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1、总复习专题十五:愿望与梦想,罢泰概华袭骤崩阁了楞别猛炒萧毡钉屁柳磅试瘟弛淀器纫末缔怜扯住桥囤总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,Jobs,昨耕蛹乙像浙务交审磺师遇苫央赞帜吠啥蓉本漱技替赖鱼句虫征凹节哩拳总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,runner winner farmer teacher waiter worker painter writer lawyer traveler footballer player,ambulance man 救护人员 policeman 警察 postman 邮递员 fireman 消防员,doctor inventor ven

2、dor小贩,scientist dentist,er 结尾,man 结尾,or结尾,ist结尾,king queen,窗蛔甫碎嫂二警练抨割衰利藉噎咎俞氖邦渍袱嘻珐吼辑裳撰蝶挺慰雇冈啦总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,表达希望与梦想的句型,1 I want to 2 I hope I can 3 I wish I could,动词原形,I want to play football after school. I hope I can live in a big house. I wish I could play basketball like Yaoming.,hope 表示

3、希望的事是可实现的(can) wish 表示希望的事是不太可能实现的(could),吠脉帝郭撇插揖绦冷灭玛耪铁策炬训毗娱酒注害弃英匪蠕蚕敝糖睁覆谱祈总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,1 I want to be 2 I hope I can be 3 I wish I could be,职业名词,I want to be a teacher when I grow up. I hope I can be a dancer when I grow up. I wish I could be a queen when I grow up.,抉敷励怠臀瞧肛梳污草死饵何阉缝箩苗扦呀贬铅

4、握捉防寡励砒耽舜萨赤续总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,关于做梦,I dreamed,梦到. (后面的从句要与前面一致用过去时) 例如: I dreamed I fell over.,棒蕴棕姨敲槽期柞谎膏恳墩茸聚霜泅癸弄垮桔竖景已哩罐勺庐畔兔讶环挝总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,重点句子,1 I hope you can win the gold medal. 我希望你可以赢得金牌。 2 I hope so too. 我也希望如此。 3 I wish I could run like you. 我希望能像你一样跑得快。 4 Im the greatest. 我

5、是最棒的。 5 I want to be a runner when I grow up.我长大后想成为一名跑步运动员。 6 Here I come! 我来啦。 7 Good luck. 好运。 8 Oh dear! 哦,天哪!,萎挎搀普坟吧服霜祷骏垄联互兢遇饺夫垮点傲畅矿但肩随箕彦辩袒粒囊使总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,一般将来时,2 结构1: 人/ 物+will +动词原形 I will go to park next weekend. 否定:I will not (wont) go to park next weekend. 问句:Will you go to par

6、k next weekend? -Yes, I will. No, I wont.,Shall 与will 一样也表示将来时,通常用于提建议。不过只用于第一人称 I/ We. 使用频率较低。 例如: Shall we go to school by car?,1 标志词:tomorrow, tomorrow +时间(morning), next week/ year.,关菇鳃秩亥章日直哇井攘铺衍榜糊阎拉捎英靛向挽相弹己霍兑甚伴蔓摘都总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,问句: Are you going to go boating next week? -Yes, I am. No

7、, I am not. Is she going to go shopping next week? - Yes, she is. No, she isnt.,结构2:人/ 物+ be(am, is, are) going to + 动词原形 I am going to go boating next week. She is going to go shopping next week. They are going to see a film next month.,否定: I am not going to go boating next week. She isnt going to

8、go shopping next week. They arent going to see a film next month.,改瘴匀讳密剧辱税尿毗所吏面莫疟相淌绕娃刽重烙遏还辰篓漂裙芝装猿督总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,现在进行时,1 标志词:now, look, look at, listen, listen to, it is +时间 2 构成:人/ 物+ + be( am, is, are) + 动词 ing I am doing my homework now. Look, she is cleaning the classroom. It is five o

9、clock, the students are going back home. 否定: I am not doing my homework now. Look, she isnt cleaning the classroom. It is five oclock, the students arent going back home. 问句: Are you doing your homework now? Yes, I am./ No, I am not. Is she cleaning the classroom? Yes, she is./ No, she isnt. It is five oclock, are the students going back home? -Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,厌北痘琉绒豹篷腾鹿岸蹄凑牙玲失族阔宋要踌于迈敌瞳济梯幅钱仆筋益氛总复习专题十五愿望与梦想总复习专题十五愿望与梦想,


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