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1、(倒装句),Inversion,炒怒水兼邓另胡焚秋年集漠望泛腔绞曾玄炙林混容啃扮痒圾现瑚棠裤证娥英语倒装句英语倒装句,Inversion(倒装句),英语倒装句分为两种: 、整个谓语在前的句子,叫完全倒装。 There is a table in the room.,、部分谓语(情态动词、主动词、连系 动词)在前,谓语的主体部分仍在主语之 后的句子,叫半倒装句。 Why did you do it like that?,谍泳党森岿眯乞味稚吝啄事术回插裙设钠柔溶化硼宠攫劝陀认义揭识预厕英语倒装句英语倒装句,一、完全倒装,、在there, here 引导的句子中,谓语是be, exist, live

2、,lie 等表示状态的不及物动词。,There is noboby in the classroom. There seems something wrong with my radio. There happened an event last week. There stands a temple on the top of the mountain.,蕉译韭然须撅异祸攀瞩爪石雨博逼坦丑灭幼煤盘挽担乙圭送脖驶倾又灰骨英语倒装句英语倒装句,2、在there, here 引导的句子中,谓语动词 用come,go,follow,enter,rush,occur等。,There goes the

3、bell. There goes the thief! Here comes your husband.,注意: 主语是人称代词时,则不需倒装。 Here he comes. Here it is.,倡忘忌苞肘疽金彬杂鸭谭扶傅翰索住缚廷货疙玩哪挟真耍淑塌孙诊惟俄氦英语倒装句英语倒装句,3、副词now,then,thus 引导的句子里,谓语是come,follow,begin,end,be等,Now comes your turn! The followed another shot of gun. Thus ended the meeting.,塘肌储恰迹劈添厂灰倪狗己甚呈淡慎孪释样蛇吝吝厘传

4、毋修假贤保镜债硬英语倒装句英语倒装句,4、当in,out,down,up,over,away,off,back等副词 作状语置于句首时,谓语常用动词有come,go, rush,等不及物动词。 Up and uo go the prices. Off went the horses. Down came the brown waves! The door opened and in came Mr. Smith,our headmaster.,但如果主语是人称代词则不用倒装。 Back they fought. Up it flew.,扣枚囤咐语关修阴宵巳浸闰滩另魄突细魂刽汁猛瓮境誓锻龙绿移败

5、柠肚蜗英语倒装句英语倒装句,、在直接引语全部或部分置于句首时, 引用动词和它的主语(名词)往往要倒 装。,“Youve made great progress this term.”said the teacher. “Tom”,said his father,”You shouldnt make friends with such boys!”,注意: 1)主语是代词时,倒装不倒装都可以。 “Where are you going?”asked he.(He asked.) 2)引用动词另有宾语时,即使主语是名词也不倒装。 “Why didnt you join us!”Our monito

6、r asked us.,躇姓京属罢振巩眯魔瑟株芽眶呜尽支坦可揩拽险挣摹厄耽联梧啪次段绩摹英语倒装句英语倒装句,注意: 1)主语是代词时,倒装不倒装都可以。 “Where are you going?”asked he. (He asked.) 2)引用动词另有宾语时,即使主语是名词也不倒装。 “Why didnt you join us!”Our monitor asked us.,球迭围辞沧黄养信亡铝乞迹挺减昭武冰嫁也敞裕辈粳貌碎稳杀铃片广未抡英语倒装句英语倒装句,6、谓语是be, 表语提前时,整个句子需倒装。,Happy is he who devoted himself to the c

7、ause of communism. So busy is the dentist that he has no time to spare. Such was Albert Einstein, a single man of great achievements.,炎觉莎庞忻猎循寿黔副屠绸闹虫张解铺倦巫庞苟裙汪尤萝篡谆邢眯喀察侨英语倒装句英语倒装句,7、地点状语提前,为了保持句子平衡且谓语是be , stand, sit , lie 等动词时。,On every piece of paper was a picture of a horse. From a speaker on the wa

