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1、II. Outline of the essay Part 1 (para.1-2): The oldest project in “getting the poor off our conscience” Part 2 (para. 3-9): 5 historical solutions Part 3 (para. 10-11): a transition Part 4 (para.12-20): 5 current designs Part 5: (para 21): conclusion 旋晋 耙首 舱卵 粗腹 拳费 噬抽 暂堆 丈维 晓逞 靖蜡 凰惨 锡六 氯崖 梧遗 哉泵 刊瘦 考

2、试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 6. Why the author chooses such a title as this essay? Look at the following photos. Millions and millions of people are struggling for their survival, thousands and thousands of people die of hun

3、ger, cold and illness. While Millennium Development Goals are to meet the needs of the worlds poorest”, do you think the author really tries to call people to get the poor off their conscience? 葡鸡 叭瓦 昭斌 惭经 婆数 交跋 镁酣 忧汉 则螟 诚万 懈英 餐捎 豪群 赔苹 渺沏 递我 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用

4、 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e “Plutarch was led to say” implies that it was the actual existence of the rich and poor or the logic of his analysis that made him come to such a conclusion: If the Rome republic suffered from the same problems 2,000 years ago, it proves the authors po

5、int that poverty is a perpetual (permanent) problem. 侠同 勉用 停苟 菊傍 复毙 瞧惊 碘褥 袱犀 先腿 菇妈 盘慑 凛绷 奴蛋 串逼 踪祖 敞夺 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 6. And the problems that arise from the continuing have been an intellectual preoccupation fo

6、r centuries.: The main idea of this statement is that for centuries those with high intellect have been searching for explanations to justify the coexistence of the rich and poor. 韩六 匈琐 秃赚 污氏 屎韩 于拜 苛临 监适 践镁 俯霹 婪里 恩嚷 窒搭 啸陷 畴莆 订千 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et t

7、h ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Part 2:historical research para. 3 The first solution (next-life theory) 扔酗 德蛔 途宿 凡盟 台深 起裙 碉溉 钮侠 陕管 酬纲 赣承 井脉 吉唯 灵蔫 哉司 凋扁 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 4. Does the author really think that th

8、is is an admirable solution? 怕帮 逐均 窑趣 维轧 窘瓷 烩芋 彝逃 初铝 门筑 帝滞 皖盖 锻诅 殊诊 污里 颅姿 错饮 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e No, he doesnt. He is being ironical here. He calls it “an admirable solution” because now the rich “get the poor off

9、their conscience”. 揭奥 澳惹 锥售 咨烧 耳汞 鸯拳 梯牌 谅晋 放暇 眶拉 操叹 找徐 唾途 尺佑 泽誓 掖众 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para. 4: The second solution (utilitarianism) 1. The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith 乒拍 鄂溢 杰颂 梦膛 螟优 周球 赚毗 晌进 指氧 咱设 巡矛 争峻 蕾俺 仗左

10、枢竣 掘打 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e It is symbolic that Adam Smiths masterpiece of economic analysis, The Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776, the same year as the Declaration of Independence. He argued passionate

11、ly in favor of free trade and the most eloquent-integrated description of the workings of a market economy, which continues to influence our economy right up to the present day. 门递 死练 感蛆 娩铃 溢拂 虫傣 脂胜 助乡 杀命 兆腰 泥交 摧赵 胰蓬 乱足 欢酥 是汗 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th

12、ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 4. “By the principle of utility” “is meant the principle which ”: The normal word order should be: utilitarianism is meant the principle which proves by the principle of utility. According to Bentham, the principle of utilitarianism means that an action is judged by w

13、hether it will increase or decrease the benefits of those who are affected by the action. 碟贷 娘房 查荤 贩弘 咀尧 颁遂 歇貉 摇货 仍砒 浆韭 括裹 鲸寡 贱栽 镶侨 壕肚 七璃 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 5. utilitarianism is a general philosophical idea like i

14、dealism. which means the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Utilitarianism is the moral doctrine that we should always act to produce the greatest possible balance of good over had for everyone affected by our action. 讯驱 誉弛 歉蜡 候枕 祥谚 卯加 从桨 粹苗 梁德 惩梧 绝呕 孙叁 坠莎 押扳 预依 束敏 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo

15、 ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Consequently, the greatest happiness of all constitutes the standard that determines whether an action is right or wrong. If they promote the greatest human welfare actions are right, if they do not actions are wrong. 芜威

16、 套叹 隘空 趣鸦 樟佛 怖辕 核娄 热笆 凛蘑 弛磺 瓶掂 犹丑 坟澜 洼焉 巫秃 颠特 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para. 5: the third solution (poor peoples fault) 1. This is associated with the name of David Ricardo, a stockbroker, and Thomas Robert Malthus, a d

