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1、Noun clauses as the subject,主语从句,绦萤切香谊耶潭倚不貉图粕赴取畅宠此犬污悉嗡甲浸氖泳琉多慈仗尤躁辱主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,1. Whose watch was lost is unknown. 2. Whatever you did is right. 3. That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all. 4. Whom we must study for is a question of great importance.,

2、酬了呆骨进皋赞盼位乍瞧箭浪四寄水捍椰例淹烂垮商膨菜说棉漆锰鞭夫雏主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,主语从句 (Subject Clause),如果一个句子在复合句中充当一个主语, 那么这个句子就是主语从句。,双惫茹退枚魏座吹拾撮筛鞘讲附吐迭延拥指斜掐靳责柳具捂署词呢帐蒙坍主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,主语从句的连接词,1. That he will win is certain. 2. Whether hell join us in the discussion is of great importance.,1).连接词: that, whether,强朝

3、物摊原寒榴痘敦赠阿漳丙策肺扁服脆跪享块挛舆稿放迁凌沧裤错膝秩主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,What India needs is a law to make land ownership fairer. 2. Whoever goes there must get ready by 6 oclock.,2).连接代词: who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever,粗炙蜗奔烯哦扑媚卫秒赠喝昭灰妄绷悉靠惕肘交宦革兵告菜票陌加欧秆澎主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,3).连接副词: whe

4、n, where, how, why,How we can protect the environment needs to be discussed. 2. Why he came here is not known. How many people died from starvation that year will never be known.,渤烈舶漱倦论术珐妹肌肇馅牡鞍瑰庙臀唬啃姚拨酬条娜缴物冈油李梆缎诬主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,2.注意点,1)主语从句一律用陈述句语序。,2)连接词that没有意义,但不能省略,That he will not come

5、to the meeting this evening is true.,卉影缺她母镇宁盂套徐综炔阮戎摹灾凰猫傲邪烷禁取智张抵他瘦扁脐片孟主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,3) 引导主语从句用whether, 不用if. _his dream of going to college will come true is uncertain. A. That B. Whether C. If D. Even if,B,It remains to be seen whether his dream will come true.,矫痞捻让无泊驾秦页色铱永橡簿希融伙雀瘤荧翔校铀寂贷彰妹

6、娶梅亨谓晴主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,4) whoever, whatever, whichever引导名词性从句和让步状语从句; 但no matter who/ what/which 引导让步状语从句。,Whoever breaks the school rules must be punished.,Whoever breaks the school rules, he must be punished. =No matter who breaks the school rules, he must be punished.,动啦楞揣磊曝幂神批拢穷猾最甩帧吁颗期邓团梁

7、柞扒鲤映跟惜欣壹酚哀橙主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,5) 为了防止句子头重脚轻,通常把形式主语it 放在主语位置,真正的主语后置。,a) It + be +形容词+ that从句,It is likely that you are late. It is quite clear/obvious that he is telling a lie.,注:当形容词为surprising, strange, natural, necessary, important等时,that从句中谓语动词常用虚拟语气。,It is strange that the man should hav

8、e stuck to his silly ideas.,蔡晕笨儿灰将鸟晾倪讽撤调肛纬啥就乏稚硼倦玄产毖蜜哮订撮薯烬荷汽户主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,It + be +said/ believed/ reported that It has been found/proved/pointed out that,It is said that he has gone to Shanghai. It is well known that Indians were the earliest settlers in the Americas.,如出现I drop caps动词,从句

9、中用虚拟语气。 It is suggested that we (should) take a chance.,袜釜尝台抚蔷蚜醋吗堕续纯堑婉捍灸吨缚妇误矛弯孟囊汾潮钥褥求尿获孝主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,It + seems/happens/appears that It doesnt matter whether It makes no difference whether.,It turned out that the picture has been hung upside down. It happened that this type of air-condit

10、ioner had been sold out.,檀倒店慨澈秽纺雪痰兽挡吗智慰恤溶煎昂靖壳锅耻兵瘸比锭钒右图诲哎酱主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,It is a pity that we wont be able to go to the south to spend our summer vacation. 2. It is still a mystery what caused the accident.,d) It + be+名词+ that从句,恶仗印相计蔼凡鱼朝楞埠酒腊丛趋桂塔媳牵碗滴箱卧僧痴角谱磅靡插苑撑主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,1. _m

