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1、牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文七年级英语教科书( 上册 )牛津深圳版牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文Unit 1 Making friendsGrammar : learn how to ask and answerwh- questionsLearn when to usea or an before nouns、Writing : complete an email to a new friend、Annas blogHello everyone、 Welcome to my blog、About meMy name is Anna、 I m from Germany、 I m 11 years

2、 old 、 I m tall and thin 、 I have long hair 、 I live with my family in a house close to some mountains 、 My mumis an Art teacher 、 My dad is a doctor 、 I have an eldersister and an elder brother、About my school and my hobbiesEvery day, I go to schoolby schoolbus、 My favouritesubjects are Maths,Art a

3、nd Science 、 I like my school because the teachers are all veryfriendly 、 My dream is to be an engineer、I like manysports 、 I m good atswimming and playingbasketball 、 Theseare my favourite hobbies、I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! Email me,please!Vocabulary1.Hello ev

4、eryone、aall peoplebsome people2.I live with my family in a house close to some mountains、anearbfar away from3.I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly、a happybnice and kind4.These are my favourite hobbies、athings I must dob things I like doing in my free time5.I want to make frien

5、ds with young people from all over the world、asome countries inb every country in牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文Unit 2 Daily lifeGrammar : learn how to use thesimple present tense、Learn how to useadverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency、Writing : complete an article about a girls daily life、A day at schoolI am a j

6、unior high school student、 I love going to school、My school is close tomy home, so Ialwaysgo toschool on foot、 Classesstartat 8 a、m、, and Iamseldom late、 My favouritesubjectisGeography、I enjoy learning about different places in the world、In themorning,we usuallystudyChinese,Maths and English 、 We ha

7、ve ourmorning break at9:50a、m、 When the bellrings,Irun totheplaygroundwith my best friends Tom and Jack、 We often play games 、 Break ends at10:10 a 、m、 How short it is!Lunch is from 11:50 a、 m、 to 12:30p、 m、 Afternoonclassesend at 3:30p、m、 Then Tom, Jack and I take part in the school band practice、

8、Wemake great music together、I always have a good time at school、Vocabulary1.Classes start at 8 a、m、, and I am seldom late、aoftenb not often2.We have our morning break at 9:50 a、m、aa short time between lessonsb a short holiday3.When the bell rings, I run to the playground with my best friends Tomand

9、Jack 、amake a soundb is quiet4.Afternoon classes end at 3:30 p、 m、astopb begin5.We make great music together、awith each otherb every day牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文Unit 3 The EarthGrammar : learn how to usecountable and uncountable nouns、Learn how to use the patternthere is / are、Writing : complete a report on pr

10、otecting the Earth、Protect The EarthThe Earth is a beautifulplace 、 There areforestsand rivers,mountainsand fields 、 Some places are very hot, and some are very cold、There are many different plants、 Some are large 、 Some are small 、 Allplants need light and water、 There are different animals on Eart

11、h too、Some live on theland 、 Some flyin the sky 、 Some live under the water、There are also manypeople likeyou and me on Earth 、 The Earthprovidesus with air, water and food、 It is our home、Today, there isa lotofpollution、 We burn thingsto make energy 、 Thispollutes the air、 We put our rubbish intoth

12、e sea and under theground 、This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants、We must stop doing these things 、 It is important for us to protect theEarth for our future、Vocabulary1.The Earth provides us with air, water and food、agivesb shows2.We burn things to make energy、aset 、 on firebmake、 ver

13、y strong3.This pollutes the air、amake、 cleanbmakes、 dirty4.This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants、acleansb makes、 die5.It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future、akeep、 safebchange牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文Unit 4 SeasonsGrammar :Writing :learn how to useadjectiveswrite about your f

14、avourite seasonThe four seasonsSpringIn spring, the weather starts to get warm、 The wind blows gently、 Itoften rains 、Plantsstarttogrow、Everythingturnsgreen 、Itis excitingto take a trip in spring、SummerThe weather ishot insummer、 The sun shinesbrightly、 Many people liketo go to the beach and swim in

15、 the sea、 It is nice to eat ice cream inthe hot weather、AutumnIn autumn, everythingchanges、 Leaves turn brown, red or yellow and startfallingfrom the trees 、 Itis nicetogo on a picnicat thistimeof yearbecause the weather is cool and dry、WinterWinter is often cold and snowy、 Children love winter beca

16、use they loveto playin thesnow、 Itisinterestingto make snowmen、 Peopleusuallyspend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival、Vocabulary1 all the things- eveything2 sends out light- shine3 not wet- dry4 with a lot of snow- snowy5 use time to do something- spend6 people in the same family-

17、relatives牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文Unit 5 Visiting the MoonGrammar : learn how to use thesimple future tense with will、Learn how to use thesimple future tense with be going toWriting : write a plan for visiting the Space HotelA trip to space- by Jerry10 October 2053I m so happy!Tomorrow I llbe one of thefirstst

