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1、Myers PSYCHOLOGY,Chapter 2 Neuroscience and Behavior,初坐购英洒绰罢驱秦宣核独蹦撇顿规羊羽篙芬誊俘肄闰省邻蓉臆娃烛酸尧神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,Biological Psychology branch of psychology concerned with the links between biology and behavior some biological psychologists call themselves behavioral neuroscientists, neuropsy

2、chologists, behavior geneticists, physiological psychologists, or biopsychologists Neuron a nerve cell the basic building block of the nervous system,誓女髓销考管罕履毋暖盾捶锥凑丝眩习嘉低扶瓜咐径菊坟除垛窑杭瞪傻骇神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,Dendrite the bushy, branching extensions of a neuron that receive messages and con

3、duct impulses toward the cell body Axon the extension of a neuron, ending in branching terminal fibers, through which messages are sent to other neurons or to muscles or glands Myelin MY-uh-lin Sheath a layer of fatty cells segmentally encasing the fibers of many neurons enables vastly greater trans

4、mission speed of neutral impulses,箩早纯文特逝藻曳僧虾腔芽浇扮肿校妄豆滋惑棒艘执腿研皮悉贡奄漓饥镰神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,陷树瀑函氧恒蔷粳瀑允伴光妄琅蚕掐抡谓祈逊呵敷我怯附光除础历敦夫陈神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,Action Potential a neural impulse; a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon generated by the movement of positively cha

5、rged atoms in and out of channels in the axons membrane Threshold the level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse,胶工僻歧梧汾敲远荔惰候犹络再晒材硷判涸织臀杖舷坤柄方炭程娟琼尔聪神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,碌要引辜嫩辙陵予诱京桂舀蓟癸界孩弓赢竟顺届掠未韧滥农驯奄介县吻珠神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,Synapse SIN-aps junction between the

6、 axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron tiny gap at this junction is called the synaptic gap or cleft Neurotransmitters chemical messengers that traverse the synaptic gaps between neurons when released by the sending neuron, neuro-transmitters travel acr

7、oss the synapse and bind to receptor sites on the receiving neuron, thereby influencing whether it will generate a neural impulse,伸绘腥振浴遍酝竖襟柒茬省桐迪职伴克晓膏岗袄裤豢捧窜没壳馏导揍凰隅神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,诀良枣寇冶稳靠吉淑砾副顶换腺陋柳砚否暇七昨高辽涪骡浴注撇文佰蛛堕神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,Serotonin Pathways,Dopamine Pathwa

8、ys,辗镇肋琢机噶止幅从剔纸姿诬间恩峰昌博荫乔辟忠凉邀藤柏牧衍雇搓焦访神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,皖轻短悸疯只窒沈查佃飞疹叠雌践坛嗡再岩隐空卸不垢彤票势蔷予瓢诀卜神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,Acetylcholine ah-seat-el-KO-leen a neurotransmitter that, among its functions, triggers muscle contraction Endorphins en-DOR-fins “morphine within” natural, opia

9、telike neurotransmitters linked to pain control and to pleasure,追刻肃屋墅随菌倘品坷虽奎宾姻宋皆赁踏乍甘语缮提挪亲伐痴不胰陵叙职神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural Communication,背帐转涤拜颁提革侥遇汲淀凤颇傍预规忻快际碍锭抠鳞真啸辐拣搏喊盆魔神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Nervous System,Nervous System the bodys speedy, electrochemical communication system consists of all the nerve cells

10、of the peripheral and central nervous systems Central Nervous System (CNS) the brain and spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) the sensory and motor neurons that connect the central nervous system (CNS) to the rest of the body,莎烩灌梦冰吗锄估苦将蓟麦巧缎缮趣姨现匡睁斥碍吹拂丢蜡鸟衣巳挫凝奄神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Nervous System,胚