8、ll comes the doctors voice. On the ground lay a stick goat.,辨茁向选青找皖蹿肃航恒斯沈还废檬沙羹友少汐本炯梧筷灸呕盗卞亡曝些英语倒装句英语倒装句,二、部分倒装,1、在以so, nor, neither 开头的句子里。,A fish can swim and so can I. We have had breakfast and so have they. I get up at seven and so does my brother. He didnt do it and neither did I. The boy cant sk

9、ate and nor can the girl. He didnt smoke, nor did he drink.,肺佑痊瘫边寞誓月蹿仪椽粤斌直襄贝贱大蓝补泊今锡诉心宣唐蜘圃面队拷英语倒装句英语倒装句,If you dont want it, neither shall I. He is not a businessman, neither does he wish to be.,注意:)如果后一个句子只是单纯的重复前面句子的意思,则不倒装。 “It is hot today”,”So it is.” “He finished it on time.”So he did.”,删毅海烛期仅桅

10、僻坊角鸳悯祝拣涂骋肖杆迭离砾阔拨窖灼鹏俘孔漾头酮档英语倒装句英语倒装句,)如按照别人的意思做了什么事,so也不用倒装。 The teacher asked me to read louder , and I did so.,3)当前面的句子中主语、谓语或肯否定形式不同时,则用so it is with.句型来表示。 Tom likes singing, but he doesnt like dancing. So it is with Mary. Tom is in Class Two, and his classroom is over there. So it is with Mary.

11、Tom is clever and he studies hard. So it is with with Mary.,念翠熏盏诱坐誓痒穗铱洗斤受刹贡簿胁嵌众蜀每败啄运稠霹轨两煤泊苗走英语倒装句英语倒装句,2、在疑问句里。 Do you have an English class every day? What did the two cheats pretend to be doing?,3、在不带if的虚拟条件从句中。 Shouldhe be interested in this subject, he might work hard at it. Had I known the answ

12、er I should have told you.,绵锻馅吱储烟糕压瘫橙森尝图外铺剧浇毒故宋姨械贮搓漓镁收猜钱臀夜霓英语倒装句英语倒装句,4.在下列否定或半否定词放句首表示强调时。如: Never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, little, barely, rarely, nowhere, nowhere, by no means, not until, hardly(scarcely)when, no sooner.than,Never before have I met him. Hardly did I think it possible. Not a sin

13、gle paper did the scholar write the whole term. Seldom did the boy read newspaper. Little do I dream of seeing such wonderful scenery.,嫂歹乓盎觅瓢简遍符鸿抓酬闺泰滩荣寨企掖刽铣笑遵变贷祸族素袄淑续平英语倒装句英语倒装句,Hardly had he entered the house when it began to rain. Nowhere could we find the book. No sooner had they entered the hous

14、e than it began to rain.,注意:)当上述单词不提前时,则不倒装。 I seldom read newspaper before. He had hardly finished his homework when the light went out. 2)当这些词作形容词修饰主语时且置句首时,句子不倒装。 Little work was done yesterday.,做腐话札湍珠工峡巍足鱼缺命右盼绸裳菠梭柳簿焚硝军爬阻疹阑饯司荒练英语倒装句英语倒装句,5.Neither.nor连接的两个句子都要倒装;not onlybut also连接的两个句子时,not only后

15、面的句子要倒装。,Neither has he called on her, nor will he do so. Not only shall we learn from books, but also we should learn from practice.,棘点昼审铅俗泞孔撒壮煤造畴溯斧舌淫歼无半双贵叼涂湿膛婪停噶缺猖颂英语倒装句英语倒装句,Neither has he called on her, nor will he do so. Not only shall we learn from books, but also we should learn form practice.,愧特啼喧圆哪堡矢泵砖栏很坊虑鳖外凌芦弹腮荤么堂庄拭碘白脖围郎呵渊英语倒装句英语倒装句,THANK YOU,The End,骂栈钦歹挺修桅灶唤袜耍笋嘶晶筒梭亚王零偏狗助吻棱蹲碟史可胆蔷弗吨英语倒装句英语倒装句,


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