18、udentsto travelintospace、 The spaceship will leavetheEarthat 9 a、m、 It ll takeus tothe Moon 、 I can t wait!The Moon is around 380,000 kilometres from the Earth, so itll take usabout four days to get there、 There s no gravity in space, so wellallbe able tofloataroud inthespaceship 、 Well have to tie

19、ourselvesto our beds so that we won t float away in our sleep! Without gravity,our bodies may get weak, so well have to do exercises every day、Whenwe arrive,I mgoing to walk on the Moon、I llhave towear a spacesuitto help me breathe because theres no air on the Moon、 I m going totakeas manyphotosas I

20、 can,thatis,if my camera stillworks up there 、Vocabulary1.If you leave a place, youit、ago tobgo away from2.If you have to do something, youdo it、acanbmust3.If you tie something, you、a hold two or more things together with a ropeb make something into a rope牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文4. When you breathe, you、a kee

21、p yourself warmb take air into and send it out of your bodyUnit 6 Travelling around AsiaGrammar : learn how to useconditional sentencesWriting : make a travel guideVisiting ShanghaiShanghai is one of the largest cities in the world 、If you like sightseeing, you will love it!People s SquarePeople s S

22、quare is in thecentreof Shanghai、 Itisa largepublicareawith green grass, fountains and birds、 If you visit People s Square,you can also see famous buildings around it, such as the Shanghai GrandTheatre and the Shanghai Museum、The BundThe Bund is where old Shanghai meets new Shanghai、 Ifyou walk alon

23、gtheBund, you willsee many oldbuildings、 ThePudong New Area,just acrossthe Huangpu River, has many modern buidlings、 At night, these tallbuildings light up the sky in every direction、Yu GardenYu Garden isa traditionalgarden 、 Ifyou enjoyhishistoryand naturalbeauty, you will love this garden、 There a

24、re many beautiful buildings,bridges and ponds 、 You can also buy different snacks just outside thegarden 、Vocabulary1Sightseeing usually refers to、2The centre is 、3A modern building is、牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文4 Examples of traditional food are5 the natural world means、Unit 7 school busGrammar : learn how to u

25、se thesimple past tenseWriting : complete a poster for the Insect Club、The Clubs FairLinda and Leo are new studentsat Rosie BridgeSchool 、 Last month, theyattended the Clubs Fair、First, Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club、“ Our clubwill teach you how to buildrockets、 Then you can launchthemin

26、to the sky,” a boy said,“ watch!”He took a rocket and lauched it、 The rocket disappeared into the sky、Linda and Leo were very surprised、“ Will it go all the way into space?” Linda asked 、“ Of course it won t, ” a girl from another club shouted、 “ Our clubis better 、 Come and join the Solar Power Clu

27、b、”“ What do you do? ” asked Leo 、“ We make wonderful machines、 They only use solar power、 Look! ”She took a toy car from the tableand then used a remote controlto driveit all around the playground、“ It uses power from the Sun,” said Linda、 “ That s amazing! ”Linda and Leo learnt about many clubs、 A

28、fter the fair, they felt veryexcited 、“ I want to join all the clubs,” said Linda、“ Me too! ” said Leo、牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文Vocabulary1At a fair, people let youthings、atakeblook at or buy2When you attend a class, youit、aleaveb go to have3When a mum teaches her child to make a cake, she、ashows him/ her how

29、to do itb makes it for him/ her4If something disappears,、aeveryone can see itbno one can see it5If something is amazing, it is very、agood and surprisingbbad and tiringUnit 8 Collecting thingsGrammar : learn how to use personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns 、Writing : write

30、a short article about your collectionUnusual collectionsSamand Helen s grandparentscollectalmost everything 、 Thereare eightdoorbells on their front door、“ This silverdoorbellis my favourite,” saidHelen、 She pushed it andsoon Grandpa opened the door、“ Come in, my dear grandson and granddaughter!” he

31、 said 、“ Who started collecting doorbells, Grandpa?” asked Sam 、“ Your grandma,“ he answered 、 “ She loves doorbells、”“ What do you like collecting, Grandpa?” asked Helen 、“ I like collecting newspaper、”They went inside and saw newspaper everywhere、“ Hello children!” called Grandma、 “ Let s have som

32、e tea、”The childrenfollowedher intothe livingroom and saw lotsof toys there 、There was hardly any space for the children to sit down、“ Whose toys are these? ” asked Helen 、“ They re ours,” said Grandma 、 “ We both like collecting toys、”“ But remember,” saidGrandpa, “ we have a lotof freetime!You hav

33、eyour school work todo, soyou shouldn t spend too much time collectingthings!”牛津深圳版七年级英语上册课文Vocabulary1.My friend will come to visit me in a short time from now、 - soon2.There are tall buildings all over the area、-everywhere3.I walked behind my grandma to thekitchen 、-followed4.I can almost not keep my eyes open、- hardly5.What do you do when you are not busy?- free


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