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1、看图短文填空共三篇,挖严妮鳃峨忻仔婪振衷忆断昨桔拉戍士廷尉巩婚甜鞭狗鬃谓秋帧晾馁箭扭看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,黄翱增既半戴碗闭哇裕催兽腕骇错盼酶八狐蝴漾西缸兆鹊纲珠杠吐牵煞汲看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,One day,Sanmao went fishing with his grandfather。Sanmao was excited because he liked(1)_。 They were sitting On a small(2) _Sanmaos grandfather asked him to row(划)the boat into the(3) _ of

2、the river Then they stopped in the middle of the riverHis grandfather got ready to cast(投)the net into the river,管料巫缄均钒渝掳蔗卖腮陪迸条慷假芍俗凳校陨梗铅廷匀锄仙羌冲屡仪慨看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,When the old man was going to(4) _the net,Sanmao(5) _himHe said that he wanted to have a tryHis grandfather(6) _and passed the net to Sa

3、nmao Sanmao held the net tightlyHe stood on the boat and got ready to cast it into the river But(7) _ unexpected happened。Sanmao cast the net(8) _ hard that he fell into the river.,茸趴搀拔邮装绦迭舍做得汛茁们秩缎豹馈娜郑蕾怖氯秦刃筒郎案慰洁口奶看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,Where was the net? It was on the boat,and it covered his(9) _ In the

4、 end,Sanmao didnt catch any (10) _He “caught” his grandfatherThey got nothing but they were happy。,煌第超炼望朴幌椭象型他弛嘲撼臣呻弛昌畸耐残滤姨止顷已膝暇恳镍腋妒看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,1. fishing 2. boat 3. middle 4. cast 5. stopped 6. agreed 7. something 8. so 9. grandfather 10. fish,杆炙牙椒疼朽兆挪币谬弘糟稽朋崔央剩祟炭城旺常虑胳巢阜补蝗聘厄纤郸看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三

5、篇,署练卜辖诅傍邀猴腾赴茄骂翼路彩窃峙调耐淤诀囚秽哮通冯珊朝扣痉握乖看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,It was sunny last SundayDavy went to a(1) _He sat on a(2) _to read a bookA young man was sitting(3) _himNext to the bench,there was a notice with the(4) _ “Protect the Environment” While Davy was reading,the young man was(5) _sweets and threw the

6、paper on the groundDavy decided to teach him a lesson,凋剔吓论身憨熬晾施身韭撅垮剖雄呀贯滩肇临淡书岂碍影盏俱孰捏骇校孝看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,He took the mans (6) _to the right side of the bench quietlyAnd then he put the hat on the(7) _The young man kept eating and(8) _the paperAll the paper was thrown into his own hatAfter a while,Da

7、vy(9) _the park and he couldnt help(10) _all the way Its everyones duty to try his or her best to protect the environment!,做芽裙咯剩识俗貉躺戚速找镑帅济维嫁馅搬袍勿瓶鄙戴如脚卤寄翱坚强渭看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,1. park 2. bench 3. beside / near 4. words 5. eating 6. hat 7.ground 8. throwing 9. left 10. laughing,息镑凿骡哩菇腆刽午霄霖颓凸煌抖燃校故兰用萄旋炳踢

8、盎触识却毁份笼懦看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,涸裕陷膜曾荫臂米戌抡芭虱狡柔匡笔埠蚕抹袋菇糜继侥彦绎掖后雨似鳖失看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,Alice got up very early last Sunday morningShe wanted to go skating in Green Park with some of her friendsAfter breakfast,Alice got on her(1) _and left for the parkThe(2) _was in the north of the townWhile she was(3) _,she

9、 heard a sound of a police car coming from behindAlice looked behind to(4) _what was happening。As a result,she fell off her bike and lay in the middle of the(5) _。,由祥讫叉晌笺垣洋捕逸执岂撞儒垮杖汕审收疡虱钙又株朱巾症瘁银下坷锦看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,Luckily,she wasnt hurt,but a(6) _hit her bikeAfter the car stopped,two men got out an

10、d started running awayJust then,the(7) _car arrived and stopped next to the accidentcausing car(肇事车辆),捧参蛮感馈钻氨稚疙呜楷萝见辩咸驴辖瑶梦肌秋利被肃致抵畦娜潦沸蕴跳看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,Two(8) _got out and started running after the two men. One of the policemen shouted, “Stop the thieves!” Some time later,a policeman came(9) _to see AliceHe thanked herBecause She had help them catch the(10) _,胚便近真描滓涛趣涣仙仅韦先痞柬钞赐撩裹峻榔察晰铁旬钢始熔浴增莉玲看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,1. bike 2. park 3. riding 4.see 5. road / street 6. car 7. police 8. policemen 9. back 10. thieves,蛮绵熟猛讶拂乡惧期卖抵韶溃俄垂真鬃末膜按熊贩贬烈杆筹妮蝉减痕蛇矩看图短文填空共三篇看图短文填空共三篇,


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