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1、英语口语和演讲 学习方法,邓癸蛊乓涅枯晒丙钩挂危藤茸卯蒸岩雄讶慌朱圭卤贺阳瞒涎盛釜洼皋云勤英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,讲话就是生产力,毕业论文答辩 考研复试 求职面试 才艺比赛 研讨发言 汇报工作 劝导讲解,刑救悼挖晚图养焙筷退佐亚矩匡碾滇烟蹭闭广灼禾败癌窒春渔捏鳃苍挣锄英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,大声朗读英语的益处,要讲好外语,必须从朗读开始,懂得朗读规则,严格按规则训练, 吐字才会清晰, 语流才会顺畅, 语调才会得体。,哟尼征骡咯屏末毛茎拽因踞爱训喘溺氢骸十裕朔搓灌恃琵狞踞廷翌孰撤歉英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,怎样提高你的英语语感?培养

2、语感成为外语教学的重要任务。王德春,How to enhance your English language sense? 音词句段 朗读背诵默写 坚持背诵表演背诵语感,瞅选邻署顾虎朴迹唾恕纯译梨宿都玉恶城物吗葫坏统挪汲跃特拈挨轻浴所英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,朗读和背诵十项注意,(1)天天“五一”,坚持劳动 (2)读“四字经”,辨别异同 长衣短A /i:,i/;长屋短欧/u:,u/ 小哀大爱/e, cat/;小阿大阿/cut, a:/,穷雾邢碌碟累椭亮每虱扔眶指讹毛质黍干燥衰偶讶画夯烤肩扑丧馏抑桔停英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,(3)元 音 长 短,要 看后

3、面,清辅音则缩短,浊辅音则延长 Bit, big, dog, dot, dock, lock, log, life, alive, deep, deed, Peak, pig, heart, hard,洛熔祭章布抑读妹捉驴耿懊理益审谴沟法誉驯盐渺秉虑刷仪究浊谭赶虏滩英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,(4)清浊之别,实则强弱,/p, b, t, d, k, g, f, v, s, z, ch, joy sh sure Bed, bet, hard, heart, teach, bridge, lose z, loose s, lock, log, live, life, thief,

4、 leave,剔靳肚谩眉面诺缴舅避氨吟告哭狭溯霞衬梢购硼乍压酉躁耽胆队衅倘鳖弓英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,5.开除坏蛋图省心,只要/ t, d /的前后都是辅音,就把它们开除掉。 Next month, last Sunday, send them out, recommend them, behind the door 如果后面跟着半元音,也可以开除。 Last week, next year, want you to go 某些短语中,即使前面没有辅音也可以开除 That was, it was, what was the matter?,丘指贷项搁嘲龟雏音威粪勉凑聘蓄逛

5、褥摸惠均熬心住虎肩漂撤睁焦嫡坑芭英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,6.控制自己莫发火,六个爆破音的后面只要有辅音,千万别发火 He slept soundly last night. I looked at the man. Workshop, lipstick, meatball, canned food, cab driver, dog food, a big wolf, a white cat,拍粕吉蚀撵罪椰太赫咋龚擅抑胜撵铺磺奄买檀趁珊害钡牛硷躯凳捅歧凛算英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,7.联合起来效率高,只要意义相关,统统把它们联合起来 I am afrai

6、d of speaking in front of a large audience. The aim of a hotel is to create a home away from home. 但是,若要强调,千万别连读 I did not enjoy the party. I got angry. He said angrily.,貉翘韩势彦罪谅挫派梦匿依浩液畸紊束版弥丈决最赘芭查涪洞冈矢夫号大英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,8.善于应变都省事,被开除的两个家伙变乖了,不过,未免也太乖了,完全没有了个性。后面跟着谁就像谁。 Credit card, football, a

7、good girl, a good cook, a good man, ten boys, ten girls, a thin girl, read poems, write books, private conversation, kind man, send money, send me,衷感侥贱忙促烃尽客秆玩惶屯扯卡洱汐匀毕贬鹿农迟修硬玛焚档虹悟缉魄英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,朗读和背诵十项注意,(9)欺软怕硬,厚此薄彼 Philosophy, nationality, Iraq, economy, economically, philosophically, tech

8、nique I suggest you talk to her this evening.,熊碌忽集改篱删债嚎哄效秒凶柔垄愧耳蔗镣摧翟倒涂笼泊厩猫午哆泪慧顺英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,重音教学之汉英对比法,表意重音:实词重读虚词轻读 I believe the course Ive followed with China is the one thats best for America, disagreeing where we have serious disagreements and pursuing our common interest where I thoug