17、ivine. Stockbroker: a person whose job is buying and selling shares for those with money (investor). 荤梅 身埋 滑抨 锻眨 嫌扦 茂淄 忽垢 观奎 槽殉 芦劫 弹灶 缘铣 蚊癸 花凯 锡租 堑蛇 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e A stockbroker can easily earn big money throu

18、gh the commission which depends on the amount of money the investor invests, while it is very hard for the investor to earn money in the stock market, because of the high risk. 归殖 吧钵 孰丢 例立 隋姓 稀偷 坏梁 眨贪 寐魏 氖酿 挥孺 磐有 菊比 汛头 辨造 祖弟 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th e

19、p oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 9. The poverty of the poor was the fault of the poor. And it was so because it was a product of their fecundity: The poverty of the poor was caused by their having too many children. 场圈 赴亩 耕汗 傀隧 靳悦 谆胶 扔归 配倚 魁室 翌怀 察阁 胀谣 暴楼 谊砷 肆拎 斟讼 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc

20、 on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para. 6: Malthusianism (马尔塞斯人口论) 11. the rich were not responsible for either its creation or its amelioration: The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the

21、 problem. 椭逃 慑沁 俘涌 贡扦 丹民 吭她 广撂 蒂镑 母陈 母脾 献山 乏幼 历日 涕徊 益圾 猾咆 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 12. However, Malthus was himself not without a certain responsibility: He urged that as a fully effective method of birth control: What

22、warning did Malthus urge that the marriage ceremony should contain? Why? 磋移 桨盅 射汲 乘蒋 什退 红哨 爵蜒 口壕 淬伪 忍腆 爹蜡 率硕 盎扮 胺菇 锤笔 绞矗 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 14. Couples in love should repair to R. H. Macys, not their bedroom: It i

23、mplies that couples will find their pockets not that heavy while they look around the market, which will push them to work hard for money rather than enjoy their love in their bedrooms for having too many children. This statement ridicules Reagans view that the best form of population control comes

24、from the market. 隆撑 睡诺 吗季 课饿 港墨 刃简 绿擦 阑裴 心烫 净篷 碗化 曾暂 串广 闸历 说斩 吵喜 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para. 7: the forth solution (Social Darwinism - survival of the fittest) 贮玄 扯朋 峦察 云媳 旭膊 咨哥 瞩描 哲袜 拨降 呼牟 厘掣 宋煌 宅词 擦茄 违北 丸诊 考试 专用 ho

25、 wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para. 9: the fifth solution (more vague denial of poverty) 1. It declined in popularity, and references to it acquired a condemnatory tone: People began to reject Social Darwinism because it seemed to g

26、lorify brutal force and oppose treasured values of sympathy, love and friendship. Therefore, when it was mentioned, it was usually the target of criticism. 团宛 沧曾 倔喂 菌参 伞蓄 幕摄 马链 铱赁 戏慕 蜕烂 覆潮 橇殿 仔棋 斋继 韦扛 典玻 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on s

27、c ie nc e Para. (10-11):a transition 18. Why does the author call it a revolution? Because it broke away from the traditional conception that the federal government was not responsible for social welfare. The Social Security Act of 1935 laid foundation for the current social welfare system of the Un

28、ited States. Readers can easily sense that the author is for the revolution. 莲颅 羚纬 翘攘 匪传 僳缚 武提 豫赔 卑刮 处屯 印痉 下滴 命壕 院菩 逆轰 块钙 甫渡 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 19. What did people feel when a number of social welfare measures wer

29、e put into practice? Were they right in thinking so? (para.10) People felt that the policy of ignoring the poor and refusing assistance had been abandoned. Since the government was making efforts to relieve the misery of the poor, they did not need to pay attention to any more. They were not complet

30、ely right. The government did take many measures, but the desire to get the poor off our conscience still lingered on, waiting for chances to come back. 弓腑 梯惯 狐徘 嵌氟 系翔 清酌 希超 宵卞 糕郝 苇群 滨河 否蛋 乒叁 黄严 讹洁 偏液 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc i

31、e nc e . 20. the search for a way of getting the poor off our conscience was not at an end; it was only suspended: The oldest human exercises of getting the poor off our conscience had not been ceased. It had only been stopped temporarily. 卉芒 厢气 齿款 腐沼 迫购 别挽 昼苇 窘斡 砖一 留仪 墙山 韶陀 号肃 忠堤 俞玻 匀崎 考试 专用 ho wt

32、og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 23. It has again become , and an economically not unrewarding enterprise: Searching the way of getting the poor off our conscience has again become the overriding task of those philosophers, men of letters,

33、 and speechmakers, which is a moneymaking business. 羽熏 贿尺 骑绥 甘睹 岸饮 嫂翘 制跨 扬冒 婉离 乌黑 虎船 哑故 泥扳 瀑店 好遏 毫彦 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para.12: the first design 24. design: plan 枕隔 诛忿 刃提 率幅 增庞 荆蚂 诣个 哮贴 饼悄 识锋 阐块 水变 善限 评增 酒贝 苫裔 考试

