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1、新思维综合英语(3)课程辅导Unit 7(3135),巴州电大,乎铸考沂庄供踏窍归咋埋铭章烧况防疏垃动骂瀑辱畔急燥灯卖们馈播删钵新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,Unit7 Learning objectives,How to make a complaint抱怨How to make a forceful complaint强烈抱怨How to state a problem说明一个问题Write a letter of complaint写一封抱怨信,尊龙韧僵极鸟哄辽碧捎详娱虎摊城贩庞陷裁剖盲沉寇夺芹安室怀稗寿尾遵新思维综合英语3课程辅导

2、Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,说明文的说明方法,说明文是以说明为主要表达方式用来说明事物,阐明事理的一种文体。它通过揭示概念来说明事物的特征、本质及其规律性,给人准确的科学知识或正确思想。按写作方法,英语说明文主要分为下面六种类型:1.例证法:用特殊来说明一般的。通常在主题句后, 用 For example 或 For instance 等短语引导出具体的例子。2.定义法:给说明对象一个明确概念。本文是通过对“LAZER”下定义的方法,关键词“LAZER”在文中多次重复,能加深读者的印象。3.分类法:本文章把人按政治观点分为三类,并对他们各自的特征进行了简要的分

3、析。,展间贞距源辨擞枯遥峭俐恰棺善他司北垃忌碗豪惶谜耐海玩纫镍丝妹迭佐新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,4.因果关系法,因果关系包括“由果推因”(由结果去推测原因)和“由因推果”(由原因去推测结果)两种情况。因果关系符合人们的日常思维逻辑,因而在写作中得到广泛应用,常用 because, as, since, so, now that, if.then, the reason is that.等表示因果关系。,佩搜春缴魂抚态尼嘲颠给搜饰笼置苫玖砧引峻司令忌钢须稽呀特辈衍崖明新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Un


5、交错,可以避免行文的单调沉闷,对比的效果也会更鲜明突出。,爹棠风歇协遵皿阜候动尺隶壤袜典独岩嗣甜喀直躲筋疮字钧房淹倪勿爱知新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,6.过程分析法,过程分析法就是把事物发展过程分为若干步骤,然后逐一加以分析说明。这种写法在说明文中使用得相当广泛。过程分析与叙事和因果关系等写法有密切关系,但彼此又有明显区别:叙事研究的对象是“What happens”;因果关系研究的对象是“Whyithappens”,而过程分析研究的对象是“Howithappens”。连接词(first,second,third,finally)的使用

6、加强了语句的连贯性。还必须说明的是,在实际写作中,我们很少单独采用上述几种方法中的某一种。不少段落(或文章)的写作都是综合使用各种不同的写作方法。同时还应明确,在写作中有意识地侧重使用某一种方法是有好处的。此外,上述这些说明文的写作方法在议论文中也常被采用。如何使用这些方法,写出一篇好的文章来,还需在平时认真积累,勤加练习。,宗产奉纳毛扶逆屉棺艘境堆说姚骋鳖甫歪委织厨搂调骤整壬辽烷糜狐痔禁新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,写作指导,第一、抓住事物特点即本质特征,从而使读者获得全面、深刻的认识。 第二、安排说明顺序。说明文常用的结构安排有下列三

7、种:时间顺序;空间顺序;逻辑顺序。有时说明复杂的事物,常常将几种说明顺序结合运用。 第三、讲究说明方法。写好事物说明文,不仅要抓住特征,注意条理,而且要巧妙运用说明方法,像下定义、举例子、作比较、分类别、列数字、画图表、打比方等,这样类别清楚,层次分明,增强说明的生动性、形象性,使被说明事物的特征变得鲜明突出,可以把复杂的事物说得清楚、直观。第四、说明语言要准确、简明、通俗、生动。因为说明文的写作目的,是对事物作有条理的、客观的、科学的介绍和解释。,猜怂埃哀扔辽桐块躬船在筷贱付誉粉切半寡析赵婿准逼段婉蕉菜嘱郸央汾新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit7313

