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1、北师大版高中英语必修三U7 知识点1. keep in mind =bear in mind 记住be in ones mind 有 想法,想念 be on ones mind 压在心头,有心事bring (back) to mind 使 想起change ones mind=alter ones mind 改变主意keep ones mind on 专心于 ,聚精会神做 make up onesmind to do sth. 下决心,决定to ones mind 照 看来be of one mind(=be of the same mind) 想法一致,同心同德 mind ones own

2、business 少管闲事 never mind 没关系;别介意例子:(1)I have tried to keep his advice in mind when writing this book.(2) I think I know what is in your mind.(3) Please tell me what is on your mind.(4)The story you have just told brings to mind a strange thing that happened to me.(5)Nothing could change his mind, so

3、 the meeting broke up.(6) I found it hard to keep my mind on what he was saying.(7)Have you made up your mind to do what I told you?(8) I m surprised at his doing such things; its dishonest, to my mind.2. as as possible=asas sb. can尽量3. participate vi. 参加,参与;分享participate with sb. in sth. 与某人分享 /分担

4、participantn. 参加者,参与者participating adj. 由多人(或多方)一起参加的participationn. 参与,参加,分享participatoryadj。 提供参加机会的,供人分享的He participates with us in our sufferings.4. will / shall be doing北师大版高中英语必修三U7 知识点(1) 表示将来某一时刻或某段时间内正在发生的动作。I llbe doing my homework at 9 oclock tonight.(2) 表示某种可能或推测。When I get home, my wife

5、 will be watching TV.(3) 代替一般将来时,表示按计划,安排即将发生的动作。Tomorrow I will be flying to Bombay.(4) 用于询问别人的计划,意图或表示比较缓和的命令等。Will you be having supper with us this evening?5.fill out =fill in填写fill in填写;消磨,打发(时间)fill up填满,装满fill up with充满 fill A(up) with B 用 B 充满 Abe filled with= be full of充满 (1) He filled in t

6、he rest of the day watching TV.(2) The stadium filled up with many spectators.(3) He fills the box with books.6. evaluate sth. 评估,评价 evaluate on 根据 .评价I cantevaluate his ability without seeing his work.7. on ones own 单独地;独自地;独立地of ones own 属于某人自己的for oneself 替自己,为自己of oneself 自动地to oneself 供自己用by on

7、eself 一个人(没有人一起或没别人帮忙)(1) You should do it on your own.(2) I want to have a house of my own.(3) He has the right to decide for himself.(4) She travelled from London to New York by herself.北师大版高中英语必修三U7 知识点(5) I want a little time to myself.(6) The door opened of itself.8. arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排a

8、rrange (for sb.) to do sth. 安排某人做某事arrange with sb. for sth. 和某人约好做某事arrangement n.安排,布置,整理(1) Call up and arranged (for) a taxi, please.(2) We arranged with him for attending the meeting.(3) Mother arranged for him to meet her.9. hunt v. 打猎,猎取;追寻;驱赶hunt after/for 追猎,搜寻hunt out 找出来go hunting 去打猎job-

9、hunting 找工作hunt for jobs 找工作hunt down 对 穷追到底,追捕到hunt after fame and wealth 追名逐利hunter猎人huntsman猎人,狩猎者huntress 女猎人hunting打猎;搜索;搜寻(1) I hunted everywhere for my watch, but I cantfind it.(2) He is hunting for jobs these days.10. base on 以 为基础,把 放在 基础上(常用被动语态)be based on根据,依据based on 根据,依据(介词短语)accordin

10、g to 根据,依据(介词短语)(1) You should base your conclusion on careful research.(2) The story is based on facts.(3) Based on our records payment of $ 56 is now overdue.北师大版高中英语必修三U7 知识点(4) According to George shes a great player.11. sign n. 记号;符号;牌示;招牌;预兆make a sign 做手势sign ones name 签名signal n. 象征 -在表示“符号,

11、记号,象征”之义时, sign 和 symbol 基本相同;在表示“暗号,信号”之义时, sign 多指人体的姿态,手势或动作, signal 则多指一些约定俗成的信号。(1) Mathematical signs(2) Are dark clouds a sign of rain?(3) The lion is the symbol of courage.(4) Deaf people talk with signs.(5) The commander gave the signals for a danger. mark“符号,记号,标记”时与 sign 基本相同。12. What if

12、?=What will/would happen if ?如果 会怎么样?要是 怎么办?Guess what? 你猜怎么着? /猜猜看。So what? 那又怎么样? /那有什么关系?What for? 为什么? /为和目的?Whatsup?怎么了?(1) What if he gets angry?(2) So what? I love the person who she is.(3) Whatsup? Is there something wrong with your bike?13. get sth. done get sb./sth. doing sth.get sb./sth.t

13、o do sth. 使 发生;使 被 have sth. done 让 开始做某事让 做某事have sth. to do有事要做(自己做)情;have sth. to be done有事要做(让别人做)北师大版高中英语必修三U7 知识点have sth. doing使/让别人做某事;遭遇某种(不幸的)事 have sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事have sb. do sth. =let/make sb. do sth.=get sb. to do sth让.某人做某事巩固习题:1. -Which one of these do you want?- . Either will

