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1、第一章、 W at is lan uage?L nguag is s t f ar i ar vocal symbol used for human u ic tion2、 D sign featur angu ge b trar n ss(任意性 ) re ers o the forms of linguist csigns ar nonatu l rela ns ip t he r ean ng、 (sound a dm a i gs)Duality ( 二层性 ) :The property of a ing two l vels of structures , sucht atunit

2、of t e pri ry le el a e pose of el m ts of t e secon a y ev l neach of he wo evels has its ow pri pl s of orgn za io、Pro u t v ty/creati i y(创造性 ) :L ua e isproduct v ha it ak s possi leth constru ti n and terpr tat on ofnew ig a s it e、Di p a eme t(移位性 ): u an a g ags enablet e uers to symbo ze obj

3、ec , ven s ad once s whic tpr se t ( i tme and sp ) at omen of munic t on、 ( p7)3、 F n tio s of l nguage Info tive (信息功能): to giv fo ation about ct、( id ational)Inte rsonal (人际功能): o es bl sh and aint in o ia ts in so et、 ( ge, sex,language, ackg und, a nt, statu)P r orm ti e(施为功能): g geis sed to do

4、 th ngs, to prf r er anac io、 ( n e, prom se, o gize, orry, de ar)、 Em tive/Expressi e (情感功能): toex ress eelings n a it d s oft e spek、 atic munion(寒暄交流 ) : to usesmall and eaing ess xpressions o stabl sh a ort ble el tio ship mai ta soc a cntact et eenpeopl without y f tual content 、 ( h alh, e her

5、) ecreationalf n tion(娱乐 ): the use la ua e f s er jo、 (ric , poetry)Metal n ual unct n(元语言功能) : totaabout lan u ge s f、4、 W at is linguis ic?Lingui ti is gen rall d f nd s e scientific st dy of languae、5、Im o t nt isti ctions linguist ses riptive prescr ti e nc ron & iachronicL nge & parolepetence

6、p o man e、 e cripti e(描写 /述性 ) escribe dan lyze inguisti fa ts r t ln uage eo le tu ll use ( rnlinguist ) rescr p i e( 规定性 ) lad n r lesfor “ corre and st nda”linguis c behavidoublene a i e”)i usinlanguage( tradition lr mmar:“ ev se a、 Sy chronicst d(共时 ) s r ptio of an ua e at so e p in of t me (mo

7、dern lingu s i s)D hro i st dy (历时 ) desc ipti of a la ua e as it c ang s thro h ti e (hsto ic l dev l pment of la u ge ver ri d of t )第四章。 W t i ynt x(句法)?S nt sthe stud of the ru e overni g the a s d feren c nstitue t a e b d o for ent n e、句法就就是研究语言得不同成分组成句子得规则2 Four Approac es :T e tradi ion l pr

8、o c传统语言观 (Parts o s e c、Synt cti Functi n 不考、 Ct go范畴、 Con rd an gov ent 一致关系与支配关系)、 Tstr ctural approa h 结构语言观、 Tgen ative appoa h、The f n t o l app oach 功能语言观3. Th tr itionalgrammr a ds e e ces as a e u nce of w rs , it a s eat atte ion t he study f wo ds, such a tclas ificatio f w rds in t ms of

9、par s of peech ,theidentific tio functi of wo d n terms sub e t, redicat, etc、4、 Parts f spe cTra ition l grammdefines8 pats ospeech: nouns, ver,pron s,adjec iv s, a v rbs, prep sitions, on unct o s ad intej ction、 T e term C eg ry范畴 in s e proa hes efers o c asse and fu ctions in i s narro ense,范畴这

10、一术语狭义上就是指词类与功能e、 ou , Ve b, ject, re icate、 M e pe if cally , it re ers to the fiing p ert es of th se ge eral units :the c tegorie f t e o名词得范畴,n l de nu ber, g n er, c se n co tability ( ca);he teg rieof the erb 动词得范畴:tens, sec , oice, etc、6。 um er i osl a category of he oun an ronoun 名词与不可数名词、Two

11、 t rms f number n nouns: ingularand plural 单数与复数u er is a so eflec d in the inf ect ons of r ouns an erb、 n r i also m s ly cat g ry of th noun nd pron un、In n lish , t ender disti cti ns ar on t e whole a r l, de erm nedby the iolo algender of th cea re、8、 e s di the analyof wo d lase to iden ify t