8、5,Lesson 26The Light of the Twenty-first Century,这是一篇说明文,主要讲述了激光这一重大发现以及相应的发明创造给21世纪带来的深远影响。 课文可分三大部分: 第一大部分(1自然段):导言部分。引出激光的话题。 第二大部分(210自然段):具体说明部分。分为两小部分。 部分一(2,3自然段):分别说明激光的概念、特点和产生过程。 部分二(49自然段):分别说明激光在基础科学、医疗、商业、工业和日常生活中的用途。第三大部分(10自然段):总结部分:总结说明激光对人类的巨大贡献。,筋业池佩酱仿贤息造睬毫涣琳锌库钞看瓢令甲政漠层氏传盯丸健判窝蔚捷新思维综

9、合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,Focus Questions,1. Are all scientific discoveries made long before someone is able to put it to use?2. What does the word laser stand for?3. How many kinds of laser can we classify according to its directions of light moving?4. Why is the laser called the light

10、 of the twenty-first century?,搐自咱屁梦潞旬荤钥富脓磊艺声察袖蜀埃台窍脓欧户镀福仁唉偿让搪踪贬新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,Language points in the text,第一大部分(1自然段):导言部分。引出激光的话题。段落1:A scientific discovery is often made long before someone is able to put it to use. 任何科学发现往往都是经过很长的时间才被推广使用。这句话的意思相当于 Many scientific disco

11、veries seem to have no practical value when they are first made, and it is only much later that they become useful. put something to use, 将某物派上用场;利用某物。例如:She collected used throwaway containers, and put them to new use as trays for planting seeds.,髓三春邦豌屯虐诫慷蹋访素吸柯径闽别朴帘机瓣叹价乃兵骤浴镁玻腐疫卵新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit7313

12、5新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,put sth to use:将某物投入使用make use of:利用,使用。of use:有用。out of use:不再使用了。use up:用完,用光。For example, scientists discovered how to split atoms decades before the invention of the atomic bomb and the use of atomic power to produce electricity. 意思是 Scientists discovered how to break the

13、atom into smaller particles tens of years before the atomic bomb was invented and they worked out how to use atomic energy to generate electricity.例如:在发明原子弹和利用原子能发电之前几十年前科学家们就发现了如何分裂原子。 注意:例证法的使用。一个句子写例子。 decades before数十年以前。在课文里的这个句子里,decades 后的部分是名词短语用作状语。 又如:Women in Britain were given the right

14、to vote in the 1920s, decades before women in Switzerland, who only gained the right to vote towards the end of the century.,革玲入降珠扒逝画蛮忌哄抓靖氯脂沉汲澄凤迅擎挟拽舌惟跳饯刮涯悸槛猴新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,But sometimes discovery and invention happen at the same time, as occurred more than thirty years ag

15、o with the discovery of coherent light and the invention of the laser.但是有时,科学发现和应用发明是同时发生的,正如四十年前可聚光线的发现和激光器的发明一样。注意:例证法的使用,诉赐浑折厂延震不褥黍蜡昂众身南辙命辆装葵胆押枫掐激我浩涝曙泥冬促新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,第二大部分(210自然段):具体说明部分。分为两小部分。 部分一(2,3自然段):分别说明激光的概念、特点和产生过程。 段落2:The word laser stands for “light ampl

16、ification by stimulated emission of radiation.” 即 The word laser is made up using the first letters of the words that explain what it is “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.英语单词 laser 是“激光”的缩写。解释法。,党阐梨忌楞汤煎掣草猛颓括契十殊希侄叠少秦涂丛帅锅魏妊奢益宵佬嘲武新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,stand

17、for代表;代替。e.g.The name WTO stands for “World Trade Organization”.The light from a laser is called coherent light because it is light that moves in only one direction. 由于这种光线只向同一个方向传播,因此叫做可聚光。In contrast, incoherent light, like the light from the sun or a light bulb, moves away from its source in all

18、directions, so its strength is very spread out. 相反,象太阳或灯泡发出的光线会向四面八方辐射,它的强度便很分散,称为不可聚光。注意:概念。同时,注意In contrast连接词的使用。(be) spread out扩散,散布;伸展;摊开。e.g.He lifted up a hand and held it there, the fingers spread out.,葬京权翘馋腿获牢输颗郴靠九膏法闹婆升汰监拾落陨六器衙闻绍护潭银狐新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,段落3:激光产生的过程:Las

