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1、分词结果状语He didnt arrive untilthe game had begun.直到比赛开始他才到来。( Not untilthegame had begun did he arrive.)We wont come home until it is dark.我们不到天黑不回家。( Not until it is dark will we come home.)高考直击完成句子 (2013 福建卷改编 ) Not until he went through real hardship _ (realize)the love we have for our families is i

2、mportant.答案: did he realize考查倒装。句意:直到他经历了真正的艰难困苦,他才意识到我们对家庭的爱是重要的。not until属于否定意义的词, 放在句首, 主句要用部分倒装, 根据句意可知realize 这一动作应发生在went through 之后,故用一般过去时。即学即用完成句子直到他回来我们才吃饭。Not until he returned_supper.答案: did we have巩 固 提升 . 根据提示写出单词的适当形式1 They make a visit to Hawaii_(annual) 2 Their friendship_(flower)wh

3、ilethey were at college. 3 She is_(extreme)busy ,so she has to budget her time carefully. 4It is great tohear about your recent_(promote) 5 Shanghai is the biggest_(commerce)city alongtheeastern coast of China. 6 Christopher Columbus is oneofthe famous_ (explore)in history. 7 Most insects do not liv

4、e in_(pole)region. 8This creature lives inthe _(deep)ofthe ocean. 答案:mercial6.explorers7.polar8.depth . 选择适当的短语并用其适当形式填空on average;adapt to;be madeup of ; inthe form of; stand out; set foot on; in particular; free from 1 It was a good concert I enjoyedthelast song _. 2_ ,thestudy tours are 40 days.

5、3 Her talents_compared withtheothers. 4 Nobody has ever_the lonely island. 5 I can_new developments quickly. 6The medical team_five doctors and three nurses. 7 The novel is cast_a diary. 8 She cant write a single sentence_ mistakes.答案:1.in particular2.On average 3.stand out4.set foot on5.adapt to6.i

6、s made up of7.inthe form of8free from. 单项填空1 The newcomers found it impossible to_themselves tothe climate sufficiently to make permanent homes inthe new country. A suitB adapt C regulateD relate答案: B句意为:这些新来者发现,要完全适应这个新国家的气候以永久定居下来是不可能的。adapt oneself to使自己适应; suit合某人意,衣服款式( 色彩 ) 适合某人,使适合于 ( 口味、兴趣、工

7、作) ;regulate(用法律 ) 掌管,控制 ( 机器、设备 ) ,调节; relate.to把联系到一起。2 Animportant factor in determining how well you perform in an examination isthe _of your mind. A stateB case C situationD circumstance答案: A句意:决定你在考试中的表现的一个重要因素是你的精神状态。state状态,状况;case 情况; situation形势; circumstance环境,情况。3 He was _to general mana

8、ger because of his excellent work inthe company. A promotedB produc分词结果状语ed C proposedD programmed 答案: Apromote 促进,发扬;提升;produce产生,制造,引起 ;propose 提议,建议;提名,推荐;求婚; programme 为安排节目, 为制订计划。故A 项符合题意要求。4 The pilot was_tired withthe long time flying. A extremelyBnaturally C basicallyDespecially答案: A考查副词的词义

9、辨析。 A 项意为“极端地”; B 项意为“自然地”; C 项意为“基本上”;D 项意为“尤其,特别地”。根据句意“飞行了这么长时间这个飞行员非常疲惫”,可知答案为A。5 I was_telling him all I knew. A trap intoB trapped C trapped forD trapped into答案: D句意为:我中计了,把所知道的一切都告诉了他。trap sb.into sth./doing sth.“用计捕捉某人或使某人上当”,此处为被动语态。6 Hes an ordinary man, and doesnt_in a crowd. A stand forB

10、 standup C stand byDstand out答案: D句意为:他是个普通人,在人群中并不引人注目。 stand for代表; stand up 站起来; stand by 袖手旁观; stand out突出,显现出来。7 Where shall we go to spendthe weekend? Nowhere_,anywhere youlike. A in allB in general C in case D in particular答案:D句意是:“我们在哪儿度周末?”“没有什么特别的地方,你愿意去哪儿就去哪儿吧。”此句要用in particular表示“特别的”。 i

11、n all“总共”; in general“总的来说”; in case “以防”。8 It was cold outside.The boy ran intothe room_his nose red. A toBon C 识拓展 average n.平均,平均数;平均水平adj. 一般的,普通的;中等的;v 平均达到,平均做到 below/above average在平均水平以下 ( 以上 ) with an average of平均为There was nothing special aboutthe meal ;it was average.饭菜没什么特别, 挺平常的。 即学即用完成句