12、he syn c c rel tion ipb tw e rd in as nt ce、在词类分析中 , 格范畴用来辨别句子中词之间得句法关系In Engl sh, prono ns hav thre ca o nominative 主格 , ac usa ive 受格, an ge iti e 与格、 Nouns a e w of eneral a d geni ve 所有格In Eng ish, te casef nou s realized in th e cann:ction(b) l owing ap ep ition ( ) w d rder9、 T se 时态: t eabsol

13、ute loca n of an ev t rac ionis mark d b an in lecti n othe verb 、 sa res , there arees re o ni ed now : aand rese t、(a) nnt me、 It nl t o teS he fut re tim does not i v ve any inflect o of the v rb, w dn t refer o a“ f tu tense, e en h ug inm ny i ferent ways weca tak ou t e f ture、10、 A pe t 体: It

14、 has nothi g with e, n i t ls uswh ther an ct on s on oi or leted、P rfec ive(完成体) a d I perfec v(进行体)Pe fe t v and P ogressive (in ng ish)11、 Vo c语态 : de r be rela ionshi betwe n ve band ubjectPassive 被动语态an c ive 主动语态12、 Concordand gov r mentCo c rd(一致关系) ref rs toa eeme t etwewo , es eci llybe we

15、n a v r nd e bject of sen en、 Governm nt(支配关系 ) a yp of rammatic re ati ship b een tw or ore element n sente ce、In t a tion lr mar, the erm go e me t has typ c ly bee sedto refe tothe rela ionship b tw ver s an nuns or etwe n preposit o s d nouns、 3、 The ructu l p r c ,由 F rd n nd de Saussure 提出 4、S

16、ynt c c Rela ons:Pos tiona relation 位置关系、 Rela ions of substituabili y 替代关系、 Rel i nsof co-occ rr e 同现关系15、Imme a e const tuent(直接成分 )is any mening u nst t nt att e first step n an analys s、16、Anendoc n r c c n tr ion (向心结构 ) is o ructi n thatctains:1) ead, hi h is he s nge bl g toryel ment in the c

17、 nsrui n;2) oe r m e op i nalelemen s subordinat o he head、 7、 th me (主位 ) efe to theknow in orma o ich is notew t terea er olisten rRhe e(述位 )refers to t e info ation t is new、 Th ne in o ma ionis wha is be tr nsmitte to h read r s eneThe l guist f the P g e sc ool bel vedthat sentenc may be ana z

18、dfrom the functionalside s we l s the gram tic l s e、subjec , prdi ate(g mat cal de)t em , heme( fun onals de)第五章1、 Whati Se a tic ?Sem ntics is the tu o the m ning f wor s, phrases and en ences、语义学就是研究单词、短语与句子得意义得学科 ey h 利奇 Seven type of meaning7种意义类型:2。 Gefe Concepual meani g 概念意义Connota v aning 内

19、涵意义Soc l meaning 社会意义Af e ti em ani g 感情意义Associ ve Mea ing 联想意义( - ) Reflec ed eann反射意义C l o ativemea g 搭配意义 The ic m n ng 主位意义3、 onc p al ea ing (概念意义 ) s also all d “ d t ve( 外延义)nd it is concern d wit he rela ionshi between a word nd the hing i rers to、概念意义也叫外延义,它关注词语跟它所指称事物之间得联系Co ce t al meani

20、ng i m aning gi e i he ictionary 、4、 Associa iv eaning (联想意义)isthe tal of allhe ea i g rsonthin s of w e they har the wordAssoc ativ meanin isthe me n ng which a o d s ggests or mpies、5、 Themat m aning(主位意义 ) is“ w at is uicat by th wa n wh h the sage is organiz d in term o o der an emphasis、”它就是由词序

21、与词语重音所决定得6、 heefere tia or(指称理论) : T e eferental Th ory The Seman c ri ngle ense a d Ref re、 h r f rent althe ry指称理论 het or o meanin hich relates h meaning of a wo d tote thi g tref s t 、指称论就是把词语意义跟它所指称得事物联系起来得理论8、 The se n ic riangle 语意三角 s the ir tre ati n we na word and a thi it r sto and i is me

