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1、Lesson Five (Book 1): Angles on a Pin1. Warm-up Questions1) What does the author seem to imply through the story?2) Why is the story entitled “Angels on a Pin”?Word Formationcompetentcompetence calculatecalculation createcreationcreative educateeducation instructinstructionsolvesolutionselectselecti

2、onselectivetempttemptation measuremeasurementsystemsystematic 2. Not that simple after allHe asked me if I would do him a favor. (Para. 1)1) Offering helpHe asked me to do him a favor. (help, kind act) He asked a favor of me.He asked if I would be kind enough to help him.He asked me for a hand with

3、his work.Can I help you? / What can I do for you?Do you need a hand with that?*May I do you a favor? 2) A little deeper understanding of “favor”The mother certainly favored the eldest son. /The queen soon lost/gain favor. (liking, preference)Chance had favored him. He was alone with her. (be in his

4、favor) (make sth possible or easy)We favor Johns Plan (be in favor of) (support)We voted in favor of him (in his favor). / We are in favor of his plan. (to the advantage of sb)3) Dont get confusedc.f. favor favorite v./n.The book is one of my favorites. *most favorite (best liked) favorable: report/

5、 wind/ condition/ impression/ opportunity (positive) favoritism (practice of giving unfair advantages to the people one likes best)He insisted that he deserved a perfect score. 1) There is a world of difference between the two.He insisted that he deserved a perfect score. The girl insisted that Ving

6、o join them. (P.26)He insists that she is careful. (state/ say sth. firmly and assertively) 坚持说,力言He insists that she (should/ shall/ must) be careful. (firmly ask sb. to do sth; demand) 坚持要求2) Sometimes you may produce sentences like these ones: *He insisted to go with me. (He insisted on/upon goin

7、g with me.) *He insisted me to go with him. (He insisted on/upon my going with him.)deserve1) How do you understand the word?He deserves a perfect score. (a reward, praise, recognition, what happened to him)He is entitled to a perfect score. (should get a full mark because of his achievement)2) Its

8、easy said than done.Your suggestion deserves considering.*Your suggestion deserves being considered. Your suggestion deserves to consider. Your suggestion deserves to be considered. Your suggestion deserves careful consideration.You deserve to succeed. 3) Usage: Do these sentences ring a bell? Your

9、suggestion deserves considering/ consideration. to be considered. The wall wants painting. to be painted. Your car needs repairing. to be repaired.Something about the grading system He was about to give him a zero. a falling score/ grade.He was going to flunk/ fail him. He will give him a score of 8

10、0 (points).80 marks (out of 100). He will give him a perfect score.full marks.high grades (grade A).full credit.Take the matter to an impartial instructor. 1) Now you know how it is related to the word “part”. It was only a partial success. (a part of, not complete) The teacher is sometimes partial

11、to (wards) the girls. (in favor of) 2) Its good to know. partial impartial (unprejudiced, unbiased, non-discriminatory, fair-minded, just)取partial第二义 partially (ant. = completely) 有限地,抽象 (The man was partially blind.) partly (ant. = wholly) 部分地,具体(The window was made partly of wood and partly of gla

12、ss.)The examination question said/ read (Para. 2)1) Have you ever used the word “read” this way?The examination question said: “show how” (have a certain wording) 上面写着He dashed off his answer, which read: “Take” (Para. 4)2) “Unusual” meanings of “read”: What does the barometer read? 仪器上的读数为 The nove

13、l reads well/ like a translation. 读起来 The name reads “Benson” not “Fenton”. 应读作How is it possible towith the aid of a barometer? 1) Do you feel “aid” is a more formal word than “help”?Measure the height of a building with the aid of a barometer. with the help of using 2) Sometimes they can be differ

14、ent.help: v/n帮助: carries a strong implication of advance toward the end or objectiveaid: v/n 援助: suggest the need of help or relief, also implies the weakness of the one aided and the strength of the one aiding.assist: assistance/ assistant协助: suggests a secondary role or a subordinate charactere.g.

15、 The drug will help you to sleep. (cant help doing/ help yourself to) The family have lived on government aid for two years. economic/ military aid/ medical aid/ first aid The students assisted their teacher in the experiment.He had a strong case for full credit. (Para. 3) 1) “Cases” are confusing.H

16、e made/ had a strong case for his side. (arguments, reasons & facts) 论据The tribe is a typical case of people living in harmony with their environment. (instance, example) I must leave if thats the case. (true situation)真实情况Its a serious/ severe case of food poisoning. (disease)疾病The police are on th

17、e case. (P.80) (police investigation) 案件The case will be tried in the court. (lawsuit) 诉讼案 2) Phrases: a case in point, in any/ no case, in case (of)credit 1) MeaningsI bought the book on credit. (i.e. I dont have to pay for it until some time after I got it.) 赊购(U)She deserved credit for what she h

18、ad down. (praise, approval, recognition) 赞扬,好评(U)The story is gaining credit. (belief, trust, confidence) 相信,信赖 (U)He got full credits for the course. (a successfully completed part of a higher education course) (C)2) Expansion扩展:credit信任 信用,信贷,信誉,荣誉,赞扬,学分(学习成绩的“信誉卡”) creditcrediblecredibilityincred

19、ibleincredibility credulouscredulityincredulousincredulity 3) Phrases词组:buy sth on credit赊帐give credit to/for信任,赞扬get credit for得到信任,赞扬to ones credit(某人)值得赞扬do sb credit对(某人)有好处,使光荣He appeared to be thinking hard. (Para. 4) 1) There are other ways to say so.He appeared to be thinking hard. seemed to