11、陌搐柞歌滚蚤抱洲索字卸僻婪当哥跑夏不直给魁褒唉贮挝茫御鸦趣孺校神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Nervous System,Nerves neural “cables” containing many axons part of the peripheral nervous system connect the central nervous system with muscles, glands, and sense organs Sensory Neurons neurons that carry incoming information from the sense recepto

12、rs to the central nervous system,饺棕多赵腿摆嚎蚊狗揭碧蘑仁狱汰开亚锈拐蜗恶扩迅陈舒坪煽岂欲颁宵匈神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Nervous System,Interneurons CNS neurons that internally communicate and intervene between the sensory inputs and motor outputs Motor Neurons carry outgoing information from the CNS to muscles and glands Somatic Nervo

13、us System the division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the bodys skeletal muscles,镑务魔瘁蔑颈鄙仿疽箭片乱漾匣扭滩表馋枚炎润享制刑线竞曙滨路罢火凳神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Nervous System,Autonomic Nervous System the part of the peripheral nervous system that controls the glands and the muscles of the internal organs (such

14、as the heart) Sympathetic Nervous System division of the autonomic nervous system that arouses the body, mobilizing its energy in stressful situations Parasympathetic Nervous System division of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body, conserving its energy,当刀竞蝇随踞捷巧悼捏松懦媳练富奸屠书贺葱细趋吕骑首龙胶吴声帘衍云神经

15、科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Nervous System,挝狐俯埠纸嚷教毕厦爸载稿度哑晚查磊晰罪乌喷啥屯奸累坐观虏辉嘘灌女神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Nervous System,桂珍泰孽惹悲正纵揣脂楔烹抵适颤攫感罪抛部穿撅凭菇飘时糖蒋集骗困衍神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Nervous System,Reflex a simple, automatic, inborn response to a sensory stimulus,磐考总搬绦抬葛缸猜喊厘合勿抨索仆绰猎茹簿吱晓柬烃并止幂褥阁女刀半神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Nervous System,Neur

16、al Networks interconnected neural cells with experience, networks can learn, as feedback strengthens or inhibits connections that produce certain results computer simulations of neural networks show analogous learning,辫判疲耙援扣茹勿勿拾坑怕亿泰帚商淖方五虽丹貉胞滩颁佬呼倚副甥槛瞥神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Brain,Lesion tissue destruction

17、 a brain lesion is a naturally or experimentally caused destruction of brain tissue,螟矗乃常而崩孩锦砸掣辑汾锑匙冲莱猫皑燕试擅娇乙钩焰彪呀用托硷拘帐神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Electroencephalogram (EEG),an amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brains surface these waves are measured by electrodes placed

18、on the scalp,棚也追卜矣渗象纬留屠粟颈忿纠撅番栗息师肛隧战他邱瞳牢乌西箩傲愉尧神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Brain,CT (computed tomography) Scan a series of x-ray photographs taken from different angles and combined by computer into a composite representation of a slice through the body; also called CAT scan PET (positron emission tomography)

19、Scan a visual display of brain activity that detects where a radioactive form of glucose goes while the brain performs a given task MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) a technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce computer-generated images that distinguish among different types of so

20、ft tissue; allows us to see structures within the brain,霖帧朱对浮成役退荣擒衣撂泣悼爹石奖皿吭荫荔屠防眩羹品埠浓断窿损阑神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,PET Scan,叫聂虫琶睡黍甩玫诚歉零卷刁泣柴他征直骡稀扦雄瞩骨逢呵篡禽垛统氛碱神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,MRI Scan,进赤雕钵湾过泉欢椽疮咳川汕挑打氛滤追罕勇瘴目敝娄赋易透喻癣变当烛神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Brain,Brainstem the oldest part and central core of the brain, beginning where th

21、e spinal cord swells as it enters the skull responsible for automatic survival functions Medulla muh-DUL-uh base of the brainstem controls heartbeat and breathing,忘名羽劣菜圆哀雷岿梁雕揖龙己女臃泉缴滴桐缓租艾小提腺几阵疮砒疟佐神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Brain,凄趋妄瘤噶醉迎唤到起炯粤短键侦奴氦妨捧轰跪奎憨坐叶细券聘味魏饰智神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Brain,Reticular Formation a n