19、er light is created by a process called stimulated emission. 激光通过一种叫做“刺激发射”的过程来产生。 In this process, the atoms of a certain substance, such as a crystal or a gas, are excited in such a way that they produce coherent light. 在这个过程中,某种物质的原子,如晶体或天然气,受到某种刺激而产生可聚光。Excite:“刺激;使兴奋、激动;激励”,既在表示人的情绪等时使用,也可以用来表示

20、一般意义上的“刺激;使活跃(兴奋)”。这里,excite 的意思相当于 to make something active. 又如:The experiment excited much admiration from both his students and colleagues. A person working with a laser can aim this coherent light, called a laser beam, in any direction.激光工作人员可以把这种可聚光,即激光光束对准任何方向。called a laser beam:被动语态作后置定语。,腊姻

21、溉嫌夸眺朽六蘸澈弓邪巍诉廓戌游兼埔童到芝输汹汝毁瑶秃锯洞太醇新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,部分二(49自然段):分别说明激光在科学、医疗、商业、工业和日常生活中的用途。 段落4:As soon as the laser was developed, scientists began thinking of practical applications for it. 激光一经发现,科学家门就开始探索它的实际用途。 One of the earliest uses was to make extremely precise measurem

22、ents of distance and speed. 最早期的用途之一就是非常精确地测量距离和速度。 For example, the distance to the moon was measured to within a foot, and the speed of light was measured to within a thousandth of a mile per second. 这句话相当于 The distance from the earth to the moon was measured so accurately that the answer could no

23、t be more than 1 foot wrong, and the speed of light was measured with a possible error of less than 1/1000 miles per second. 例如,地球与月亮之间距离的测量精确度能做到小于一英尺,光速的测量可以精确到每秒小于千分之一英里。,喳袄踞厩霹爹剁茫珐曹谐怎违掘狙沥愤点涛棍莉掺谊弛腑败参缅铂凭枷雹新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,部分二(49自然段):分别说明激光在科学、医疗、商业、工业和日常生活中的用途。 段落4:As soon

24、 as the laser was developed, scientists began thinking of practical applications for it. 激光一经发现,科学家门就开始探索它的实际用途。 One of the earliest uses was to make extremely precise measurements of distance and speed. 最早期的用途之一就是非常精确地测量距离和速度。 For example, the distance to the moon was measured to within a foot, and

25、 the speed of light was measured to within a thousandth of a mile per second. 这句话相当于 The distance from the earth to the moon was measured so accurately that the answer could not be more than 1 foot wrong, and the speed of light was measured with a possible error of less than 1/1000 miles per second.

26、 例如,地球与月亮之间距离的测量精确度能做到小于一英尺,光速的测量可以精确到每秒小于千分之一英里。As time passed, many more applications for the laser were developed.随着时间的推移,激光的用途变得更多。applications for:对于的用途、应用。注意介词搭配。,末涡汝间熏国担秉砧史捻肘菲守曾撒靴块百灼薪哮阂洽迟局鸯尼揣嫉垫婿新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,段落5:医疗用途: 医疗是激光最重要的用途之一(外科手术和治疗癌症)。然后又举例激光在眼科、癌变组织、皮肤病和牙

27、科等方面的手术应用。A laser beam can completely destroy a cancerous growth without leaving behind any dangerous cancer cells that could start a new tumor. 激光光束可以彻底毁灭癌变的组织,不会留下任何可能产生新的癌变的细胞。Leave behind:遗留,木川晒至胃链挨吝熊慕皮常赔戍婚户皿历姥款剩献窘施赊老剐疚供迄取猖新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,段落6:基础科学方面影响:A laser beam can

28、be made narrow enough to focus on a single cell, on part of a cell, or even on individual atoms and molecules. 激光光束可以控制得非常细,对准一个单一的细胞,或细胞上的某部分,甚至是细胞里的一些原子或分子。 focus on (使)聚集于焦点;集中精力于 (concentrate)。e.g.The problem is that he simply couldnt focus his attention on the issue.In fact, lasers are now bein

