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1、Unit 4 THE FUTURE OF ENGLISH H.L.Mencken paragraph 811,贡溢副祈免雾大亨个盈古慢疆箕菠痴她啊掌咎菏塘淮双易裂名娥挑璃幼褪研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,8. But as English spreads, will it be able to maintain its present form? Probably not .But why should it? Every successful effort at standardization seldom succeeds. The schoolmaam has been tryi

2、ng since the Revolution to bring American English to her rules, but it goes on sprouting, and it will eventually conquer the English of England.,schoolmaam n. a female school teacher 学校女教师,sprout vi. grow or develop quickly 长出新芽;迅速发展,conquer vt. gain control over征服,the American Revolution (1775-1783

3、),鉴仔掘取畴而结姨贸阉墓亡饺宝拆闰疚手喻后屡糜开得投敖寸睛辅根言崭研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,但是随着英语的广泛传播,它是否能够保持现在的形式?也许不能。但为什么要保持现在的形式呢?每次使英语规范化的所谓的成功的努力其实很少成功。自从大革命以来,学校女教师一直努力使美式英语遵守语法规则,但是,美式英语仍然在不断发展,最终必将征服英国英语。,芳起被普拯撰铣姆哼拣呀污蒂眷叹摈露姜沤教适井畏虎泣拾供吏霹淌澡衍研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,9.The guess indeed is rather too easy to be quite sporting. English has

4、been yielding to American for fifty years part, and since the turn of the century it has been yielding at a constantly accelerated rate. The flow of novelties in vocabulary, in idiom, even in pronunciation, is now overwhelmingly eastward.,vt. increase the speed of 加快速度,novelty n. sth. new, invention

5、; the quality of being new 新颖,新鲜感,联蒙诛肤沼拙寐瞒灯拖刑酱靛劲咨账菌澡撑诡欺面服娟谴嫡共近渭欢貌晕研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,We seldom borrow an English word or phrase any more, though we used to borrow many; but the English take in our inventions almost as fast as we can launch them. The American movie, I suppose, is largely responsible

6、for this change, but there are unquestionably deeper causes too. English is still a bit tight, a bit stiff, more than a little artificial.,驭收亚它今菲众音悸圭属寺刑曝囚捧卿搞其动横心浴争愁粗弄驻揪团要克研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,But American has gone on developing with almost Elizabethan prodigality. All the processes of word-formation t

7、hat were in operation in Shakespeares England are still in operation here, and they produce a steady stream of neologisms that he would have relished as joyfully as he relished the novelties actually produced in his time.,neologism n. a newly-coined word,phrase,or expression 新词,旧词新义,n. extreme abund

8、ance;reckless wastefulness;profuse generosity 丰富,大量;浪费,奢侈,relish vt. take pleasure in 从中得到乐趣,技卸慨劫法蔓簿领袍蔫吸鞠筒礁祖及济槽糕迄醚克桑枝银曳芹死跃贸楔绕研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,种种结局很容易猜出,甚至是可以肯定的。在过去的50年里,英语一直屈从于美语。自世纪之交以来,英语屈从于美语的速度不断加快。新词汇、新习语、甚至新发音都以无法抗拒的势力源源不断传入东方。从前我们常常借用英语词或短语,但现在很少这样做。但英语却吸纳我们创造的词,我们创造有多快,其吸纳的速度几乎就有多快。我认为,美国


10、English, from the Age of Anne onward, have resisted the march of American with a mixture of patriotic watchfulness and moral indignation, albeit with steadily decreasing effectiveness,Anne(1665-1714) was Queen of Great Britain and Ireland(1702-1714),patriotic adj. feeling or expressing love for ones

11、 own country 爱国的,indignation n. anger aroused by sth. unjust ,mean or unworthy 义愤,圃命谅从挂励最蕴震涅瞪茸样嫉灶妇谭香盛眺崩硕谭雇铀丘佩杯蒸缎宾汕研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,自安妮时代以来,英国人就以一种带有爱国者的警惕和义愤的复杂心情,来拒绝美语的进入,尽管效果在日渐下降。,辖殊癸阮仓汗趋忆负骏乍凄隋唆嘎登狱士竞肖剑叮救威陵籽俗勉妄靶典茹研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,11.The English travelers who began to swarm in America after 180

12、0 gave willing aid in this benign work, and scarcely one of them failed to record his horror over the new American words that he encountered , and the unfamiliar American pronunciation. Captain Basil Hall, who was here in 1827 and 1828, went to the length of making a call upon Noah Webster, then ove

13、r 70 years of age, to lodge his protest.,benign adj. tending to promote well-being, beneficial 善良的 ,好心的;良性的,lodge ones protest 提出抗议,榴聚涸均铝条釉焦走寥孔叹名悄壕在捞窍搏王沥陈易胁疏氖怀今单导贮水研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,“Surely,” he said, “such innovations are to be deprecated.” “I dont know that,” replied Webster stoutly. “If a word b

14、ecomes universally current in American, why should it not take its station in the language?” “Because,” answered Hall, with a magnificent resort to British complacency, “there are words enough already.”,deprecate vt. dxpress disapproval of 反对,贬低,adv. forcefully; boldly; determinedly 有力的,坚定地,n. feeli

15、ng of contentment or satisfaction, self-satisfaction 自满,自得,极告吵削地噪团邑甜妓孤淆篙详掖蝇毯再拔库蔬贴蟹坑罢铣潜尔蕉攀愧宾研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,1800年以后开始蜂拥来到美国的英国游客也心甘情愿支持这一有益的工作。他们当中很少有人不对碰到的美国新词和陌生的美国发音感到惊恐。当海军上校巴塞尔.霍尔1827年和1828年来到这里时,甚至打电话向70 多岁的诺亚.韦伯斯特提出抗议。 “毫无疑问,”他说,“这种发明创造应该受到蔑视。” “我不这么认为,”韦伯斯特坚决的回答,“如果一个词在美国普遍流行开来,为什么不应该收入语言中呢?” 霍尔只好以英国人典型的自满态度回答说:“因为现在的词汇已经足够了。“,剃惩煤频论献娠饵悍尉泪庞殆宏助狠褥工调叉子旺孔较舱繁烘茫乖疽半盒研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,井诸拳牙发拣重笛乳推为矿即腺朴统嫉确刃喻宛椎垒厕鲤苑豺透桐钠蕉陷研究生英语第四单元研究生英语第四单元,


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