12、子(1) 他平均每天花两小时读书。He spends_twohours a day on reading. (2)使他们非常高兴的是,他们儿子的学习成绩远远高于平均水平。 To their great joy,their sons schoolwork is well_. (3)每天平均有1,500 人经过此地。 _1,500 persons pass here every day.答案: (1)on ( the )average(2)above average (3)An average of 4 intheform of以的形式 Water exists inthe form of bot

13、h fluid and liquid.水既是流体又是液体。 Ilike to learn English intheform of speaking.我喜欢以说的方式学习英语。知识拓展 be intheform 处于良好的竞技状态 be out of form处于不良的竞技状态If she is intheform, she can winthe match easily.如果状态良好的话,她就能轻松赢得这场比赛。Smith is out of form and is unlikely to run inthe 100 ? 0?2metre race tomorrow.史密斯身体状况不佳,明天

14、不大可能参加100 米的比赛。即学即用完成句子如果你以问句的形式提出请求听上去会有礼貌得多。Youd sound a lot morepolite if you make a request _a question.答案: in the form of5 stand out突出,显眼,远远超过;坚决抵抗( 后常接 against与 from) His height makes him stand out inthe crowd.他的身高使他在人群中很突出。Mary stood out againstthe enemy but John gave up.玛丽挺身抵抗敌人,但约翰却屈服了。知识拓展

15、 stand for代表,象征;容忍,忍受stand by袖手旁观;信守,遵分词结果状语守 stand up for sb./ sth.为说话,支持图解助记即学即用 用适当的介副词填空 (1)Dont just stand_.Cant you lend a hand? (2)The UK stands_theUnited Kingdom. (3)Didnt anyone stand_James and say it wasnt his fault?答案: (1)by(2)for(3)up for 6set foot on到达,进入。有时可与setfoot in换用。 The overseas

16、Chinese are very glad to set foot on their homeland. 华侨们非常高兴踏上祖国的土地。He said he wouldnever set foot in that house again.他说他永远也不会再踏进那所房子了。知识拓展 be set in以为背景 set sail启航 set about(doing)sth.着手 ( 做 ) 某事 set off出发,动身;使爆炸set back把( 钟表 ) 往回拨;阻碍 set up竖立;创立,建立set out(to do sth.)出发;着手 ( 做某事) set free释放,放出即学即用

17、完成句子她说她再也不愿进入那房子了。She saidshe wouldnever _that house again.答案: set foot on/in7in particular尤其;特别 The whole meal was good butthe wine in particularwas excellent.整顿饭都很好,葡萄酒尤其好。Is there anything in particularyoud like for dinner?晚餐你有什么特别想吃的菜吗?注意: in particular particularly especially ,但 in particular应置

18、于名词或代词之后。I like meat in general , and mutton in particular.总的来说,我喜欢吃肉,特别是羊肉。知识拓展 be particular about对挑剔 Marty is very particular about his food.马蒂对食物很挑剔。即学即用 完成句子你今晚有什么特别的事要做吗?Are you doing anything_tonight? 答案: in particular 1 With annual rainfall close tozero ,Antarctica is technically a desert.南极

19、洲年降雨量几乎为零,严格来说该区域就是一片荒漠。“with 宾语形容词”构成的复合结构在句中作原因状语。with复合结构常用作后置定语和状语,表示伴随情况、时间、原因、方式和条件等。Withthe guide leadingthe way ,we got there in time.有向导带路, 我们及时到达了那里。 The office withthe window open is ours.开着窗子的办公室是我们的。注意:现在分词作宾补时须和宾语之间构成主动关系,过去分词作宾补时与宾语之间是被动关系,而不定式作宾补,表示将要发生的动作,不定式动词和宾语之间可以是主动或被动关系。即学即用 语

20、法填空 (1) The old couple often take a walkaftersupper inthepark withtheir pet dog_(follow)them. (2)_two exams to worry about,I haveto work really hard this weekend.答案: (1)following(2)With 2A high mountain range,theTrans ? 0? 2Antarctic range, runs from east to west, cuttingthe continent in two.一座高山山脉,

21、从东至西,将南极洲分成两块。本句中的 cuttingthecontinent in two是现在分词短语,作结果状语。现在分词短语作结果状语时,常放在句末,用逗号与其他部分隔开。其逻辑主语可以是句子的主语,也可以是整个句子。Hedidnt come today , making it necessary for us to find someone to do his work.他今天没来,因而我们必须找人接替他的工作。A number of new machines were installed inthe factory , thus resulting in an increase in