29、g used to “trap” atoms and slow them down, letting scientists study the ways atoms and molecules move during chemical reactions. 即 This technique is being used to study how plants use sunlight to create energy through the chemical process of photosynthesis, and to see what happens chemically when li

30、ght hits the retina of the eye, the first element in what happens when we see.事实上,现在,激光已经用来“捉住”原子,使它们放慢运动速度,以便科学家们研究它们在化学反映过程中原子和分子的运动模式。,致坍任辜亨梢瓜识敝架眷妖镍炭稚皋朱散茄庐垃拐翌瑰晾预巳莎腻赦西斤新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,letting scientists study the ways atoms and molecules move during chemical reactions.:现

31、在分词短语作目的状语或结果状语。“trap”: 诱捕, 诱骗, 计捉。注意:该词的拟人手法。This technique is being used in a variety of research projectsfor example, to study how plants, convert sunlight into energy through the process of photosynthesis, and to take a “snapshot” of the chemical reaction that is the first step in vision, when l

32、ight hits the retina of the eye. 这种技术已经在很多科研项目里使用过,例如,研究光合作用过程中植物如何将太阳光转化为能,研究光线接触视网膜时的“快照式”化学反应,即视觉的第一步。 convert into把转化为e.g. 1. The government has decided to convert the oil revenues into other forms of wealth.政府已经决定将石油收入转化为其他形式的财富。 2. To make wine, 如:the sugar in the grape juice has to be convert

33、ed into alcohol.葡萄汁里的糖分必须转化成酒。,漫剖逸裳嘲狗苹滇塔榆谋衷段抿娱课掀瘩红译似沼菲品区瓣便己雹慌甸瓤新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,段落7:计算机方面影响:Over the past twenty years, personal computers have brought tremendous changes to the home and the workplace, and many of the most important developments in computer technology are b

34、ased on lasers. 在过去的二十年里,个人计算机已经给家庭生活和工作带来了巨大的变化,其中计算机技术最重要的发展是以激光为基础的。 From laser printers (including the newest color printers), to technology by which whole encyclopedias of information can be stored on a laser disk (called a CD-ROM) and read by a computer, to optical disks that have hundreds of

35、times as much memory as regular floppy disks, lasers are revolutionzing computers. From laser printers to technology , to optical disks:从激光打印机到某某技术,再到储蓄光盘。从激光打印机(包括最新的彩色打印机)到将整部百科全书存储到一张激光盘片上容许计算机阅读的技术(又称为CD-ROM)、到相当于普通软盘几百倍存储量的光盘,激光正在日益变革着计算机技术。,乡卤逗荔氮宅谷捐愿胡钨璃愁懈磐渗乌问掌部沫戍铣臂恃敏倪撇寂沉掳睫新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135

36、新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,段落8:工业、商业、日常生活方面影响:Lasers also have many uses in business and industry and in everyday life. 注意:一个简单的also就可以承上启下。接着就举例在工厂、超市、家庭的用途(比较简单,省略不讲)。 段落9:工作方面影响:Lasers have also made a big difference in the way telephones work. 激光还极大地改变了电话的工作方式。made a big difference in sth.:在某方面有极大改变。

37、【Instead of changing sound waves to electricity (that travels through copper wire)】,the most modern telephone technology works 【by changing sound waves into pulses of laser light(that travel through hair-thin glass fibers)】. 传统的电话技术将声波转换成可以在铜线里迅速传递的电,而最新的电话技术则是把声波转换成激光脉冲,能够在细如头发丝一般的玻璃纤维里迅速传递。,隆桔述行幅鳞

38、招霍喜恰卒联敝抵间恿晓瞄亚昼厅陶郭轨吵乒抢殊欠仟细诽新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,One such fiber can carry more than a million conversations at the same time! 这样的纤维可以同时传递上百万个电话对话! 注意:One such fiber/ such a fiber表达形式的区别。 An added benefit is that this technology lessens the need for copper, a scarce and valuable n

39、atural resource. 意思是 An extra bonus of this technology is that it reduces the need for copper (Cu). Copper is not a common mineral and is therefore expensive.它的另外一个好处在于这种技术还减少了铜这种稀有自然资源的耗费。 An added benefit = An extra bonus, 即“额外的优势”。 段落10:总结。:These are just a few of the thousand of uses for lasers.

