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1、,Social Journal The best platform for online newspapers journalists,位虑煌笋埋渣兰航蚂就名纽柜徘饥舱乡焚忆竖墅阁手慰阳帚盆办颓妒蘸潘清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,What is Social Journal?,Social Journal is a new platform that will help the journalists to improve the way they create content for online newspapers:,Get all the multi

2、media tools to upload photos, audios or videos. Create content from the web or mobile device. Present their social activity from elsewhere on the Newspaper.,Social Journal will help newspapers to engage readers in a new way and monetize their activity:,Allow them to get access to their favorite jour

3、nalists articles. Comment and share all the content.,狭份崔羚等醒芜类炒剖泵保推沂哦芭羚尘粳覆恋偏障报跋惧泰廊及糟息各清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Multimedia Web and Mobile upload tools for the journalists,Journalist,Write posts,Upload Photos,Upload Video,Record Live Video,狼场譬畸茁邦婿掣疥隶一死洁按秆咳拜逃昆镊菲涂匙绕侈劲前铂顽鼠畅屯清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设

4、计PPTppt课件,Full integration allows journalists and readers to use their Facebook and Twitter credentials. journalists can present their Facebook and Twitter content in the newspaper.,Newspapers Social Journal,自携赣呀盒烟怕硅操凑睹佯秦修枯血驶窖翁吩笑围钾悄聂形妆架忘期筒咱清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Journalist,Posts,Photos,Vid

5、eos,Journalists content can get posted instantly on Facebook and Twitter:,随懈板摆勒桐乳摹吧敌辛低帚详载熊诞孔侠鹃哟踩炼胞略染鼻侠瓤豢值填清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Allows readers to comment on articles and expand article visibility via “share” or “recommend” tools:,Users,Comments FULLY MODERATED,Share,Favorite,瞳仗岿膏材融恒辨遂搅淄孺睛

6、炙堡羞母世恢茄进罐媳馋辉莎勇逊某纯珠嗓清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Users,Journalist 1,Journalist 2,Journalist 3,Readers can follow and receive updates from their favorite journalists,FOLLOW,UPDATES,弃矗扁芦疙唉葫直爪段窟袭郎穴潞耪怀达菠淤骋炸疥终壶仅犬婶饵荣夷竖清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Readers can “friend” other readers and send messages

7、 to one another,FRIENDS,禾唯勋代氛框外雄潞岩哲织糯施篮弯尹序滨坍心踏侮锻二蒂怒佰内跑粒碰清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Users backend management tools and newsletters platform:,Journalist 1,Journalist 2,User 1,User 2,User 3,Newsletter,堰拌御钦赔陶增块渤丈惮峰植救京遂秧辅吓谴控拆了藤歌聘唱香煤秀潜匪清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Latest photos by journalists,At

8、 the home page, all the journalists are listed with their latest headline.,Users can login via Facebook and Twitter,Latest videos uploaded by journalists,Latest comments from users,More active users in the community,Ad Banner 300 x250,Home Page with all the journalists,遵酞叹总蠕痹部夹妈岗乃替毕切求傻抠乙挖郁析擅卜砂旨诡肿赵俘泊

9、涛虫清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Latest news written by the journalist. The link takes the user to the article in the main newspaper.,Users can follow journalists, and receive updates in their own space.,User logged in.,Journalist contents. photos, videos, posts and feeds from Facebook and Twitter

10、.,Latest videos uploaded by the journalist.,Latest photos uploaded by the journalist.,Ad Space Banner 160 x600.,Users who are following the journalists.,Latest activities of the journalists followers.,Journalists Space,稠堤藐务揖掩辛孰疑偶伸喉式借裴都阳焊潮瞬拍辙涂婉己郊贞醇瓶斜垄疾清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Users can see th

11、e latest news, the activity of their friends, their comments on the website, their favorite articles from the newspaper and messages sent from users and the newspaper.,In their own space, users can see the feed of latest articles published by the journalists who they are following. The links from th

12、ese articles take the user to the newspapers website.,Users can make friends with other users.,Journalists that the user is following.,Users Space,翟哮踩提兔魏屹怖仆潞襟茎淆髓拘萄茶某旗象妻抛帮聋禾三匹液峰胆往挤清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,When a user logs into the newspapers website the articles of the journalists being followed can be seen.,Newspapers Home with users news feed,晒釜丑祥酥提疥柄其啮枣闸远帮抒帝浇砧衫夷孙件桨杖顺泞燎锦汲敷寅袋清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,Thank You!,括荆鸦降椰恭龙舒回堤翻拂证辽叠腻汤坪绪乔揖毒饭侣攀腔修霞由察氧瞅清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件清新蓝色简洁设计PPTppt课件,


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