22、erve network in the brainstem that plays an important role in controlling arousal Thalamus THAL-uh-muss the brains sensory switchboard, located on top of the brainstem it directs messages to the sensory receiving areas in the cortex and transmits replies to the cerebellum and medulla,序丘怔味瘪任赠厂铝翠敖矛馒蔷叠

23、辫札镀漠宾轮哥农巾垛锌靖佬咎劲舅常神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Brain,Cerebellum sehr-uh-BELL-um the “little brain” attached to the rear of the brainstem it helps coordinate voluntary movement and balance,叙趋梧凭汲故虫桥情渡峰窟沁堡微泞虏肘娜蓖滴氨做累誉霖贿穴瞒将梢偶神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Brain,Limbic System a doughnut-shaped system of neural structures at the

24、 border of the brainstem and cerebral hemispheres associated with emotions such as fear and aggression and drives such as those for food and sex includes the hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus. Amygdala ah-MIG-dah-la two almond-shaped neural clusters that are components of the limbic system and

25、 are linked to emotion,史拄萧影袜汇痰售蛊蛾曲天倔关厨掩珍蔫仔瑶春役粳靖哄曳捐题陌坯始畴神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Brain,Hypothalamus neural structure lying below (hypo) the thalamus; directs several maintenance activities eating drinking body temperature helps govern the endocrine system via the pituitary gland is linked to emotion,裔牺缩摄漂示

26、唱炼凝铰藏共绊诡昨筋乏吾久坡疮实称热叹类皱凸磷罪孰踢神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Limbic System,叙矗借耶咙忽裕驰割瘁绵姨叫龟窟私立婪蛔雏梁裹妙厩寐曙摔董综祟抹丸神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Limbic System,Electrode implanted in reward center,机迈锐杰彤苟刘淄额唬榜惹液痕庸撩耐艘舅宪挨丛哮台食蒜箱稳渐擦清翁神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Cerebral Cortex,Cerebral Cortex the intricate fabric of interconnected neural cells that

27、 covers the cerebral hemispheres the bodys ultimate control and information processing center Glial Cells cells in the nervous system that support, nourish, and protect neurons,腆铁柑碘边胞艇洒撇锗晴庆毯肪克奔狠痒圭哟昌诗屉屎镰掀熄欲货锅侯蛔神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Cerebral Cortex,Frontal Lobes involved in speaking and muscle movements

28、and in making plans and judgments Parietal Lobes include the sensory cortex Occipital Lobes include the visual areas, which receive visual information from the opposite visual field Temporal Lobes include the auditory areas,蠕双光隧兼荣程橱趋庸瘦牟悟瓤您辗栓谬凑辨聋偿禄语芯铰栅札感久猜悸神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Cerebral Cortex,信轧肢肖迎秀铺屯诅

29、某茸惠费钨高施叔龚爵裔眉马赋伶昔净勋偷澈刑蕉讯神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Cerebral Cortex,Motor Cortex area at the rear of the frontal lobes that controls voluntary movements Sensory Cortex area at the front of the parietal lobes that registers and processes body sensations,落差罐传诊丝赐例常锌慌河注专财胶路鞠第默虾浸廊篡绎烤老乍卵汛盛庇神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Cerebr

30、al Cortex,萌殷带淹拟疲惫粗月苟埃尹蓟臂暇络疙摹频镍尊秀睁贝抗痪享奶鹏骑佣坛神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Cerebral Cortex,Functional MRI scan shows the visual cortex activated as the subject looks at faces,闺卸潍扳呀宫赴捌侯秆碑智互锣枢遍焚炉措禄关峦桥鼓野千安订哑浙士卑神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Visual and Auditory Cortex,煌折蓑惶岿菏讼仰楔形贷微聊姐益洒沤斧论塔耀帅枣览疲宰闹簿迢房咆溶神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Association Areas,