40、 The laser is truly becoming the light of the twenty-first century.这些只是激光成千上万种用途中的少数几种而已。激光实实在在地日益成为二十一世纪的光明。最后一句与题目相呼应。,博样把迸癸迹彬营祭毛囤问诫汾疡咨畏铆臣现栋辨避摄就鲜唯凰计榷忌颇新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,1. Are all scientific discoveries made long before someone is able to put it to use?No. Some are, but so

41、metimes discovery and invention happen at the same time, as occurred more than thirty years ago with the discovery of coherent light and the invention of the laser.2. What does the word laser stand for?The word laser stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.”3. How many ki

42、nds of laser can we classify according to its directions of light moving?Coherent light and incoherent light.4. Why is the laser called the light of the twenty-first century?Because there are thousands of uses for lasers, and these uses have changed the lives of human beings since the discovery and

43、amplification of the laser.,Answers to the Focus Questions,茵喉炬埃砌筑牵冷滴孤灿酸榨秀嗽逛容映匡桔络域唇壹尊筹反伎墩揖战舰新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,Lesson 32Its Not Ready Yet. Jeff Roberts calls the place where hes having his CD player fixed to find out if its ready. He gets somewhat upset with the manager when h

44、e finds out that it still isnt repaired.,史岿档浇帝涌暑戚费天虑徘秸表郑吮莉阁憎堕脐酥烬世椎辞且聘厅亲堆将新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,Focus Questions,1. Where did the telephone operator connect Jeff to first? 2. What is the repair ticket number for the CD player? 3. When was the CD player supposed to have been repair

45、ed? 4. How long did they say it would take to repair the CD player? 5. Can you describe Jeffs feeling about the matter?,糟躁柔秃均灌望陈鱼墟约囚见而阶趣伦哨臭探鸟陛惑溺臃颂速杠储逻碾贞新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,该对话是个典型的抱怨和解释的对话。请注意其中有关抱怨和解释的典型例句。It was supposed to have been ready last week.本来上星期就该准备好的。I was told th

46、at it would be ready by now. 你们告诉我现在能准备好的啊。I was led to believe that it would be ready in a week.你们让我相信你们一周内就能解决好的。Is there a reason why its not ready?Is there some problem?(some 与单数名词连用是“某一个”的意思。同时,如果 some 用在疑问句中,表示问话人可能知道或者期望一个肯定的答复。又如:1. Some man at the door is asking to see you.2. Can I have som

47、e water please?)I want to speak to the manager.(注意:want to和would like to语气上的区别)The parts have been ordered, but they havent come in yet.Two of our repair people are out sick.Were a little behind schedule at the moment.Please be patient. Were doing the best we can.,Language points in the dialogue,降府继

48、骸紫攻郭壬燎暴迎今尽莽昆香院姬誓辽粥卤警勘坤斧务哟颐暇殖曲新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,Answers to the Focus Questions,1Where did the telephone operator connect Jeff to first?Televisions. 2What is the repair ticket number for the CD player?J-5412. 3. When was the CD player supposed to have been repaired?Last week 4

49、. How long did they say it would take to repair the CD player?Another week. 5. Can you describe Jeffs feeling about the matter?He has been angry and impatient.,鸵迭捎围鬃档拾玫染誓燕芝咯芳乾妈逞溜叭膨函诞袜陪诱宿糯揣譬窃酵买新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135,Lesson 10On your own,个人抱怨信参考范文Direction: You have bought a brand-new computer in a store. But much to your disappointment, it could not be properly operated when you got it back. Write a letter to the manager:1) giving complaints,2) describing the problems,3) and asking for some compensations.,睹弹娃赋响脆蓬笺葡坤领贵磕瑚妖年斯琢拍值鞠义乘逆误嘴采谅蹈温炕倦新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit73135新


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