34、专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 27. What is the argument of the first design? The argument is: Most of the assistance to the poor has to be undertaken by the government, but the government is in essence incompetent and ineffectiv

35、e and will make a mess of the job. Therefore, the government should not be asked to aid the poor. 虚氏 秧贿 添闷 舌点 拖浩 顶库 册肮 俘撮 粹嘱 糜绎 传甄 蜒亨 嚎铆 疤喷 葵涟 希落 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 27. What is the essence of the first design? The

36、 essence of the first design is to take away the responsibility to aid the poor from the government and to put an end to the social welfare policies since the New Deal. 蹄机 痰赋 壬护 窜以 懒最 狞屋 兜囊 淬波 傻杯 妇芝 椿呢 废疏 大褪 辟告 州舷 提橱 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro

37、ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para.13: analysis of the first design 28. In paragraph 12 and 13 , the author, on three occasions, mentions the pentagon or national defense. Why does he make these references? 敬荔 卿姜 均味 炉锣 歧婪 众堡 敖纷 磐饺 焚更 抽放 泡搏 妖混 帆怔 厚骤 睹一 喷酋 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e

38、 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e The author wants to point out the ironical fact that those people who attack the government or the bureaucracy will not include the military establishment. They want the government to do less or nothing in social welfare but more on “national def

39、ense”. The author is highly critical of such a view. He opposes huge military expenditures. 橇瘪 障请 扦丝 砒福 泵壳 牌道 商襄 怎央 脖奈 杖裔 怒径 盾父 讹喊 颈匠 枫竿 笋余 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e n31. We have great corporate bureaucracy and and toile

40、t seats, (When these aberrations in the pentagon.) nWhat is the basic view of the author? nOn the whole, the author is positive about public service and government employees. He thinks that the American government has recruited many talented and dedicated people. His criticism is directed at the mil

41、itary establishment. 孵耗 冷迟 拟仪 镑丁 乖僻 舌留 锌环 概纵 光焙 筐咽 娃蔬 基痘 诺巩 活毖 旅浓 礼揩 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para. 14-15: the second design nThe second design is: Any form of public help to the poor will hurt the poor themselves. Such

42、 help will destroy poor peoples motivation, make them lazy and break up their marriages. This is another typical argument put forward today by the conservatives in the U.S. in the discussion of social welfare reform. 坛犊 吁善 态件 伴囚 盯听 娥咳 室稀 荤磅 赫知 勿寇 秋怜 膜你 线涨 肚竹 乡事 篡贷 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou

43、 rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 35. Does the author agree to the argument? nNo, the author thinks the accusations are groundless. He further points out that those who support the design have no way to prove that the damage of the aid to the poor is greater than

44、 the damage to them caused by a loss of public assistance. 慈退 形唇 颧靠 婪攒 癌管 匈宛 醛饥 伐劈 屯博 沪蛹 袍楔 败琳 眩舰 客敌 术彦 藩粗 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para.16: the third design n39. The third design: When you give public assistance to the

45、 poor, you take money away (through taxes) from the rich and give it ( in the form of public assistance) to the poor. The result is the rich become less willing to work hard and create wealth and the poor are encouraged to remain idle. 派蛆 奉禁 给吵 羞妖 设钒 绦坪 皆榔 赴词 姆抛 毕劲 四刑 岿刷 豺橙 喳窑 揖容 砾韦 考试 专用 ho wt og e

46、t th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 40. The authors view: nThe author uses two rhetorical questions to counter the argument. He implies that it is not the case that most poor people would prefer welfare to paying job. As for corporate executives,

47、 they are working very hard, showing no sign of lack of incentive. To say they are being lazy because they are not paid enough is an insult to the business executives. (the author is using a clever retort here.) 休酥 锤债 堪吕 双悠 移搅 翅旁 啃湾 渝孺 乳社 弓禹 狰辫 靡界 链稀 绕窄 疮汾 拇哼 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc o

48、n sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 44. Belief can be the servant of truth but even more of convenience: Belief can be useful in the research for truth. But more often than not it is accepted because it is convenient and self-serving. 信念可以是真理的仆人,但更多的情况下,只是 一时之需。 棋眺 颅朵 难

49、腊 书柴 洱秽 召档 研嫂 栈讳 拭哥 腥唤 拨茅 诅吕 忱猎 宰铁 认雏 魔戏 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou rc on sc ie nc e Para.17-18: the forth design: nThe forth design argues that transferring money from the rich to the poor through the government has bad effect on freedom. By freedom, the designers mean spending as much money as one sees fit and giving the government as little as possible. 光眉 平辩 烃润 搐工 奔字 焰些 筛稻 娇淆 还一 疾坞 烩痒 逐阎 害源 潮老 悠删 跺滥 考试 专用 ho wt og et th ep oo ro ff ou


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