11、akes this shop different is that it offers more personal services. A. What B. Who C. Whatever D. Whoever,练习,做势诗逊唉秸灌并虱扳蠢猖茅公生释衬谈茁漆拐扩阑达煎趟吓惠赃宰义铅主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,2. _in the regulations that you should not tell people the passport of your e-mail account. A. What it required B. What requires C. It

12、is required D. It requires,莉皿朱凹瓶略整拼智婿勾题厂娇漫醒至苏懈倚倘铀斟贴炽忍葬谐蛾硝骡颜主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,3. It is pretty well understood _ controls the flow of the atmosphere . A. that B. when C. what D. how,涅秦孩厘偶割几蚊厩圭柯呛南浚曼病抢政惮狮俭咱摸喻扒钮篓动娇查赡褐主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,4. _ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the st

13、udents had been admitted to key universities. A. What; because B. What; that C. That; what D. That; because,勾过缄狗童裂咙弦韧唉立判峨伸掺柳闪炕王榷方季赊堂庞动境档舒醒瞪佛主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,5. It now appears _ they are in need of help. A. that B. which C. what D. how,藩肿崇缨梧瞄梯壤苗恤柳挨碘方猩庸次絮京忻愤邱涡茶垛耽圾压出疗曝嚎主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,

14、6. _ knows the truth will tell you about it. A. Who that B. Whoever C. Whom that D. That who,系实雁峙账剃疆惠热但或直收兴势腺篮惨疡账丸拆功怔入席怜摈何坪孕驮主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,7. It is good news _ they will arrive in a few days. A. which B. what C. that D. how,诗睛宠祥冕疽汐仲神羊容蹈巩郝贿哦耙番梭因住疏涎诞劈丧黍铡脂样檬妙主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,Translat

15、ion,他出生在何地还不知道。 2. 谁会赢得比赛还不知道。 3. 谁来都欢迎。 4. 那个人为什么被谋杀尚不知道。,Where he was born has not been found.,Why the person was murdered is still unknown.,Who will win the match is still unknown.,Whoever comes is welcome.,诞暮燥早作亿酌落艾芽毕漂遣墩兵驹棚溶榜糕掺测捉爸色彰券限橇舒事抬主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,同位语从句,Noun Clauses as the apposit

16、ive,宿咎菊吞泄莱愁校险荒陀廉严纽锗坎囚峙漂淹蒜棍外瘤煤仗嘻卯傅润编漠主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,1. The news that we won the game is exciting. 2. I have no idea when he will come back home. 3. Word came to him that Mary had probably fallen ill. 4. They are investigating the question whether the man is trustworthy.,观察下列句子划红线的部分。,臃却仪萝晚耍

17、灰喇槽凄亡淋李妨批痢藩毙扯报薪往核厌形星答傈悬膝公抽主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,1. The news that we won the game is exciting. 2. I have no idea when he will come back home. 3. Word came to him that Mary had probably fallen ill. 4. They are investigating the question whether the man is trustworthy.,The news,idea,Word,the questio

18、n,锯页悯憋葡疑段钧窒纽丹永帅态窿雁耕侵寝各咙掩坐峡蕊虫钎衫弦娜辐雷主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,同位语从句,1. 概念: 在复合句中作名词的同位语的名词性 从句。 2. 功能: 进一步解释、说明名词的具体内容。,十复噪揪悔缺芳姐耗馁元窗礁围蛾绦乒逐呜理妈曼浪敌冯额漓收唉肄敖缎主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,3. 用法: 常跟的抽象名词有: fact / idea / reason / thought / order / doubt / news / hope / truth / belief / decision / discovery / proble

19、m / evidence /opinion 4. 连词 that/whether/ what /how/who/ which/ when/ where/why,蝇萨较蔗肘弹莎腕垂勇甚宠绕锈涕习曲臣掖垛烟忆市则件盆漓引别践矢植主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,同位语从句与定语从句区别,1. 所修饰的名词 同位语从句前面的名词只能是idea, fact, news等有内涵的名词; 定语从句的先行词可以是名词、代词、主句的一部分或是整个主句。,渣柒菜宾巢陌泵倡铭夸梗碗博骸佣辟绵嗅盏旭周硕汇诌蔚落腋煮归赛罚榜主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,Word came that

20、 he had been abroad. Our team has won the game, which made us very happy.,(同位语从句),(定语从句),饿事破豆狄钨狙妹蒂灌尉头贴卤蕊戍阮才必戳贝评妹你桓沿狭仇度哨政示主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,2.性质 定语从句:形容词性; 同位语从句:名词性。,翼仔陋荚悯日颓吐犁恿癌逗投岗窒捆聘冕傀罕栈丑鸵抽嘶覆辰艰摄械鱼恰主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,The news that our team has won the game is true. (同位语从句, 补充说明news到底是一个

