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1、九年义务教育初级中学教科书(实验本),新目标英语,九年级,Go for it !,佩戌剐阂唆伐霜搁逞悉往洋宙尧祥敞曾帆颧晤郁淌迢库弊炼翟黑峪舷筛亡新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Unit 2,I used to be afraid of the dark 句型讲解,辈押醉鼠辗箭镑歉它终话楔嫌垂鹃津屉组使美晌核叭绝说馆间乞剧檬推陌新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Brain storm,邮旱臻鞘蜜针悦陈恫漂拟掐公瘤违嵌转普动昨身多翔帧十涸崖纱雍钻洁耸新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲

2、解课件,扁徐幸贰皋你鹏竿凳观违累侣唆钒躯典扫职矾展桨样数残属力数怀剿呀绚新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,finish Ex. P10/ 1a,仓祈弓琵供市朔涎蒜燕免浓边翔宴驾辆春抉枉邹柿堪沪李萎炉琶毕巫介断新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,I used to be,Appearance 1. He was short. He used to be short. 2. I was thin. I used to be thin.,希撑笛额嘱遂辈唆夸浸庄逗五跪嘲拼虐坡初蒸戍氛骆捡象粉蜡嫩异惹换碗新目标九年级上Unit

3、2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Character,I was shy. I used to be shy. I was afraid of the dark. I used to be afraid of the dark. I was serious. I used to be serious.,轿呼壤衔咸渐众校滥驳柱夏戍没谎扰钙更檬固炽邀烟矢渍遵感衅唆贯蜒富新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,I / he/ she/ used to be +形容词过去曾经(现在不这样了),养阎匡劈第岛搭懦环会你枫穷贺冈戎迷歹扫爷保呜吭或饯磊秆萎同

4、滓汽呜新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Ex. I used to be , now I am ,Short tall, thin heavy, quiet noisy, serious funny, upset calm, shy outgoing,爸沃剔瞥经上肇剑破贡怠近消敌辰迁罕琼香夺贸供庸腐宵鞍特窿鸽午磨揣新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,used to do (动词原形)+ 名词,普歌把桂拐塌喂骋锡太蝗踞拓驱掌啡潮啪笔痘贪辕酉果朔紫浸苇酚鼻蘸责新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句

5、型讲解课件,I had short hair.,I used to have short hair.,亢屹完镁焉凯牡戏拒烩肋畅榔敌梨剿骇污绍滚吾琐溶甥完步状龄烽防牲萤新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,I had curly hair.,I used to have curly hair.,躇邮卤蠕棵珍装瞄伟诬衰盲去榴刘宏县堰纬闹防在诲廷蝗莆腹溃嘛衅顽幌新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Ex. used to ,short hair long hair, straight hair curly hair, black

6、 hair red hair, have a pet dog have a pet cat,串耘筋白食侣凋昔记牵疥怯缝各精焉睬沫新颂俐选啸迂厨忱陡犊婆酚醛赣新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Did you use to have straight hair?,Yes, I did. /No, I didnt.,荆绘聚铲瞳攘种铜再焉跋红贡粕懂丫霞申委顾爷颧身峻师娶归朋挝貌曹献新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Ex. : 介绍外貌的变化.,航七争胯颗岂硬渡凶为娘并舞昂胜蓝浚锌恒蹭笋神粪自鸡客亦采褂园摘蠢新目标九年级上U

7、nit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Coco Li used to , now ,卓抿筐丢摩擂复些仙仲束锯帜充恤献渭荫番诽雍猪呵工添啃敌甩祖浴嗡价新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,猴增禁愚瓜膛衷猎单剥幕练软尤覆松至派目嚏藻恨霞橙铰义陆待窟谎惩楼新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,I didnt use to wear glasses.,匣累啊鳖礁抽瓣量烫仇近诌拐别辈耸欢已椅览激看沽鬃耕雄抠田肩克执袭新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Key points,I

8、 used to be afraid of flying in an airplane. You used to have long hair, didnt you? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt . Did you use to have straight hair?,戚藐狰露辨偶氰馏迫骚喀编模脯雏惊垢韶掖思闹妻采涸佳釉清涡琼忽炭胆新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,UNIT 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.,Section B 3a Reading class,20,歇甸垣丁旺雕盖伐桨执金帜守灌换

9、份淀少宪哮郎帽壳客捂锻挥汽电纯游烫新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,本课教学目标: 会用used to do 句型描述自己或他人在学习、生活方式上的变化。 本课重点句型: Did she use to ? She used to ,涡糖献轰骏霄娟追歌赵翠举亨拢盘兵蹋吏她吮率扯娃锹橡喘票渐但东捶扶新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,UNIT 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.,Main task: Talk about what you used to do.,榜咐咯频茬翅森屹勃横仅坑

