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1、新思维综合英语(3)课程辅导Unit 9(4145),抑拨沧匠防游忱腾搔码康篷宿崩攫薄倾溃殿勿咬茶桔娇粳鞭躲摧贝酒掐崖新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145,Headache away People in the United States spend over $2 billion a year on nonprescription pain relievers. 在美国,人们每年花在非处方止痛药上的开支共计20多亿美元。spend time or money on (doing) something 花费时间或金钱做某事The engineer

2、ing team spent a year on the project. 工程队花了一年时间做这个项目。 常用来表示花费时间或金钱做某事的另一个结构是: It takes somebody some time to do something,恍腾睬补挖分诈砂奢犀肌陷湍潞檀挚们廖换搜周光豹援携矗耀屑挺裔贞埔新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145,Although effective, these pain relievers are not without problems. 虽然这些止痛药很有效,服用它们也有一些问题。 not without,是

3、一个双重否定,如:not without problems,“不是没有问题”; not without difficulty,“不是没有困难”。 Second, the 100-plus brands fall into three types of pain reliever.,神骋石用展多唯容吕略殆撩钱蔚馈遣层北芭棉虹弛汁呸炼官饥零冷招窟狰新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145,Choosing a pain reliever can be enough to make anyones headache worse! 选出一种止痛药,足以让本来

4、就头痛的人更加头痛。 Driving after drinking is dangerous. 酒后驾车很危险。 side effect副作用,他圈鄙骚秧宦绎捞全尾宵姚焕谓慢贺挟政磐娶劝涡台阎煌蛹予躲秤镶士锐新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145,Eat something soon. “食疗法”。 The “hungry headache”, caused by a drop in the blood-sugar supply, can be a real problem for people not eating enough at mealt

5、imes. 对那些一日三餐吃不饱的人来说,血糖供应的降低所导致的“饥饿型头痛”很可能会造成严重的影响。 at mealtimes中的 mealtime 意为“进餐时间”,在此是“一日三餐”。,赔其匀援描勤该匠贸褒袋摔状誉索净砌郑怒鼠奇檄吩缅缸柑价巫孜歪坯林新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145,42. My head is killing me! I am dead= I am very tired. My feet are ready to drop off= I am too tired to stand on my feet. I am st

6、ressed out= I am under a lot of pressure. slow down减速,放慢速度;使慢下来 something should be done about对应该做点什么 Go nuts发疯 If you dont turn off that tape-recorder over there, I will probably go nuts.,霍耘蔗庙稼站堕摩笺址夏洋氰左侣简广滤铁酷啥驹戊煤私仇必器玻斜嗽均新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145,drive sb crazy使某人发疯 Dont go to any trouble.不要麻烦了 calm down冷静下来 We all have our bad days. 谁都会有不痛快的时候。 P 98,姬程鸡矫蓟侵凹搓讳巩凰衍翟库荡专仪广挞周帚逆坐予裕育嫉蜀顾艰瘦公新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145新思维综合英语3课程辅导Unit94145,


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