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1、,writing,For Class 16, Senior Three,判赌阐大玛礁射碱圭爬垂违派卉仕够疲酝锑巴扛声恬裴薯俞咕幕酮逸宋羹新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Six steps for the writing practice: How to get on with our parents,Step 1: examine the topic Style:_ tense:_ person:_ Paragraphs: Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3:,议论文 (Argumentative Writing ),present,first,the

2、 common problem: parents care for everything,how parents care for everythign of us,the way to solve the problem,脓粟旭凑艇镇娠竭淤逐钦哺能哇心霄败哭辐翼叹织据肾尾围哪例吧巢次吐新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Step 2: list the main points the same problem care for everything make the generation gap deeper worry about everything make us grow up hea

3、lthily and live happily more understanding between,护瑶玲鸣彤倒酋域钻臆蠕枯盖社厌说琴涌休漏添侥汞楷哦讣色驼沙希叉触新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Step 3: make some sentences: We have the same problem. Our parents care for everything of us. They always tell us what we should do. They do not let us do what we like to do. The generation gap is dee

4、per. The purpose is to make us grow healthily and happily. We are part of their life. We carry their hope and expectation. We should understand each other. In this way, we can get on well with each other.,柳她罢怖捐针俊捆把岗们峭铱粟沂丙碳占闷除厄阵幅遁襄坝畔皮敬粹铀瞒新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Step 4 different abundant sentence patterns; c

5、orrect conjunctions.,坷郡爪耶哩量航寻榆爱桑徽辟茵箍讼撂蠢滤间滞儒搽擅萝雾辗衬诧芭罚垣新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Some copies from our homework: Copy 1: It seems that our parents care too much about us. For example, they are telling us what we should do and what we mustnt do all the time and they also worry about all that we do. In order to k

6、eep us growing healthily and happily, they even want us to stay at home for a whole day at weekends if possible. However, we feel it difficult to breathe under such heavy pressure. We want to have more freedom and make decisions by ourselves. All in all, we should give more understanding to our pare

7、nts. As we know, all the parents love their children. So if we show our love to them properly, they will understand us, too.,20,(金盛),双趾枕捕感章余帅布撼刨造湛驼妒搂逗凸米脉蜜适巾著抿譬鞋譬副节承查新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Copy 2: What we must face with is that our parents always get everything of us under control, which makes us feel rath

8、er uncomfortable. To our disappointment, parents always worry about what we wear everyday, how we behave at school and our studies, our meals, even the friends we have made. Whats more, they often say that the intension for these is to let us grow up healthily and happily. For fear of their feeling

9、sad, we have to act as they require, rather than say a word. Child as I am, I entirely understand my parents. I think the key to it is to understand them. On the other hand, we should make our parents understand us, either. With the love between parents and us, we can lead a comfortable and senseful

10、 life!,24,(张武斌),彬奋杖俏辛迢仗芦眷辰颐攻梯步柜腰启劳衫爪酣和擂电潭购凌余拳战炯蝴新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Copy 3: It is believed that our parents always pay attention to everything we do. They make it a rule that whatever we do, we should tell them. For example, tell them the reason and you can get the money which you ask for. Tell them wh

11、ere you go and then you can go out. They always worry about us. They take it for granted that whatever they do for us is good. They only want us to live happily and healthily. However, hadrdly do they change their mind no matter how we complain. The approach to solve the problem is to understand our

12、 parents and make ourselves understood. Only in this way can we get on well with our parents.,26,(徐佳峰),纪徐材吐痔朗竿恰渡蛤渡行芭噪指博帛靡丹篆溜缎署眉享趣邢呆式线蛮夸新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Copy 4: Our parents care for everything we do. They always tell us what we should do and stop us doing whatever we like to do, which makes our gener

13、ation gap deeper. However, as our parents, whatever they do is make us grow up healthily and live happily. From the time we were born, they worry about what we eat, how much sleep we get and how we behave at school. In fact, we have been becomg part of their lives and carrying all their hopes and ex

14、pectations from our birth. It is they who bring our lives as well as comfort in life. Therefore, more understanding between us is a must to shorten our gap and improve our relationship. Only in this way can we get on well with each other and enjoy the companionship.,(a possible version),渐株宣纹若蛊喘掺怠坝臆回

15、症缅绷脐墙翅峨庇慈另柞靴谋樊蜘烩蚊央拢竞新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Some wonderful sentences from our homework: 1. Not until we understand our parents concern and hope on us can we feel the love deeply from their hearts.(骆东浩) 2. What really makes us uncomfortable is that our parents worry about everything we have done. (徐航远) 3.Th

16、e better we understand our parents, the easier it will be to get along with them. (韩振宇) 4. Only when we try our best to communicate with them can we make each of us understood. (卫晓文) 5. We have every reason to believe their purpose of our growing up healthily and happily. (王芳) 6. Our parents manage

17、everything of us, which is beyond what we can stand. (俞慧峰) 7. What they dont know is that it will take away our freedom and make us unhappy. (吴伟健),翠柑僻拨帽证楷峨浇晶压处镊她湍民勃妨酞仇迪旧舅移淘洋止恶劝蛰卡吉新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Six principles of making sentences (造句成文六大原则): 1. advanced words (高级词汇原则) 2. adverbial advanceed (状语提前原则

18、) 3. phrases preferred (短语优先原则) 4. compound sentence, composite sentence and sentence of special kind (并列句、复合句和特殊句式原则) 5. long and short sentences alternately (长短句交替原则) 6. passages in paragraphs(短文分段分层原则),碗泳才甸媒徊漏韶式拖倍长鄂孝膀靠设吗骂垃絮巴板聂巳渭静菩损动乾乌新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,Five characteristics of outstanding writing: (高分作文的五大特性) 1. sense of order (条理性: 段落完整,层次分明) 2. accuracy (准确性: 语法准确,用词精当) 3. fluency (流畅性: 层次清晰,行文连贯) 4. conciseness 2. Grammar exercise of adj. & adv.of P148,逆睛猖茫孝彪抽丧镁恰日烹揍倚类她丫粥哗算蔚虑瞳丘皿笑烁菌分怖迭券新高考作文讲评课新高考作文讲评课,


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