20、 be looked as if/ like (he was)2) Is it OK to say: It looked as if he was thinking hard. He had not put down a single word. 1) They all have similar meanings.He had not put down a single word. (write down)He dashed off his answer.(write down quickly) 2) When “put” is used this way Let me put it in a

21、nother way. / How do I put it in words? (express) Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt. I dont know how to put/ get my idea cross. (makeunderstood) 3) c.f. take down (write down as asked照吩咐记下)noted down (write down in the form of notes记笔记If you prefer a more sophisticated methodsophistic

22、ated weapons (complex/ complicated/ advanced)a sophisticated person(worldly, not nave)He said he was fed up with standard answers to standard questions. (Para. 11)He was fed up with this kind of questions.was tired ofwas bored withhad too much of 3. Its a world of confusionangel/ angleangelangle bas

23、ement/ cellarbasement地下室cellar地窖atticloftmeter (metre)1) a device that measures and records the quantity, degree, or rate of sth. (the amount of gas or electricity that you have used or the amount of money that you must pay for a taxi ride.)2) a metric unit of length. It is equal to 100 centimeters,

24、 or to 39.37 inches.barometerkilometerthermometercentimeterspeedometermillimetergas/ water meterprinciple/ principal1) compareprinciple: basic rules, scientific lawsprincipal: the head of school2) A little difference in meaning: He is a man of principle. (a general/ basic rule you have to obey) 道德原则

25、,行为准则 She abandoned her principle These machines work on the same principle. (scientific laws) 科学原理3) Prepositions create difference:on principle: If you do sth. on principle, you do it because of a particular belief that you have. 按照原则,根据原则in principle: If you agree with sth. in principle, you may

26、approve it in theory but not in practice. 原则上,基本上stringthread(棉,毛,丝)线(用于缝纫及纺织)string (羊毛或棉等制成的)细绳cord(捆绑东西用的)细绳,粗线rope粗绳wire金属线,电线cable 金属巨缆chain链条ribbon丝带in/ inner/ innermostin(原级)inner(比较级)innermost (最高级)inner较里面的inner circle/ room/ part/ lifeoutouteroutermostc.f.internal内部的,内在的,体内的 internal affai

27、rs/ trade/ injuriesexternal interior内部的,户内的,内地的(常作名词) the interior of the house/ the interior内地exterioran interior roominward向内的,朝里的 inward movement/ faith/ happiness (内在的)outwardproportion/ rate/ ratioproportion 比例(关系),均衡Rate率, 速度,价格ratio 比率,比值 1) filling the blanks. It was reported that the ratio

28、of divorced couples to married couples reached 1 to 2 in 2002 in Beijing.据统计,2002年北京的离婚对数与结婚对数的比例达到了1比2。 The government is taking steps to control the rising crime rate. 政府正采取措施,控制不断上升的犯罪率。 The proportion of man to woman in the population has changed. 人口中男女比例已经有了变化。 The car was going at the rate of

29、60 miles an hour. 汽车以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。The windows are out of proportion to the building; theyre too big. 窗户太大了,与整幢房子不成比例。 Women constitute a high proportion of part-time workers. 在非全日工作者中妇女占了很大比例。 I am not paid in proportion to my working hours.2) usageProportion指部分与整体或两个事物间的比例关系,句中一般不出现数值Rate常指一段时期内,某些

30、现象发生的数量,如:birth rate出生率,crime rate犯罪率,pass rate通过率,death rate死亡率,success rate成功率。Rate也常用来指速度(相当于speed)和价格,前面用介词at。参照标准得出的率也用rate表示,如:exchange rate汇率,tax rate税率和interest rate利率等。Ratio是数量之间的比率或比值,强调数值间的对比,如:The ratio of 10 to 5 is 2 to 1(2:1)。recall/ rememberrecall (recollect): implies an effort to br

31、ing sth that has been forgotten back into mind 努力回忆remember: keep in ones memory; implies no conscious effort or willing 自然想起;记忆remind ( of, to): implies the awaking of the memory by external causes 使人想起remember (put in mind) 记忆: Remember this day.memorize (learn thoroughly so that you can repeat it

32、 exactly using only your memory) 熟记,背诵: Memorize these English words.e.g. He remembers every details of the incident as though it happened yesterday. The note reminded himself that he had made an appointment for eight oclock. As far as I can recall from my childhood memories, a shop was where one co

33、uld buy soy sauces and vinegar. 儿时记忆中,商店是售卖酱油和醋的地方。select/ chooseselect: emphasizes a wide range or choices and the discrimination and carefulness involved精选 (许多东西,仔细辨别,挑出符合的,淘汰剩下的)choose: emphasizes an act of judgment and the actual taking and adoption of what has been chosen. 通过判断作出选择(有“接受、采纳”和“选择

34、从事“等意思)pick: personal choice也有“仔细挑选”的含义,常指个人作出的选择。e.g. He chose/ selected several books for his brother. (单纯表示选择动作时,两词常可互换) We must refuse the evil, and choose the good. 我们应该弃恶从良。 I chose teaching as my career. 我选择了教书作为我的事业。 It took her an hour to pick a dress that suited her. 她花了一小时才挑出了一件合适的衣服。4. Comprehension of the TextHow do you measure the height of a building using a barometer?Standard answer: By atmospheric pressure differenceAlternative answers: 1) 2) 3)


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