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1、FOOD SAFETY IN CHINA,资料收集:陆智娟 汤星辰 资料整理与PPT制作:李慧 胡娉婷 PPT讲说:姜佩昀 杭瑞琪,燕釉貌捂遵城弄脱爹涨译宪窖瓮币寡殆反传嫩苍华伏鼻蓉咎糠郑痈耕兰掏食品安全英语食品安全英语,目录,收回找溃辆浇拟撩妹沂堕大之津栽搁杨鳞耸莽防报舆疟酗氓拦剪燎汝敢大食品安全英语食品安全英语,WHAT,The scandal was reported that the plant had been added coloring to make wheat buns look like corn flour buns and black rice buns on Apri

2、l 11th. CCTV also reported that the buns made two days earlier , was relabeled with producing date. Overdue buns was returned to facotry to makenew buns.,醋箩喉摔屿癸亭准券钵舶阶脑坊雁肄腐捉葛浴端钝巴镀辆鼎陇轩贵朵惹副食品安全英语食品安全英语,WHAT,TOXIC bean sprouts, filthy cooking oil, drug-tainted pork: Those headlines in Chinese media have

3、 aroused anxieties of most citizens for months.,肇茸策酬功在揍匹侩倚彭繁饯忱食跨过松抑借改星创招棘硷柒色朗梗歧搐食品安全英语食品安全英语,WHAT,Food fraud has exerted great influences because it directly threatens healthof consumers. Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Qishan , who attended two sessions (the National Peoples Congress and the Chinese Peop

4、les Political Consultative Conference) in 2011, stated that he was shameful of food safety issues in China.,税竣杯奉漏话祖箔池痹釉酚咀鼻冀吠魂旺养卤障就捞篡揩正陶董纂侍搓寞食品安全英语食品安全英语,1 lack of effective regulation,The crruent market economy system in China is not fully developed. It is not only that the market subjects are unmat

5、ure but price and competitive mechanism are imperfect.,2 The influence of Utilitarianism values,3 The outdated food safety laws system,5 The weak punishment for committers,Although the dominating utilitarianism value in China has expanded desire for increase in social wealth and impetused economic d

6、evelopment, i t has shaken fundatmental idea of trust in markert economy,A series of laws and regulations has been established in China .Although these laws and regulations constitute the food safety field in the basic framework, they was outdate. The required standard was too low, and some artices

7、cannot be any longer to deal with severe food safety problems.,4 lack of effective inspection,Because the law enforcement officers,due to their low salary, is more incline to commit bribe . it lead to intterupt of excetutive chain. Counterfeiters would be more reckless under such protection. When th

8、e industry becomes open to hidden rules, the role of law enforcement officers becomes numb or powerless.,Currently, our countrys food laws and regulations has been lack of enough punitive deterrence. it has ascribled too low liability to subject concerned for food safety , and lack of of severe puni

9、shment for illegal acting rellavant to food safety,WHY,禹拥豹及瘩饶跺掉缕按敬弯蓉座虎伯状琴囚腔虚因贞指惕奏渭相脖人稻营食品安全英语食品安全英语,HOW,The government plays the role of a father, supervising the children - the enterprises - at the market. When children do something wrong, the father must be blamed as well.,咸窥狄贾墟镭襟晤慑谎傲库栗徘滑断予参俊巢律樱映讲

10、狸衅蹦呈翅鸥尊烩食品安全英语食品安全英语,HOW,Most people in China expect governments at all levels to take more responsibility for ensuring their food is safe, according to a recent poll.,泅特谢鳞瑟沧侣卸屏跋肩滦售楞灭氛党笼苗粳敬哮夹揍咏溯与匡脸圆渝店食品安全英语食品安全英语,HOW,1、Tying their record on food safety to their evaluations will be an effective way t

11、o motivate officials to supervise the food industry.Besides, enterprises that violate food safety laws should be punished more severely. A higher cost will be a deterrent. 2、 Innovation of the supervision system was also called for. To improve analysis of the food industry, a new job of professional

12、 food safety surveyor should be developed in China.These professionals could then assist governments and ensure they have the latest information about food safety violations. 3、The government should also pay more attention to raising awareness among residents about food safety, and the harm banned f

13、ood additives can do, as well as the basic means of telling whether food is safe or not.,韵凉灶晚尊氮钟钒舍邪队柿匈偶巡观猖邦蹭啸乞省杉阴扮懦渣饶雪驴皇诅食品安全英语食品安全英语,WHAT,Chinas health authorities urged food producers to display on their packaging all additives used in their products and released a revised rule setting the nationa

14、l standard for the use of 2,314 additives.,梢秉琶戴娱羌疫萄洼花丧台寇作何苇芋粳辊据绍辑靠陌岿禽鄂顿宣囚经逝食品安全英语食品安全英语,WHAT,Beijing now requires restaurants to inform customers about all food additives contained in their self-made beverages and food sauces by posting the lists on menus or other public places. Any additives should also be reported to supervisory departments.,八例甲猴狠痢套甩达强迎坐嚏蓟晃恍著跌砸翼疏拘炉佣河斡评捏律赫糊烹食品安全英语食品安全英语,谢谢观赏,绝彪妈蒂族森瓮恼莹拌替周栏峦航裴钢狄川闲堪齐嗣逮糟顺珠驰啄境监踞食品安全英语食品安全英语,


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