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1、沪教版英语七下unit1一重点词组1 be famous for . 以。而著名Thailand is famous for its palaces.Be known as .被认为,被誉为Moyan is known as a great writer.联想: work for /work as2. -ing 形容词、-ed 形容词Interesting (an interesting book)pleasantInterested(be interested in)pleasedrelaxingrelaxedexcitingexcitedsurprisingsurprised3 get o

2、n with进展。How are you getting on with your project?How are you getting on with your travel guide?4 take part in (take an active part in 积极参加)与join的区别Take part in表示“参加某项活动”Join 表示“参加或加入组织或团体”Tom will take part in the 100-metre-race at the school sports meeting.My brother joined the party two years ago

3、.(My brother has joined the party for two years. 错)( My brother has been a number of the party for two years 对)团: leagueCommunist Youth leaguage of China.沪教版英语七下unit1Communist party of China5. Decide to do sth /decide not to do sth She decided to live in London.I decided not to leave Shanghai.联想: te

4、ll /ask /warn /would rather 的用法6. Have been to / have gone to /have been in I have been to Beijing three times.- Where is he ?- He has gone to Beijing.I have been in Dalian for 5 yeaes.7. In the centre of / in middle of 的区别There is a fountain in the centre of the square .中(心位置 )There is a big stone

5、in the middle of the road. 只(空间 )We usually have lunch in the middle of the day. 指(时间 )8 两个物体之间的位置关系AABA 包含 B BA 与 B 接壤B is in the south of A.B is on the south of A9. 填入适当的介词_ the Chongming Island._ the Blue Bay.二 重点句型ABA 与 B 不相邻B is (to the )south of A._ the Lucky town.1. Therefore, it is not surpr

6、ising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop. It is + adj + that 从句 “表达对某事的看法”It is wonderful that we can have dinner in this beautiful room.It is + adj + to do sth“表达对某事的看法”There are many bridges and tunnels. So it is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi.2. If you go t

7、here, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons. If 引导的“主将从现句”沪教版英语七下unit1If it rains tomorrow, I won tgo there with you.3. The Maglev takes you to the international airpoart in about eight minutes. In + 一段时间 表达两个意思:在一段时间内,句子常用一般现在是或一般过去时There was once an artist. H

8、e could draw a beautiful horse in five minutes.在一段时间之后,句子常用一般将来时What will you be like in 20 yearstime ?4. If you go to Sheshan about 30km southwest of the city.距离 +方位 +of 表达“一个地方相对于另一个地方的方位和距离”The Great Wall is 130 kilometres north of the city of Beijing.【练习】一 Choose the best answer1. If it _ tomorr

9、ow, we _ stay at home.A will rain.will.B rains.will. C will rain.can.D rain.can.2. Shanghai is one of _ in China.A the large cities.B the larger city.C the larger cities.D the largest citiest.3. There_ a huge open area of green grass in front of our school building.A has.B have.C is.D are.4. _ is kn

10、own _ “the centre of Shanghai”A. The Bund.for.B. PeoplesSquare .as.C .The Bund.as.D Peoples Square .for.5. Pudong New District is _ the east of Shanghai.A on.B at.C in. D to.6. _ is not _ that he can run that fast.A. It .surprising.B. It .surprised.Cthere.surprising.D there .surprised.7.Sichuan is _

11、 its spicy food.A famous for.B is famous for.C known as. D is know as.8.Sheshan is about _ Shanghai.A 30 km in the southwest.B 30 km southwest of.C 30 km in southwest.D 30 km southwest9._ are you getting on with your project?A. What.B. How.C. Which.D. Why.10. Many tourists go to Paris every year_.A

12、to shop.B shop.C shops.D shopping.二 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Tokyo is an_ (national) city with a population of 12 million.2. There are a lot of tall _ (build) along Nanjing Road.3. Would you please tell me the way to the nearest _ (shop) centrer?4. Beijing is _ (fame) for its local snacks and Beijing-style ho

13、uses.5. It is quite _(surprise) that Mandy got the first prize in the singing competition.6. I d like to give a party in this famous _ (float) restaurant.7. Shanghai is one of the _ (large) cities in the world.8. We usually go there for _(funny)沪教版英语七下unit1三按要求改写句子1. They have already packed their s

14、uitcases. (改为否定句 ) They_packed their suitcases_.2. Tourists usually go shopping in Shanghai. ( 就画线部分提问)_ do tourists usually _ in Shanghai?3. We are going to stay at the airport for two hours.( 就画线部分提问)_ are you going to stay at the airport?4. I know only a little about Pudong New District. (就画线部分提问

