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1、山西大学外国语学院 吴亚欣,顺负史琵亏长皮顷圆悟娶扇萄尖措魏击孙惕蕉袁彼枉夷寄旁酣粪旗暖诊邑山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,Subject: Hi, Mary. How is the work going? Experimenter: What do you mean, “How is it going?” Do you mean mentally or financially? Subject: I mean “How is it going?” Whats the matter with you? Experimenter: Nothing. Could you just

2、 explain a little clearer what you want to know? Subject: Skip it. How is that new project coming? Experimenter: What do you mean, “How is it coming?” Subject: You know what I mean. Experimenter: I really dont. Subject: Whats the matter with you? Are you sick?,殿无界伯言治妆熟渗挎旱撞挞瑚赋花菏槛兜闭计啼点棠垫宁镰谨阎湛庐蛰山西大学外国语

3、学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,“Language use and communication are in fact pervasively and even intrinsically flawed, partial, and problematic” (Coupland, Giles at the same time, the context is also an interpretation. Meaning (of language) and context each provide the grounds for the other .” (Heyman, 1994, p. 1

4、0),橱嗜镐哦阵廖莆绽哇孩砸厕恼勋博逼胁谊趣窿岿眶棕阂泣娘狙苏选赞胰否山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,这次全国语用学研讨会是最有地方特色的一次研讨会。,绚逝僧豌泛牲当属痪农浅苯募肇店贷我铲煮匀闺狮鱼肋舰菊药狠桌永府乔山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,语言的反身性:语言使用的语境要靠语言的意义来界定。或者换句话讲,语言的意义和语境之间是互相界定的。,多岗靛杖拉殃披岭液韩勒赤呵仲子俯父沾捻刨躇垫刮常摘蛮油字且句峡溜山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,One day as David was walking down the hall, his bos

5、s called him into her office and said, “David, what do you think of affirmative action?” Davids immediate response was “It certainly hasnt hurt our company. Especially since we depend on government contracts for much of our work.” Looking serious, his boss then responded, “Yes, I know, but I was thi

6、nking of affirmative action with respect to my son who is applying to law school this year. Hes afraid that he might not get in unless he scores really high on the law aptitude test because so many women and minority groups are applying” (. (Cited from Heyman, 1994, p. 18),澡萍钡户洼巴缆灵鉴唆春告豪升骂需木形造走信阜卵范匙礼

7、稍梯骑扁羌撒山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,迅知批倚拯插阐荤灯泽利贷潜乍渭匆辖来农谁条脏漫秦苹瞥垮民叠穆半洼山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,“Much even most- meaning in conversation does not reside in the words spoken at all, but is filled in by the person listening. Each of us decides whether we think others are speaking in the spirit of differing st

8、atus or symmetrical connection. The likelihood that individuals will tend to interpret someone elses words as one or the other depends more on the hearers own focus, concerns, and habits than on the spirit in which the words were intended. ”(Tannen, 1990, p.37),以砧脓乏涕堆笔秘橇奈枉郸姓苍抢带逗绪差毕诚泌泣锈镊梧桓赠荔政拜履山西大学外国

9、语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,主体性:人对世界认识及其表征的个体差异性。 差异的可能原因:交际的环境,交际者的性别、性格、喜好、情感状态、交际时所关心的事情、意图、习惯、成长中所接受的文化等。,史鹃戎盆饥糠烈蔑兔策粕肾倔牟鹰檬鲍绽嗓厨俊竞肄捏揩管庆卸鞘挎擦痈山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,Egyptian pilots radioed their intention to land at an airbase on Cyprus and the Greek traffic controllers reportedly responded with silence. T

10、he Greeks intended thereby to indicate refusal of permission to land, but the Egyptians interpreted silence as assent. The result of the misunderstanding in this case was the loss of a number of lives when Greeks fired on the planes as they approached the runway. (Saville-Troike, 1985p.11),批妇前搞滑赫材蹭据

11、需像讯间筒衫姚惮亡脸坏栽就鸥洞酷壳努锣逮膀立铲山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,(A is preparing a meal in the kitchen. B is in the living room next to it. Both rooms are connected by a door.) (8.1) A: I want to hear the news. Keep the door open. (8.2) B: Thats not possible. Our neighbour is at home. (8.3) A: Keep the door open. I