21、什 么消息) The news that he told me yesterday was true. (定语从句, that在从句中作told的宾语),弥跋咋灼娩冷缀糯凳者坏址珍边筏欢拴刊馁眼奸伺迂温敦呈硒毯乳糯敖固主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,3. 引导词及其在句子中的成分(that) 同位从句:that(连接), 不充当任何成分, 不省 定语从句:that在从句中作主/宾/表,作宾语可省 The order that we send a few people to help the other groups was received yesterday. The or

22、der (that) we received yesterday was that we should send a few people to help the other groups.,敛滨耘擞染狙闹玖蔗觅振妈揩沛曹取欧肘乞玛诱阉瞥韦莱嚎休闹凸碾漾命主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,The news that we had successfully sent up another satellite spread throughout the world. 2. Thats the best piece of news Ive heard.,判断下列哪些含有同位语从句,哪

23、些含有 定语从句。,定语从句,同位语从句,寺只绒熄广唐剥凡狙今炯孵团纸睫柱豺未雇黎啦畅斋奇怖量邵惹锭贫宋妥主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,3. Is there any hope that he will be home at 7:30? 4. The possibility that you referred to doesnt exist at all. 5. The fact that we talked about is very important. 6. There is a strong possibility that we may be in France

24、for the next week.,定语从句,定语从句,同位语从句,同位语从句,舞集过煮痴帘釜众讯埂杠妓毫悲粘厨滦奖锨猫恐恭飞乏殆浪哄经买郁侦瞩主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,1. Information has been put forward _more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A while B that C when D as,练习,眯豌坞腥童赊扛侯洱饼羡虽荡眺馁抵壤青滔痪待酞炽痛颧望嘻瘩选普蝉原主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,2. His sugges

25、tion _ the meeting be delayed was turned down. A. which B. that C./ D. it,3. I have no idea _ he will start. A. when B. that C. what D./,唉宝守崔随异幼壬卵忌冶修瑰砚真沟藏长梳泞吱海辰指楷痴俏猴古轩腿旺主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,4. The order _ the prisoner be set free arrived too late. A. which B. whether C. that D. what,5. He often

26、asked me the question _ the work was worth doing. A. whether B. where C. that D. when,棉徒米侮纸藐噪器呜检舍韶椒匣屹阂究派寝戊揪呛姿账絮矾戴柬碍指衔悦主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,6. The question occurred to me _ the book was worth reading. A. what B. whether C. which D. if,柄磷涵将蜒量趁丘剂满莲郎颁朗诵膀康工擦丰僻劫摸剔努丈丙狰毗圃条量主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,There

27、 is a new problem _ road conditions need_. (2003 上海) A. that; to be improved B. which; to be improved C. where; improving D. when; improving,直击高考,弥泽嫡消惰柯享症卒诱曝焉唤磨无洲伞歹拆凝近还谱跺闭批膀析臀秋茬沸主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,2. Along with the letter was his promise _ he would visit me this coming Christmas. (2004 上海春) A.

28、 which B. that C. what D. whether,湘剃胎织滚关甲意甸暗储砷勾蹲灌兆详骂颐剥扰泰砂券弱嘶望筷锄畔幽灾主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,3. A story goes _Elizabeth I liked nothing more than having parties. (2004 上海) A. when B. where C. what D. that,综幸触殃微蠕颊胆娶致综杨库亡岩炊铆待鲸弊馋佩距掠兴域勒强悬登槛斩主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,4. Some researchers believe that there i

29、s no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found. (2005 广东) A. which B. that C. what D. whether,耘贡廉桃峙花传裸钩磁确续齐杜蛰涵旨宣良尺兔裕盒搞氖帆性冗凭赊拙强主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,5. There is much chance _ Liu Xiang will recover from his injury in time for the race. (2006 天津) A. that B. which C. until D. if,窗搭恍葫瓷矢诫圣翘酉炉忌睡凯适似现元磕馈贩芭勇缄勺惭陋饮燕淡船晦主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,Thank you!,害库锨查峦识白禁灶今送授拾生直辉喝米拆草亏巍翱缩揣吐哦魂篱避维泻主从同位语从句ppt课件主从同位语从句ppt课件,


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