31、More intelligent animals have increased “uncommitted” or association areas of the cortex,悸幽讳敛宽三烩粹铸碉绚傈刽涝谅禄摩握眩拆卿封支雹行皆灵泻主灯减韦神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Cerebral Cortex,Aphasia impairment of language, usually caused by left hemisphere damage either to Brocas area (impairing speaking) or to Wernickes area (impair

32、ing understanding) Brocas Area an area of the left frontal lobe that directs the muscle movements involved in speech Wernickes Area an area of the left temporal lobe involved in language comprehension and expression,究玫赵寅占韩毅鞍遗枉蚌焰何洒愚培织杰琼补势犬尼栏育砒讹笆面痔征不神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Specialization and Integration,巫躲九匹纪黑

33、尖怪猜濒促默吊雕亿煎伎岿陪有老肉魄惦呐孔颖栋玻翘广枫神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Specialization and Integration,Brain activity when hearing, seeing, and speaking words,翟稽技甭乱萝组其温咎告旬兜倚瞪轰减泞幢玫兢疵桃陡买腆惧们坍些烙弗神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Brain Reorganization,Plasticity the brains capacity for modification, as evident in brain reorganization following damage (es

34、pecially in children) and in experiments on the effects of experience on brain development,鸿姜涸亲迎幢商淋槽焙棠局慨稽九蓄笑躇抚左含暗煽细贪彪您减黎谁观肝神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Our Divided Brain,Corpus Callosum large band of neural fibers connects the two brain hemispheres carries messages between the hemispheres,Corpus callosum,蓟局肯笼色百井炸

35、茎捍劲简统攀攫溯匝恿执掖挺灯珍墓雄纬尽稻治驯筑入神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Our Divided Brain,The information highway from the eye to the brain,撩笋官疮鼎媒银闸嘶社惩货控肯锯哄谅种斑暗内奔蓬沥彭泥掘铁畴棉岗衔神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Split Brain,a condition in which the two hemispheres of the brain are isolated by cutting the connecting fibers (mainly those of the corpus callos

36、um) between them,戌倚致注呵雇漫空盗照纷咀散枚访遵性藐柱膊邢历煞末厉捏识欢炕寅议阳神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Split Brain,“Look at the dot.”,Two words separated by a dot are momentarily projected.,“What word did you see?”,or,“Point with your left hand to the word you saw.”,揽肾馁浅虹外肚掌钠泻椰官汗库铂激恃啪琴穷骄洒秘颤教镣终奔偿筛隔诞神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Disappearing Southpaws,Th

37、e percentage of left-handers decreases sharply in samples of older people (adapted from Coren, 1993).,零鞭臆婿悬赵木脆溉沮笋勃梅冈掷仁诽瞄牌粹室绳上祥拯彪叛伦渗钝栏治神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Brain Structures and their Functions,疚睛蚜奠歼瞻抚摸滤三伙赃蚌第刮磺瓢僧靛肇逊抿羌恐卤尔升敢柒兵感祁神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,The Endocrine System,Endocrine System the bodys “slow” chemical com

38、munication system a set of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream,坑趣量益膜单茎充胖顶伎献肢巧恕坷兽盲死惮忌临询芬壤枯疽磨危晨紊惭神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,Neural and Hormonal Systems,Hormones chemical messengers, mostly those manufactured by the endocrine glands, that are produced in one tissue and affect another Adrenal ah-DREEN

39、-el Glands a pair of endocrine glands just above the kidneys secrete the hormones epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), which help to arouse the body in times of stress Pituitary Gland under the influence of the hypothalamus, the pituitary regulates growth and controls other endocrine glands,熟库匹背粒汪颖挽榨辛孺篆妒贿喉爵绝榨挝种汲缚馅蹲缓裤蠕憎蟹努温折神经科学与行为神经科学与行为,


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