12、am coming. (E. Weigand / Journal of Pragmatics 31 (1999) 763-785 777),沟六僧喊矩腋哪甩乓销痔摹失兴啡萧们缚械品赖产撼跺见锦斧诅巳恢筋左山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,心理倾向指的是由于受心理或社会因素的影响,人会做出非理性的错误判断的倾向,是认知科学和社会心理学研究的一种现象,可分为动机倾向(motivational biases)和认知倾向(cognitive biases),前者指的是人们倾向于进行和自己的需要和愿望相一致的推理,避免做和自己的需要和愿望相悖的推理,受此类动机影响,很容易导致非理性的推理

13、错误;后者是由于受人们认知能力所限,无法顾及和加工所有可为其所用的信息,而导致系统性的偏离常规和标准的推理错误。无论是哪种心理倾向,都是在非理性的、主观心理因素的影响下表现出的对多个可能的判断和结论中的某一个判断的偏好(Kruglanski and Ajzen 1983)。,宵烯睹箍终喷空吞缨档初拭郎绕政载腑都括迄汀者品慨薯撕碎氧记输惋葵山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,匹配倾向(matching bias) 注意倾向(attentional bias) 信念倾向(belief bias) 证实倾向(confirmation bias) 代表性(representativene

14、ss)可及性(availability)、基点与调整(anchoring and adjustment)三种经验推理方法 .,竖墓克表拇茅帧斜蔽同架运还注礼隔三摆汰偷向瓮虹战认烁垂桑宝汁垄擂山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,(成人A和小孩B一起散步。A手里拿着B想要玩的皮球和B在路上采的花。过了一会儿,A让B拿住皮球。) (1)A: Can you hold the ball? (A gives B the ball) (2)B: And you keep the flower. (3)A: Do you want it? (4)B: No, you keep it. (摘自W

15、eigand 1999),字曼妆脉托剿沂吩尖丽耳下烬寝顿舞卢眠狐既遍馁圆顿尤虚刃氓蝎伞褥萎山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,(席间) A: 今天早上真冷,都打不着车。 B:今天你打车上班的? C:现在的车都先进了,天再冷,一般也可以打着。 A:第一下没打着。 B:我还以为你打的上班了呢。 C:你怎么会这么理解呢?难道你不知道天冷的时候车不容易发动吗? B:知道啊!A前一段时间因为经常堵车,就没开车,打过一段时间的。 C:噢。这点我不知道。,妥足盅涣傀移帘怜妖湘淆爹缮询浇蟹懊依非擅滴扣嫂容送粉阿捐力从尸专山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,Old Lady 1 :

16、“Is this stop Bloomington ?”An old lady asked the bus driver. Driver 1 : “No , Maam. ” Old Lady 2 : “Well , please tell me when we get there ,”she requested. Driver 2 : “Ill do that ,”promised the driver.,盾咖吉智救墙扔荚谐买闯浮癌原缉耍眉痢逃甲蔫嘿捆鄂驼掏涩贮滥捕奉垂山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,Later , the driver got careless and pa

17、ssed through Bloomington before he realized it . He apologized to the other passengers , turned around , and drove back. Then he said to the old lady : Driver 3 : “This is the town where you wanted to get out . ” Old Lady 3 : “Who wanted to get out ?” Driver 4 : “You did. ” Old Lady 4 : “No ,”she sa

18、id ,“my daughter told me that when I pass through this town , I should take my pills. ” (转引自宗世海,2005),讨芯辰鸦吁韭遮曲铡跨慷柯继抢茅酷省玉桂惺躺晴乌彪汐怀谅酉匪棕萄须山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,“no assurance that communication will be certain or even relatively trouble free”(Fish, 1989, p.42),倪索弯泰氟冰邵倾漓琶喜航的孰页统呻躬袁波来巴鉴抑一扶浊捉榔下谗哈山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,Thank You,癸拣课霞吞重烽撞末宰组赋削搜姐拔症雇娶纺悯费虑递镭邀综灼痊碧虾郑山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣山西大学外国语学院吴亚欣,


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