14、 do.A. I dontmindB. I m sureC. No problemD. Go ahead2.He and his wife are of the same; they both want their son to go to college.A. soulB. spiritC. heartD. mind3.Why dontyou justyour own business and leave me alone?A. makeB. open C. consider D. mind4. “Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the p

15、eer pressures in high school,”says Michelle, 17, whothe first program.A. participated inB. worked out C. approved ofD. made up5.I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning Ito Shanghai.A. will be flyingB. will flyC. have been flyingD. have flown6. -Could I use your car tomorrow morning?-Sure. I

16、a report at home.A. will be writingB. will have writtenC. have writtenD. have been writing7.When I came in, he wasan application form for party membership.A. filling out B. writingC. filled out D. filling of8.Please open the window; the room issmoke.A. filledB. filled withC. full with D. filled of9.

17、The school has only been open for six months, so its early toits success.A. countB. calculateC. estimate D. evaluate10.At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip.A. on her ownB. in personC. to her benefitD. on foot11.He wants a roomhis own.北师大版高中英语必修三U7 知识点A. toB. inC. ofD. on12.It so

18、unds like something is wrong with the car s engine., wed better takeit to the garage immediately.A. OtherwiseB. If not C. But for that D. If so13.-I hear that you will be on business again.-Yeah. My bossfor me to discuss business details with someone from anothercountry.A. askedB. arranged C. sentD.

19、 made14.Theythe traitor and avenged the death of their comrade upon him.A. hunted forB. hunted downC. hurried up D. handed down15.A large number of farmers rush into big cities towealth.A. searchB. hunt forC. look for D. find16. an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret i

20、t sooner or later.A. BasedB. BasingC. BaseD. To base17.From there, just follow theto the airport.A. addressB. signsC. noticesD. guidance18.In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a foreveryone to stand up.A. signalB. chanceC. markD. measure19. -Look, here comes your

21、dream girl. Invite her to dance.-What if she refuses me?A. I don t know B. Why me? C. With pleasure D. So what?20. -Linda didn tinvite us to the party.- ? I dontcare.A. For whatB. So whatC. Whats on D. Whats up21.Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car.A. washedB. washC. washi

22、ng D. to wash22.I have had my bike, and I m going to have somebodymy radiotomorrow.北师大版高中英语必修三U7 知识点A. repair; to repairB. repairing; to be repairedC. repaired; repairD. to rapair;repairing能力 .题型设计一选词填空。用方框中所给的短语的适当形式填空。hunt for, arrange with, participate in, on ones own, fill out1.The students part

23、icipatedactivelyinthe discussion.2.You should finish your homeworkon you own .3.In our country, the law strictly forbidshunting forendangered animals.4.Believe it or not, I spent hours filling outthis form.二单项选择 .1.There will be a discussion tomorrow; all those who want to, please raise yourhands.A.

24、 joinB. take part C. take a partD. participate in2.I have arrangedhimthe interview.A. with; forB. with; onC. for; for D. with; to3.We have finishedthe forms.A. filling upB. to fill inC. filling out D to fill out4. -I m sorry lm late. I got held up in the traffic on my way here.-A.Dontbe late next ti

25、meB. You should be blamedC. It doesntmatter. I malso lateD. Never mind. Come and sit down.5. In order to catch the early train, youd better get uptomorrow morning.A. as earlier as possibleB. as early as possiblyC. as early as possible D. as earlyas can6.There is athat house price will go down soon.A

26、. signB. signalC. mark D. symbol7.In fact, students can be divided into distinct groupstheir habits.A. are based on B. basing on C. based on D. base on8.Unless, Mr. Li will not make a speech in public.A. inviteB. invited C. inviting D. be invited北师大版高中英语必修三U7 知识点9. Some of you may have finished Unit

27、 One., you can go on to Unit Two.A. If you mayB. If you do C. If not D. If so10. -How can I apply for an online course?-Justthis form.A.fill outB. fill withC. fill up D. fill over11. - I suggest buying her a teddy bear for her birthday.-someone else brings the same present?A. WhyB. WhatC. What ifD.

28、How about12. -Can I call you back at two oclock this afternoon?- I m sorry, but by then Ito Beijing. How about five?A. flyB. will flyC. will be flying D. checked13. Claire had her luggagean hour before her plane left.A. checkB. checkingC. to checkD. checked三完成句子1. Ihave been hunting for jobs(a job)i

29、n the past several weeks. (hunt)在过去几周我一直在找工作。2.If possible, wellstart our journey on Sunday. (possible)如果可能,我们将在星期天开始我们的旅行。3. Swimming in the sea isgreat funon holiday. (fun)假期在大海里游泳很有趣。4. I cantwork it outon my own; it s too difficult. (own)我不能独自解决它;它太难了。5. Before I arrived there, my old friendhad arranged everything for me .(arrange)在我到达那里之前,我的老朋友已经为我安排好了一切。


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