22、 production.这家工厂安装了许多新机器,因而提高了产量。Their car was caught in a trafficjam, thus ca分词结果状语using thedelay.他们的车遇上交通阻塞,因而耽误了。知识拓展现在分词和动词不定式作结果状语的区别:(1)不定式作结果状语, 通常表示继谓语动词动作之后发生的一个相反或出乎意料的结果,常表达“没想到”“结果却” “不料”等意思。其前常加 only 以强调这一意外的结果。Afterthe meeting , they parted,never to seeeach other .散会后他们就分开了,从此再也没有见面。 I

23、 rushed tothe school,onlyto find it was Sunday.我急忙朝学校跑去,结果发现是星期天。(2)分词作结果状语,通常表示一个自然而然的、意料之中的结果,是主句谓语动词动作的直接结果。Many trees had been blown down bythehigh winds , blocking roads , paths and railway lines.许多树被狂风刮倒,把大小道路和铁路都堵塞了。高考直击 语法填空 (1)(2014 天津改编 ) Anxiously, she tookthedress out ofthepackage and tr

24、ied it on, only_ (find)it didnt fit.答案: to find本题考查的不定式做结果状语。在非谓语动词中,不定式常常和only 连用,表示意料之外的结果。现在分词doing常常表示意料之中的结果。 句意:她很着急地把裙子从包装里拿了出来试穿了一下,结果却发现裙子不合适。说明这是意料之外的结果,所以使用不定式。(2)(2013 新课标全国卷改编) Thesunlight is white and blinding, _(throw)hard? 0? 2edged shadows ontheground. 答案: throwing考查非谓语动词。 句意:阳光明亮而刺

25、眼,在地上投射出轮廓清晰的影子。 throw 这一动作和主语sunlight之间是主动关系,且强调一种自然的结果,所以应用动词 ing 的主动形式。即学即用语法填空 (1)He made a long speech only_(show)his ignorance ofthesubject. (2)Her husband died last year, _(leave)her with five children.答案: (1)to show(2)leaving 3 Strong winds driven by gravity blow fromthe pole tothe coastline

26、 , whileother winds blow roundthe coast.地心引力牵引强风从极地吹向海岸,还有别的风徘徊在海岸。本句是并列句, while是并列连词,意为“而”,用于前后两者的对比。Boys are good at mathswhile girls are good at language.男孩擅长数学而女孩却擅长语言。Carbon is anelement, while carbon dioxide is a compound.碳是元素, 而二氧化碳是化合物。知识拓展 while的另外两种重要用法:(1)while表示“当时候”, 表示主句动作发生的背景,从句的谓语动词

27、是延续性动词。The telephone rang while I was inthe garden.我在花园里的时候电话铃响了。(2)while表示“虽然但是”。While I likethe color ofthehat ,I do not like its shape.我虽然喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但却不喜欢它的样式。即学即用完成句子别人在工作时,别高声谈话。Please dont talk so loud_.答案: while others are working4 Not untilthelate 18th century didtheBritish explorer James Coo

28、k crossthe Antarctic Circle, but he neversaw land.直到 18 世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却从未发现任何陆地。not.until的意思是“直到才”,有时为了加强语气,可将 not until提前放在句首, 这时,句子须用部分倒装语序,即将助动词放在主语的前面。试比较:The noise ofthestreet didnt stop until midnight.街上的噪音一直到午夜才停止。( Not until midnight didthe noise ofthe street stop.)分词结果状语但是,如果not.u

29、ntil连接的是含状语从句的复合句,用于倒装语序时只倒装主句部分,从句部分 ( 即 until后面的从句 ) 不倒装。 6trap (1)vt.储存,留存;被困住Becauseof global warming, the Earth is warmed by gases trapped intheatmosphere.因为全球变暖,地球由于被困在大气层中的气体变热了。(2)vt. 使陷入困境 Some miners were trapped undergroundafterthe collapse.塌方后, 有些矿工被困在地下。(3)vt.&vi. 设陷阱捕捉;设陷阱;设圈套 The bear

30、 was trapped.那只熊被陷阱所困。He made his living by trapping.他以捕捉野兽为生。(4)n.陷阱;圈套 The police set atrap to catchthe thief.警察设下了捉拿窃贼的圈套。知识拓展 (1)trap sb.into(doing)sth. 诱使某人做某事be/get trapped in被困于 (2)set/lay a trap设下圈套be caught in a trap落入圈套即学即用完成句子 (1)温室能够保暖是因为玻璃可以储存太阳的热量。A greenhouse stays warm becausetheglas

