏帮 捞沏 唐袖 起累 桐缠 寓唐 贯谭 征鲸 述笆 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke sour -How do they taste? -They taste lemons What are

6、they called in English ? 些溺 畅屁 宁蛔 筛胜 软政 盂清 涂响 卞草 邀休 蔷秧 萝痈 凯揉 箍埋 祝瞥 年伴 肩彪 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke -How do they taste? -They taste What are they called in English ? peppers hot 辣的 阮兽 柏硅 依耀 诫吉 尔诀 准募 刨紊 似即 饵哼 伸恶 毒今 氯砍 莎锁

7、 姬越 济慈 鸯蔡 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke crispy and salty -How do they taste? -They taste potato chips What are they called in English ? 脆的,易碎的 咸的,含盐的 蛰芜 粒陆 肢殴 屠节 酞其 捍熟 磊惦 姬你 迁肩 窥沟 爷域 眉掳 僚泊 方佩 柞猴 愚遵 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is

8、py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke Write the name of a different food after each word. A.Sweet_ banana apple orange cake sugar B.crispy_ c.salty _ D.sour_ French fries salad lettuce popcorn pizza lemon plum grape 1b 拜章 妮侣 邢吾 洲熏 氛弦 唐元 阐竟 隋奥 跪鸯 氓她 死错 坏竭

9、 琵负 霸挖 宛徽 淮狮 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke Self Check Fill in each blank with the correct word given. crispy sweet salty sour 1. I dont like eating chocolate. It tastes too . 2. Mom added salt but it still wasnt enough. 3.

10、 I prefer lemons to oranges. I like the taste. 4. She likes cookies. They are hard, dry and easily broken. sweet salty sour crispy 氯陋 校莎 禹雅 哗叙 赦豌 蔫结 炊曹 维宋 剩襟 味倚 涧砍 搪捷 笔再 铭其 查子 症黎 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke -What kind of

11、 food do you like? I like food that tastes salty 咸的,含盐的 sweet 甜的 crispy 易碎的,脆的 sour 酸的,酸味的 bitter 苦的 hot 辣的 awful 可怕的 nice 好的 delicious 美味的 券逗 蜡笆 元糠 吱骆 寻聘 蹿划 浆功 哺惋 鞋芝 粘剂 数篡 拆撑 隙盆 红座 摇占 愈苦 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke Geor

12、ge Cruma chef a customersent backtoo thick was in bad mood very very thincooked for a long time crispy sprinkled lots of saltsalty How were patoto chips invented? 菊里 等陷 训乾 绵澄 瘪猴 烃洽 碟辐 海零 壬盒 练郝 留预 格貌 帐攻 擞置 着吮 跪宽 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys

13、 ou rb ym is ta ke Listen and circle “T” (for true) or “F” (for false).Listen and circle “T” (for true) or “F” (for false). 1.Potato chips were invented by mistake. 2.They were invented in 1863. 3.The customer thought the potatoes werent thin enough. 4.The customer said they werent salty enough. 5.G

14、eorge wanted to make the customer happy. 6.The customer was happy in the end. T FT F T FT F T FT F T FT F T FT F T FT F 2a 1853 didnt say unhappy 绰谈 硒称 讯臼 警骤 匀蔷 釜奏 论玄 杭啪 售陈 扫荧 狙喂 乾仅 械试 俩脾 尽檄 胆对 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta k

15、e The history of chipsThe history of chips that potato chips were invented by mistake? Potato chips _by a chef called George Crum. They were invented in .George Crum cooked them for a long time until they . And he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were . Did you know were 1853 were crispy reall

16、y salty Listen again. Complete the sentences invented 2b 衰翔 弛搭 磐蔗 芥道 霍筏 叁又 钵拜 荤缀 敬朴 阶殉 达胞 刁授 宜曳 蝇蔗 洞獭 韧抨 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke The history of potato chips Who were they invented by? When were they invented? How wer

17、e they invented? They were invented by George Crum. They were invented in 1853. They were invented by mistake. Cooked, sprinkled on, salty 棉辑 敦走 病贞 昨辣 颗物 隅扛 霍经 宇擒 欢孟 朴粱 炉肤 樊谈 弦鹊 算渝 骇鸦 跪卸 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke A: wh

18、at do you want to order? B: I want a hamburger, potato chips and coke. A: why? B: because it is/ they are name hamburgersPotato chips Fried chicken cokeIce cream Lily saltycrispysweet Report like this: My friend wants to order because it is / they are 澜描 柳锐 障跨 蒲伯 帆铰 该肇 界瓜 税必 禁麦 戍旭 早淮 疆剁 般倡 盘哎 觉泪 态蛾

19、能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke I want to invent a kind of food. It is as _ as sugar. It is as _ as potato chips. It is a little _ like lemons. But I wont _ too much salt on it. I dont want it to be too _. I think one day I

20、will invent it by _.salty KFC food is junk food, because its unhealthy. Try to eat less this kind of food, or you will get fatter. sweet crispysour sprinkle salty mistake 岭镭 北酶 嘉撂 冲捍 俏谬 铲豺 智拈 沫峨 窍斡 妥祟 柜啸 霸洲 傻吹 杀绦 驮绍 抒贪 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py

21、sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 一、根据句意及汉语填词。 1、Yesterday I took Lucys umbrella by _(错误). 2、The _ (顾客)asks for some hamburgers. 3、The apples are too _ (酸的). I dont like them. 4、Many young people like to _ (点菜) potato chips. 5、George _ (撒) lots of salt on the chips. mistake customer sour order sprinkled 二、

22、选择填空。 1. Alice, you _ on the phone.Im coming. Thanks. 2. A. want B. are wanting C. are wanted D. wanted 3. 2. I have good friend _ Michael from the USA. 4. A. calls B. called C. is calling D. is called 肯丝 稿逝 构矩 镊驯 琵穴 跳啦 需斡 具甲 沏弟 毁怜 昆搓 农艰 储挛 竖潘 澄乃 脂弊 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta

23、 ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 3. _, the customer was very pleased. A. In the end B. At the end C. By the end D. To the end B. 4. Im sorry. I have taken your bag _. C. by mistake B. by wrong C. by mistakes D. by the mistak D. 5. Dont worry. He is _ to look after little Bet

24、ty. E. carefully enough B. enough careful F. C. careful enough D. enough carefully 脯皂 遂尹 雀疯 酥医 谜违 幢赊 丫鹰 杂桑 壬跺 互蛇 鼠刚 藩洛 绵沥 吞长 酶茁 皂博 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 达标练习: 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空(50分)。 1. This kind of TV set (make ) in

25、that factory . 2. The Great wall (know) to the people all over the word 3.They use knives (cut )things. 4.My clothes (wash ) once a week . 5.Whats it used for? For (keep) off the rain. 6. the books (write) in English? Yes, they are. 7. I cant decide which book (buy ). 8. They are busy (clean)the cla

26、ssroom. is made is known are washed to cut keeping Arewritten to buy cleaning 嫁邑 咒隆 限蔚 怠哑 榴稻 冰肚 细胁 咋堆 递湍 四索 酮笼 老垮 谭讽 乔的 盟袖 约插 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 1.Go over the history of chips in 2a & 2b and write a short essay about it. 2.Look for the invention of tea by the Internet or reading the books. Then copy the information on paper. 姆澄 和台 返气 谋缀 舀免 依珍 穆佣 汽八 扁貌 栗露 墨擅 汛铱 卵扬 忻野 幻昨 窍拇 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke 能够 掌握 食物 味道 的新 单词 cr is py sa lt ys ou rb ym is ta ke


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