15、)_ _ do you know about Pudong New District?5. They have just been to Shanghai.( 改为一般疑问句)_ they _ to Shanghai yet?6. You will find the Century Park in Pudong, too.(保持句意不变)You will _ find the Century Park in Pudong.B. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 共 5 分 )Jeff was worried about his weight

16、. mImuch fatter, he told his friend. Ineed to lose a lot ofweight ( 减肥 )but I don tknow how to do it. Go and see Dr. Bush,his friend said. He will tell you how to lose weight.Jeff visited Dr. Bush and told him his problem.It is easy to lose weight, Dr. Bush told him.First, you must look after yourse

17、lf. You should go to bed early and have enough sleep every day. Then you must have a healthy diet. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Also, you should eat some fish and meat. But don teat too much fried food. Finally, you must have some kinds of sports. Forexample, you can take a walk after dinner,

18、or go jogging ( 慢跑 ) in the morning. All these are good for your health. Jeff took Dr. Bush s suggestions and promised to do so. A few weeks later, Jeffs friend methim and was surprised to find Jeff was much healthier than before. Idid as Dr. Bush told me. Jeff told his friend, Idontworry about my w

19、eight any more. 1.Jeff was worried about _.A. his friendB. his weightC. Dr. BushD. his sleep2.Dr. Bush thought it was _ to lose weight.A. hardB. niceC. not easyD. not difficult3.Dr. Bush told Jeff not to _.A. go to bed earlyB. eat a lot of fruit and vegetablesC. eat too much fried foodD. take a walk

20、4.Dr. Bush gave Jeff _suggestions.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five5.Jeff became healthier than before because _.A. he looked after himselfB. he had a lot of fruitC. he had much sleep every dayD. he took Dr. Bush s suggestionsC. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文) :

21、 (共 6 分)Looe is the most beautiful seaside town of south-east Cornwall. Youll find it 1_ tovisit the small town. There are many different 2_ of restaurant by the river. You can enjoyseafood there. You can 3_ walk along the river, or go boating and fishing on the river. Ifyou like, you can visit the

22、Looe Museum. You can find the 4_ of the town. Its easy to get沪教版英语七下unit1to Looe. You can get there 5_ train or take a boat along the river. So if you go to Cornwall,6_ forget to visit Looe.1.A. deliciousB. funC. helpfulD. healthy2.A. kindsB. packetsC. placesD. sections3.A. tooB. onlyC. alreadyD. al

23、so4.A. menuB. historyC. porridgeD. suggestions5.A. withB. onC. byD. in6.A. dontB. mustn tC. cantD. shouldn tD. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给): (共 6 分)Many young people like eating out, but do you know how to eat out and how to chooseheal

24、thy food? Here are some tips:When you re eating out in a r_ or a snack bar, donthave too many soft drinks. Softdrinks have a lot of s_ and can make you fat easily.Dontorder too much food for yourself. If you have to buy a complete meal(套餐 ), you cans_ your food with your friend, or take the left of

25、your food home.Choose some f_ fruit or vegetables. They are good for your h_.Dontorder fried food. Fried food is high in fat. So, ask for steamed, baked, or roasted food.If you are not sure about a certain dish, ask the w_ how it is made.E. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 共 6 分 )Frank learns

26、to cook when he is at school. He has two lessons a week. He always cooks the food well and then eats it. He passed a cooking examination( 考试 ) last year.But Frank learns more about cooking at home from his mother because he often helps his mother in the kitchen, and sometimes he cooks a meal alone.T

27、here is an oven in Frank s kitchen, and it is quite easy to bake things in it. His mother says that Frank can make a chocolate cake best. He puts flour, butter, sugar, eggs and chocolate in it. He mixes them in a bowl and then puts them in a baking-tin. Then he puts the tin in the oven and bakes it

28、for one and a half hours.He also makes jam. In summer and autumn, when the fruit is cheap, he buys a lot and boils it with sugar. Then he puts it in pots and puts the pots in a cupboard. In winter and spring, when the fruit is expensive because there is not much of it, the jam is very useful.1. Wher

29、e does Frank learn to cook?2. When did Frank pass a cooking examination?3. Why is it quite easy to bake things in Frank s kitchen?4. What kind of cake can Frank make best?5. When does Frank make jam?6. Why does Frank make jam at that time?II. Writing (写话 ): ( 共 10 分 )Write at least 50 wordsabout the topicOn “the way to school ”.(以“上学路上”为题写一篇不少于 50 个词的短文,标点符号不占格)Suggested questions:Do you live near or far away from school?How do you go to school every day?沪教版英语七下unit1What can you see on the way to school?


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