31、s_ _of the sun. (2)他们用巧妙的盘问诱使他招认了。By clever questioningthey _making a confession.答案: (1)trapstheheat(2)trapped him into 7 mass (1)n.团、块、堆、片、群、众多;大量;大宗大部分;主要部分大众;民众 ( themasses) 集团纵队; 密集队形质量 ( 不可数名词 )I have massesof work to do.我有许许多多的工作要做。The mass of public opinion is in favor of the new foreign poli

32、cy.大部分的舆论拥护新的外交政策。I wonder iftheyare truly concerned withtheinterests ofthe masses. 我不知道他们是否真正关心民众的利益。(2)adj.大众的;民众的大量的;大规模的;大批的Mass education is essential in promoting democracy.民众教育对提倡民主是非常重要的。(3)v.聚集 ( 起来 ) mass forces for action集结兵力准备作战Flies are massing over there.那边苍蝇密布。即学即用完成句子 (1)下雨前,天空有一团云。

33、Before therain, the sky has _clouds. (2)河里有很多冰。There are_ice in the river.答案: (1)a mass of(2)masses of 8 balance (1)vt.& vi.(使 )平衡; ( 使 ) 均衡Believe it or not, he can balance on one toe.信不信由你,他能用一个脚趾保持身体的平衡。Thecompany balances its accounts every month.这家公司每月账目收支平衡。(2)n.平衡;余额 Ive got a good sense of b

34、alance andlearned to ski quite quickly.我的平衡感很好, 很快就学会了滑雪。I must checkmy bank balance.我要核对一下我在银行的余额。知识拓展 keep ones balance保持平衡 lose ones balance失去平衡 keep.in balance使处于平衡keepthebalance of nature保持自然界的生态平衡on balance总的来说,全面考虑之后balanced adj. 平衡的,均衡的balanced diet均衡饮食即学即用完成句子 (1)他已经学会了平衡工作与生活。 She has lear

35、ned to_and life. (2)骑自行车可以培养平衡感。 Riding a bike helps develop_.答案: (1)balance the work(2)a sense of balance9 commercial (1)adj.商业的;营利性的Firstly ,gardeners use it allthe time to produce commercial quantities of plants.首先,园艺师一直用它大量生产市场销售用的植物。(2)n. C商业广告单词积累 com分词结果状语merce n. U商业;贸易 commodity nC 商品; 日用品

36、Our country has been tryingto broaden its commerce withothernations.我们国家一直在努力扩大与其他国家的贸易往来。即学即用完成句子这部电影的票房收入非常可观。The film was_success.答案: a huge commercial10test nC 试验 v试验;考查 Laboratory tests show thatthe new drug is very effective.实验室测试表明这种新药十分有效。This task is designed to test your reading skills.这项任

37、务的目的是考查你的阅读能力。知识拓展 test out试验;考验 They opened a singlestore in Europe to test outthemarket.他们在欧洲开了一家商店,检验一下市场情况。 辨析 test,check ,examine ,experiment test表示“以某种手段来试一试某人或某物是否达到了一定的标准”。check 指“校对 ( 文章、书信等 ) ”或“检查,核查”。examine 表示“察看或观察以了解情况,仔细检查”。experiment表示“为了发现或证明某个事实而进行操作”。The water should be tested fo

38、r lead.这水要检查含铅量。Get your answers checked before you hand inthepapers.上交试卷前,检查一遍你的答案。Lie down and let me examine you.躺下让我给你检查一下。 The teacher provided some different materials and leftthechildren to experiment.老师提供了几种不同材料让孩子们试验。即学即用完成句子这架新飞机是沈阳产的, 下周要对其进行检验。 This is a new plane made in Shenyang, which

39、 is going to be _next week.答案: tested out 11promote vt.促进,促成;提升,晋升;宣传,推广 ( 产品 ) Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.广告公司总是不得不想新法子来促销产品。He worked hard andsoon was promoted. 他工作很努力, 不久就被提升了。We are spending millions ofpounds on promoting our new cat food.我们正在花费几百万英镑宣传我们的新猫粮。知识拓展 promotion n.提升,升级;促销活动promoter n.筹办人,发起者,支持者promotional adj.广告宣传的;推销的辨析 promote ,advance promote指积极地支援或鼓励某项运动、主义、计划等,以协助其成长、前进或发展。advance指促使向某个目标前进。 He has been


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