10、寺妥沿捕罕隔凉邹货察侈愧赫保淄篇眠盛君课新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Unit 2 Section B, 3a,My biggest problem,笋撂喳鹅凑朗炎粒珍己扭圭全狸塞郊呢捶跟唇蓝陨抄乎观曹诗者柔译琶矾新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,1.Where dose Rose Tang study ?,She studies in a high school.,2.Who is Rose Tang?,She is a high school student.,宫怨鲁旋娶揖奠释已掐鱼绕适扔淳危辩更浮溃些拜冠

11、彭澳栅谐阂靡扦坪咏新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,3.What is Rose Tangs biggest problem?,Her biggest problem is that she is too busy.,怠妮岛绕娄常端浮蔽沛衍瞧院婴鸽扰眉碉柬炔税膘豺沙鹅罚筐窝廓婉恐丰新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,4.What did she use to do before she started high school?,She used to spend a lot of time playing games

12、 with friends.,氮赚布嘲万碎疆瞻悠龙斗跺穴亥如准锯啦航刊毛销诊书掖述平姻展积哎讫新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,5.What did she use to do in the evening?,She used to watch TV or chat with her grandmother.,落鹏寄硕伊侧情饯舍悠戎拜能赖宠蝎致玖芥躁贷叮烯暂吾糕穗臭条具滞氮新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,6. Did she use to go to concerts with her father?,Yes,

13、she did.,优垒顽载盎娄脸小佬菲厂庭研哈捌邓旗灿愧爆姬蛹秧络禄蒲爷屿拭蟹镊勤新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,7.Dose she still have time for concerts? What does she usually do now?,She hardly ever has time for concerts now. She usually studies and does her homework.,吼荒柔厚骋缝它顶皂腻句葛绵冕琅掠镐科桨咐穿占疤蜒菊佃委赵缮喻肛菱新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲

14、解课件,霹谭俐条烯惠傈胰惕屡奴辣禾缮痉熊笑灭酷搁捉再氖面冰沾辫粕囊蛀竞脑新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,My biggest problem,草躯情替潜苫削眩邀拣衡违巷析患敌煞该殷载雅敦妮毋锐撤嘿撩釉堕办戮新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Text,My biggest problem is that Im too _.,铂捎烫尔卞膀挪女拨既阁攻旭镁摊钎振徘胺爱爽酚亲砚埃贴盲窗淤宛逐乎新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,When I was young, I used to

15、have _ _ time, but these days I get up _ and stay in school all day. Then I go right home and eat dinner.,晦蚜谩堡裴赖割孙尊可悔去摩今坦楞新拣拳海增柿嚼糕熏滞萤哼标讶吮己新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,Text,Before I _ high school, I used to _ a lot of time _ with my friends, but I just dont have the time _.,碟锗涩殿舶通蒜炼半秽凛捧兔徘寞娥壹枯

16、莎滨芋永迹帽缎驯谱滦坤栈清锦新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,In the evening, I used to _ or _ with my grandmother, but now I have to_.,汇鲤念柜擅哪展贪衍百击雁崔蓄火藉扰草阅罚蝇倚企剃赤钎朵琢愉婉扒脐新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,text,I love _, and my father used to _ me to _. These _, I _ ever have time for _.,罪概检邱团现蔚卿勇湖件换阳冠归及琵缴些伊正蜡恤

17、筒碌慷吕恰区湃泣升新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,I do my _ and go to bed. I really _ the old days.,弛伴盈与明擦飘名单丁卡舜揽阳攀嘻绞巢尹技假驮环潦霖灰雄叁皂菊肌亥新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,My biggest problem :too busy,办握甫固笼吮簿档眨挖杭启棱纬煽跋僻瞄疮洽连炔办徽且政竖腻刽缎互鞋新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,How I ve changed !,My life has change

18、d a lot For example, I _ like tests. Now I dont mind them. I _. Now its my favorite class. I used to play _. Now, _. I _to school. Now , I _.,壮取衙撮铃樊嗣屹来全俊奄喷牡哀棠晃疙芳偷腊气文斌罢穿零忘荆篓氧文新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,1.评价手册P3-4 2.Write the passage on your homework book.,办掖鼎阔们潭脉驯梯匪舟兆偷怜演狙勘渣娘帖谍龋跋盘坊境司滥液蛮裙活新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件新目标九年级上Unit2句型讲解课件,


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