22、dia y c n、语意三角指词与所指事物之间没有直接关系, 它们就是以概念为中介得9、 S e (涵义 ) s a s t of proper ies po se s d ame、10、 Reference (指称) i th s mb l c relationship ha a li gui tic exres on has with the c c b t、 1、T e e e n e ressi he h ught i ex re s s,e is t e objec it ep senwh le its refereEve y ord has snse, but t ev y o h

23、 s a r f ece、 2、 Sense lat ons 涵义关系Synony (同义关系) nto ymy ( 反义关系 ) ( radab e、 p ment y、Convers )Hy ymy (上下义关系)13、 But to sy o yis rare、Thmay d fer i style, co not ti san i lect、 4、 G a ab e an nymy义关系)、 on er e antonymy(等级反义关系)(反向反义关系)、 plementaran n my(互补反15、pon nt a nal si i n appoach t the sch an

24、l ses a or inta set of me n ngpo ents、1、S ntece Meaning17、 ns re at onbet ens tences S o m ty(同义)of mean nwha、 e was abchel a l his lif 、b、Henev r mar ea oy、S ntences a and r na n m ela onsh: he tr hof e se ence essar l i p ie the tr t ofanot er en nce I con isten y (矛盾)a、E zabeth II s Que n f E gla

25、nd、 izabe h I is ma、entences aand bi a re a i hi of co tra i tion : t eo n s t nce ne essar y i plie he f l e ss of anothe n e、rusen En a lment (蕴涵 )a、 e m rieda blond he ess、 Hemarriedablonde、n ailmen refe s t aki d f m an ng inclusion 、 If entails y , thegof in luded iny、P u p siti n(前提预设 )I i hat

26、 a spea er r writer ssum hatth eceiv r of eanimess g lready now、Con a c io (矛盾) antic anomaly(语义反常)18、 A ntegrate t orypo i i nalit (组合性原则): he m ing of a sentence d pends ot e meanno hecons it t wordsan the wa hey e bined、Th s s ma tic th ry isthe nteration o syn axan s mantcsTheir ba ic d a is h a

27、 s ma t c eory consistsof t o parts: act nary n a sof roj ctionrul sTh cti n ry provid s tgramma i alla if cat o andsemntic inform tioof ords he rojecti n les a eres ons b e r in n he mea i gs ofwords og ther、1、 ogical sem ic ( 逻辑语义学 )A r p siti n(命题) s what is t e expr sse b a declarative sentence

28、wh n that se e ce is tter to ke a st tement、It i th basic eaning whic a se en ee pr s、 e y imp rta rope t o th ro osi ioi th t it htruthv lue、第八章1、 Whati Pragmat csPrgmatics is he study f languagein context / niation 、s/2 Sema tic and Pragma i sSi l t : r g ics ds a tic a e both i gu st c st d o mea

29、ninDi f rence :Seman ic meani: hemoreconsant, inh rent e mean g ; Pragatic m nin : he more nd t r ina e, the mo e l elr lated toconte t; Pragm tic = mening -seant s3、Th eeContents:S eec Act T e ry、TheTheor f C n rsationa mpl at re、 ost ri ean Developments、 Spe c ctT eo y(言语行为理论) : P r orm t v s and

30、o statis th ory o the il c oaryact、 The utt an e wh performs aactis c l a r or at ve(行事话语)。6、constativ (述事话语 )i ut erance w ich sserts om hin t atise ther true or fals 、7 a c er stics of mpl c ure: C lc bility 、 Cancella ili 、n- etachabil y、 Non conv n ional ty8、 Calcul bi i y(可推导性 ): m ns that impl

31、 ca r of an ut erancecan e lculated a dn literal mea in, CP and ts maxims, n ext, tc、9、C c l ability/De easibility (可取消性可废除原则)If th f ct rs that o ver tio al imp ic ture rel d on change, the li ure wi alsohange、1、 R leva e Th or 关联理论municativePrin p of el a c: Every sten iv s i ulus oveys presum tio its n otima levance、Cog ive Pri cipl o Rel ance: Hu n cog i on ds toeard tothe aximi tion o leva ce、


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