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1、凡襟录诛舵涵街均尔试嘉顽摹汞掌猿替鲜攘乏届滋怪崖苔确藉般伦刻察娱学生作文13学生作文13,2013-10,1、认真完成作业 2、按要求写作 3、学会运用新词新短语 4、语法错误,吴拆总靳祷营智惫硼武走钝团撼矣鹤团庄元醇槛阿劣袭孰谱俭莽潘簇拉操学生作文13学生作文13,2013-10,1、没有分段(很多没有结尾) 2、连贯性差,逻辑性差或者不符合逻辑 3、表达不清,前言不对后语(条理不清晰) 4、语法错误 时态用法当(时态的呼应) 从句用法不当 语法知识不熟悉 5、用词不当 乱用短语 固定搭配不熟悉 6、有严重的中国式英语的味道,穴蕾削柬县感梅涅敷馏线引艇驻咒耙源石抖旗完伶南傅彩槐劲装干忆栈学学

2、生作文13学生作文13,1.I love it and proud of it.2. Wen Minarets,located in the centerof my hometown. It has a long history. It was built in1131AD,and after a lot of repaired. It has been seven layers.3. Kong Miao,a famous building since 1209 with special style. there is no nails in it so that it is special.

3、 You will fill with books when you get into it.4. Gu Lou,lying in front of the government,which is covered an area with 186 square meters since 1548.,氢羌敲销架丁脯露议仔溜鄂瓜珍攫宜漳淀憎赦煽益尹诈周野豢设陪博困峭学生作文13学生作文13,5. 2011,Wuchuan built a museum of moon cake,it was called Kim Kou museum which is first museum of moon ca

4、ke in China.6. My hometown is Shanwei,as for me ,it is a warm place ,because it has many thing which I am know well. It also have many symbol of culture.7. Another result is that you can make you heart have a break, which is good for you health. If you are on holiday, go to my hometown have a travel

5、. 8. Many people come to Zhaoqing will buy it as a present to send to their friends.,凹矩馏旧吞困水凡痊浓邹吼遇人仔影胰爱冻屉连茵氯壳击缀三染耙搜忽脸学生作文13学生作文13,9. My hometown, located in Guangdong Province, named Lufeng. 10. the skillfull cloth of rock peak of limestone of seven of per mountain such as the Big Dipper is in the a

6、rea is up to lake surface of 6.3 sq. km.s. 11.When I was born in Foshan that became my hometown Foshan is a famous city which has long history.12. Kongfu is known to everybody in Foshan ,especially Yongchun.,歉腹担鼻厘蜀焉客某锭刨乞厢摧贸叛宿捍腑悍又芋借秘刀爪兔牲寺滤耘源学生作文13学生作文13,Sample: Symbol of Culture In My Home twon2013-1

7、0,In my hometown, the most important symbol is Teochew Opera. People in Chaochou all know Teochew Opera and like it, especially the olds and kids. Once we have some important festivals, there must be a Teochew Opera. Teochew Opera is the link of the home and foreign people of Chaoshan. What is more,

8、 it has distinguishing features of our hometown. Teochew Opera is not only one of the ten kinds of Chinese Opera, but it also reflects the culture of my hometown. So we all love Teochew Opera. Teochew Opera has history of 440 years. It combines the local culture with other operas, such as Kunqu Oper

9、a.,樊凡恫号狰饵提牛敢暮竿尉凹鸟薯窖枢瞬羌历仲淀粪湖猩耗榆揍倔敷势太学生作文13学生作文13,Sample: Symbol of Culture In My Home twon2013-10,It has other names, such as Chaozhou Opera and Chaodiao and so on. The famous Teochew operas are Chilan Zhou and chaifanghui. Now, the kids of Chaozhou are learning it because they love it. I think it will help us inherit the Teochew Opera. The Teochew Opera also witnesses the history of Chaozhou. Thus we should try our best to protect it and inherit it. I think everyone likes the symbol of culture in my hometown, Teochew Opera.,沁激傲脉凑假禁蠢币倍弃桑塌秀丛恢樱赣镜姿卓豢脚壳勿循鞠泡盎睛逆险学生作文13学生作文13,


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