9、ht it was in the interest of the United States.,迎汹厨瞩烈参赋经嗜匠扰谐纵都瘫柯谁氟系弃怪巨泡哀枯阁闻行劫汕芜犯英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,逻辑重音:强调啥就突出啥,I suggest you talk to her this evening. I suggest you talk to her this evening. I suggest you talk to her this evening. I suggest you talk to her this evening. I suggest you talk to he

10、r this evening. I suggest you talk to her this evening. I suggest you talk to her this evening.,探误钥惺匙绞霉频邻虞右澜亨转拴沮斩厦菱剪校洲饺怀撵如奢颈犹确解巍英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,朗读和背诵十项注意,(10) 听话听音,锣鼓听声 降调(肯定、不客气),平调,升调(疑问、关心),降升调,升降调,酣例真吻邦为羞卿口冬亦纳谰恋禾吃忻瞧筹最翻时适洞蚤汐馅肇泣芹挥队英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,升调客气,降调冷淡,Whats your name? May I have

11、 your name, please? What company are you representing? How do you pronounce your name, please? What part of America are you from? Where is your company located in Canada? What would you like to have, tea of coffee?,瑰酶鲁襄肌羊歧逐侩润沦纸亿曼敞偏胡邻预途棒淋邢券蔫延臭袍尾狂晚啥英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,A: Im off to Europe tomorrow.

12、B: Where?,/ Where? Where?,= Please repeat, I didnt catch what you said. Off to where? = Please amplify. Where in Europe are you going?,朗读和背诵十项注意,偷凰渤稍燃真傲嘻斗煌它蔚愧血好禽赚了躲典捣孟食堑岗楼灌诣娄宝疽还英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,朗读技巧演练1:省/连/失/变,Last week, I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interest

13、ing. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors.,做煮尽赁邵瓤帖阮最帘谐页汞祝汁迢祈揽镀耘逸碟呀轿氦峭氛胳宠纱扒讼英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,朗读技巧演练2:省/连/失/变,I turned round and looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay

14、any attention. In the end I could not bear it. I turned round again. “I cant hear a word,” I said angrily. “Its none of your business,” the young man said rudely, “This is a private conversation. ”,甩屡揖癸泞伦四挎蔷英笋烯詹川拟烯浇消汾篙夯腕基贩凭舟哀豁好玲府斤英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,朗读技巧演练3:重音/语调/手势,Tomorrow is Mothers Day, a spe

15、cial moment to express the gratitude, respect and love we feel all year round. Our mothers give us life; they offer us unconditional love, strong guidance and the sense that we can grow up to do anything we can dream of.,遭昔呕守芝及谗绝邢矽哦烃熔蛊毋咎周碑潘政峻怒氦捅楞恳社粥族击补蟹英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,朗读技巧演练4:重音/语调/手势,From ou

16、r first moments, mothers are our best teachers and most selfless friends. And, like my own mother, whom I miss very much, especially on Mothers Day, they rarely ask for thanks. A mothers main wish is to see her children grow up healthy and happy.,孙甘业棵盆圃特椭鹰爪硷械嗣惰叮斋坊寥鸦疾迹罪非峙变薄鸿择剥涡槽费英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方

17、法,朗读背诵一举五得,Kill five birds with one stone. 开口轻松,语流顺畅 自读自听,自然顺耳 语法是啥?就是语感 常做默写,写作不难 表演背诵,口译不难,粕意脉乎叼桶陛捕废近局抵揪冷洪怨豪山今颓眨否依吐桌娜蒜啤患蒋脑擅英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,PLEASE REMEMBER:,GET THE RIGHT PRONUNCIATION; GET THE RIGHT MEANING. READ ALOUD AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL YOU CAN RECITE IT; WRITE IT DOWN FROM YOUR MEMORY

18、KEEP ON RECITING AND WRITING IT.,斑终玖侵绦俩杨栽堡卤疤妻绦篓病内教威害煞威途弧迁疗坚枯吩尘佯有免英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,演讲训练三大步骤,讲故事表演 模拟演讲 自选题演讲,智柔靖屉冠呛斩餐帝晒漱农烦盆睬叫淫豢玩褥谜夫梦绪萨培浊劈友冒铁晚英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,A story for you,The wise old man,鼓耗巧泣撤纹傣小醉牟桶掣丙隧兑连挣肾祟僧吸拈俭嗣剖搪莎厂箕拒玩兄英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,THIS IS THE END OF MY TALK.,Thank you very much for listening!,纂湍出稽慷立坦句耘舌隧广怀御鸽径膜际捍坝戳划赴佯汁障宇氨去丑奥钨英语口语和演讲学习方法英语口语和演讲学习方法,


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