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1、课时 计 划刘福文教学内容Module4 Unit2 Every family will have a课的类型、Reading and writingsmall plane.教学目标:( 1) To understand the new words and expressions( 2) To process information of future life in the listening material( 3) Help students know the life in the future.教学重点与难点: new words and expressions andwill +d

2、o教学准备: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, ppt)教学设计:教学内容及师生互动Step1 Lead inT:(1)Ask students to discuss and make a report.What will you do?Where will you work?Will you be rich or poor?Will you have an expensive car?Will you have a laptop?How many children will you have?Will you be pretty?Where will yo

3、u live?(2).Let students look at the pictures and describe what they see.S: (1)To discuss and make a report.(2) Look at the pictures and describe .设计意图时间通过讨论引导学生回顾上节课的内容, 巩固一般将来时的语法知识。通过这个环节,既可以活跃课堂气氛, .也能从说句子中考验学生对 Unit1 知识的掌握程度, 还训练了学生的反应。并在无形中培养学生大胆说英语的习惯Step2 Pre-reading 引导学生谈论图片 ,训练学生 T”Show stu

4、dents some pictures and check the new words. 描述物品物的能力。 在描述的S:Look at the pictures to say out some new words .同时学习新单词和句型,为学Step3 ThreeWhile-reading生扫清阅读障碍。1. ScanningT:(1)Ask students to scanthe passage and answer:What does the passage talk about?- 1 -2. Skimming要求学生快速阅文章,Ask students to skim the pas

5、sage and match the回答问题,帮助学生理paragraphs with the headings.解课文内容。1.Weather通过学生快速阅读,培2.Clothes养学生获取主旨的能3.Jobs力。并进一步理解文章4.Travel的内容, 为进一步学习做好铺垫。3.Careful reading.(1)Paragraph 1: Fill in the blanks after reading it.T: Please read paragraph A and fill in the blanks:In the future, we will wear a _ _ _ clot

6、hes.When we are cold, theyll be_, and_ when werehot. Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph.让学生带着任务(问题)去阅读课文,去找答案,有助于学生更加准确地获取信息,提高阅读效果和技能。学生通过分层次阅读文章,获取具体信息,把知识点和课文理解在分段学习得以突破。而小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学(2)Paragraph

7、2:生充分地实践运用语 Present some sentences to the students and ask them to言,并激发学生创造性read paragraph B andwrite“ T” orin “groups,F”思维的发展。also correct the wrong sentences after reading Paragraph 2.1.Therell be more lightrain and coldwindinspring.()2.The weather will be warm and hot all year.() Organize some st

8、udents to come to the blackboard andshow out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph.(3)Paragraph 3 and 4: Let the students answer the questions after readingthem:1. What will every family have?2. Why will you like the future? Organize some students to come to the blackboard

9、 and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph.S:(1) Scan the passage and answer the question: What does the passage talk about?Skim the passage and match the paragraphs with the headings.- 2 -1.Weather2.Clothes3.Jobs4.Travel Read paragraph A and fill in the blanks:In

10、 the future, we willwear a _ _ _ clothes.When we are cold, theyll be_, and_ when werehot. Some students come to the blackboard and show outsome difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. Read Paragraph 2 and write “T”or “F”in groups, also correct the wrong sentences:1.Therell be mo

11、re light rain and cold wind inspring.()2.The weather will be warm and hot all year.() Some students come to the blackboard and show outsome difficult language points that they found in this paragraph . Students answer the questions after reading them. 1.What will every family have?2.Why will you lik

12、e the future? Some students come to the blackboard and show outsome difficult language points that they found in this paragraph.Step4 Post-reading1.Retell. Let the students fill in the blanks according to the passage inactivity 5.复述课文能使学生加深对课文内容的理解。 Call back the answers from two students then retel

13、l the short passage in the whole class .2.Writing Let students talk about the life in the future in groups. Write a short passage : What will the lifebe in the future?Homework:Write a passage:The world in the future通过写作,让学生巩固所学,并增强写作能力。适量的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言重点。课堂小结: today we have learnt: air,land,rain,

14、robot,sea, space,traffic,jam, trafficjam, true, come true, bike(= bicycle), car, into, wind, hour, rise, short, long, light,heavy,here is /, not only .butalso.,easy, working,as well和 everywhere 。Structure: will +do- 3 -板书设计:Unit 1 Everyone will study at homeair, land, rain, robot, sea, spa

15、ce, traffic, jam, traffic jam, true, come true, bike(= bicycle), car, into, wind, hour, rise, short, long, light, heavy, here is / are. cheap, not only .but also., easy, working, as well 和 everywhere 。教学反思: The students need more time to practise speaking.Only a fewstudents can say something about t

16、he future.学案设计知识梳理知识Be going to +do and some words about the life in the future准备本课时 New words and expressions: air, land, machine, robot, sea, space, traffic, jam, wind, true,eap, everywhere, into, raise, traffic jam, come true, not onlybut also, as well.知Stucture: will +do识点课内训练- 4 -分层达标 :1. Days

17、_ (get) longer in spring.2. Its very cold _ the North Pole in winter,A. onB. in C. at3.We can see _ to heat our bodies.A. sunB. the sunC. the earth4.The car _ very expensive.A. willB. isntC. dont5. Will his mother come back tomorrow?- No, _.A. she isntB. she wont C. she will用所给词的适当形式填空6.Tonys sister

18、 _ (work) in that hospital next Monday.7. Jimsteacher _ (talk) to some students in the classroom now.8. The girl _ (send) the letter to her mother by email this evening.9. It often _ (rain) in the city in summer.10. There _ (be) a film tomorrow evening.根据汉语提示完成句子 ,词数不限。11. There will be _(大雨) tonigh

19、t.12. I dontknow what I can do when_ (强风 )come. 13.We can use the new machine to _使(房子变暖 )14. The robots will_ (做无聊的工作 )for people.15. Your idea _ 听(起来很有趣 ) 16.People _将(会有一个长假 )in October.17. What will you do if you have _ (许多空闲时间 )课后训练18. 我们可以在电脑上交谈。We can _ with each other _ the computers.基 19. 将

20、来学生们会将作业通过电子邮件发给老师。础The students will _ their homework _ the teachers _ email inthe训 future.练 20.玲玲明年将十四岁。Lingling _ fourteen years old next year.- 5 -21.Tom _ (have) a birthday party tomorow evening.22.Her father _ (study) English in America now.综23. What will the weather be like tomorrow ?合- It wi

21、ll be _ ( wind).训24. There will be _ (rain) this evening.练25. _ (fly) in planes will be cheap.拓展提升I _1_ a good name, Mary. I am fourteen years old. I d _2_to tell you my dream_3_ the future . I will be a lawyer(律师) _4_ ten years. I will work in Beijing _5_ it is a beautiful city. It s our capital. A

22、s a lawyer, I will meet many interesting people and things . I will live in a big house_6_ my family because Idontlike _7_ alone( 独自 ). I will have a dog, a beautiful dog., _8_I can thave a dog now. Because my mother _9_ like dogs. I will have a robot. The robot will help me _10_ my housework. My dream is very good. .1.A has B. will beC. have2.A lovelyB. likeC. take3.A. inB. atC. on4.A. inB. atC. for5.A. soB. becauseC. but6.A. forB. withC. and7.A, liveB. livingC. lives8.A. SoB. BecauseC. But9.A. dontB. isntC. wont10. A. withB. forC. by- 6 -


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