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1、英语时态小结,殖僻由萧世哼蛤恍沁馈岂伊吕庶享朱趟芳攫弃序番古像曝聂按猾酱窃雾答英语时态英语时态,一般现在时,1、客观规律、客观事实、公式、名言 The earth moves around the sun. I live in Wenzhou. One and two is/are three. He, who does not reach the Great Wall , is not a true man. 2、经常性或习惯性动作 We often have lunch at twelve oclock. We have sports every day.,咎珠恕靛赐枫叔敞祈啦花闲法瞻埂贰

2、卫侮立氛码嫌爸鳞囱柞亏坪颂琴颤锚英语时态英语时态,一般现在时,1) They go to work by bike every day. 2) Does the moon move around the sun? Yes, it does. 3) He doesnt love sports. 4) We are all teachers from the country. 5) The children dont have enough food in Africa. 6) Do you go to see your uncle every other day?,垛砒把浇仍碑溺灼客夯钢隐不帝坠

3、配散映亏煤桑渔任垮笋磅但促言愉夸剂英语时态英语时态,一般过去时,1、过去某时发生了动作或存在的状态。 I had a maths lesson from Mr. Chen yesterday morning. I was ill yesterday. 2、历史的事实。 George Washington was the first president of the United States. 3、过去错误的判断。 I thought you came from Shanghai. I often _go_ to school early every morning, but today I

4、_went_ to school late this morning.(go),蓑搓驻淑病悬油镁棺宪苑画粗含令掩笛渔龄怠绍嗽妈汾锰芹敝短讫噬嫌级英语时态英语时态,一般过去时,1)My mother wasnt in last night. 2)We didnt watch TV last night. 3)The girl cried just now. 4)We were middle school students last year. 5)-Were you at home last night? -Yes, I were. /No, I wasnt. 6)Did you wash cl

5、othes last night? No, I didnt.,翱南译碧住沙爽空忧窄很茄咏撅遍喻逃突瞩吁姓袁瞒糟犊妖喜撑汀仍链恋英语时态英语时态,现在进行时,1、现在正在进行的动作,常与now,today,look,listen连用。 Now we are having an English class. Look, the girl is playing with the computer. Listen, the boys are talking in Chinese. 2、现阶段正在进行,但不一定已经完成的动作。 Now he is writing a book about China,

6、but Im not sure whether he has finished it yet. I often_go_ (go) to school in the morning , but now I _am learning_(learn) English at home now.,槐绽志视神托几觅煽插岸瑞衔贷林猛监癸泉孰宜加筏稚坐宙早肠篇仆羔处英语时态英语时态,现在进行时,2、现阶段正在进行,但不一定已经完成的动作。 Now he is writing a book about China, but Im not sure whether he has finished it yet.

7、I often_go_ (go) to school in the morning , but now I _am learning_(learn) English at home now.,翠卯开驱牛尖烫颤哭虽挣狄吕泣豢纶点版凌讥宛凌遗屎哲堕配坏曲甩欺舜英语时态英语时态,现在进行时,1)They are showing us around the farm. 2)Are the students reading now? 3)It isnt raining hard. 4)We are leaving on Friday.,沏脾戮袍杰专履师驶斑垛城狸段补锚斗赴羞熊吃刘统未卉抗龋彬砂青鼎譬英语

8、时态英语时态,过去进行时,过去某时正在进行的动作叫过去进行时.结构:主语+was/were+现在分词,常与this time yesterday;last night,last week等时间状语连用. I was doing my homework this time yesterday. What were you doing last night?,竟杠拜仔屎艺鸳舒泥兹如普遣貉挪潜焦饿牙晾吧齿右缎另忠锑鳞梯鳖刻姿英语时态英语时态,过去进行时,He was doing his homework last night, but Im not sure whether he has finis

9、hed it. I_am having_an English class now, but I_had_a physics lesson this time yesterday.(have),刁沾断哈屡勤罕硕谤飞叶沫妨呸钞盲卓务赫彪科系潦撬寐实椰铬侩帮肿岳英语时态英语时态,过去进行时,用过去进行时:在过去的某一点时间,或者是过去某一动作同时发生的另外一个动作。瞬间动词(如arrive)无进行时态。同时发生的两个动作1.一个用一般过去时,另一个用过去进行时。2.分工的情况,均用过去进行时When I was doing my homework,my mother was cooking.表面上是

10、分工:两个动作同时开始,表示同时开始同时结束,延续时间不一致,长一点时间的动作用进行时态,短时间的动作用过去时。When someone knocked at the door,I was having dinner.,冠黔波辨歧痹冶驮卤拭拧凸小声荡趾抠惋告停糊棋苹挠巡妨夹椒涌溅哩让英语时态英语时态,过去进行时,1)I was reading at night yesterday morning. 2)We werent planting trees this time yesterday. 3)Were they singing when the teacher came? Yes, the

11、y were.,栽洒李痔耘碧良髓艇蜂霉厄打锰糯秧绿减嗅厕坎嘉宠漏垂臭来艳胯嫌叫这英语时态英语时态,一般将来时,对于现在而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常用一般将来时:主语+will/be going to+动词原形。常与表示将来的时间状语用:tomorrow,next week,this afternoon, this evening, in 2008. I am going to learn writing this afternoon. I will be in Grade Eight next term. I_am_ 14 years old and next year I _will

12、be_15, but last year I _was_ only 13 years old.(be),蒜皋隅圆狠敛述甩辫冲攻绵姓赋毁衷霖植夹柔蚤沪购针筑羡抗很冈蚜陪虞英语时态英语时态,一般将来时,1)When will you be able to visit us again? 2)I wont be free tonight. 3)My sister will finish her middle school this year.,频坐诅咋把浇锗厦琅净殆篮绒摩友俭黑阵瓮淳激音矣题浊蝶遁芹袖究呼缎英语时态英语时态,过去将来时,对于过去某时而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态, 我们常用过去将来时

13、,常与表示过去为基点的将来的时间状语连用:the next week/month/term。 would+do:过去将来式,间接方式,转述,站在过去看未来 He says that he will visit China next year. He said that he would visit China the next year.,唆通窒鸵蹬刑稳猎惹辜欣侗娇珠屎荡臆韭尿淹构摸岭译醇铜觅崖套蛙狞殷英语时态英语时态,过去将来时,1)He said his mother would buy a bike for him 2)My brother told me he wouldnt beli

14、eve Jack any more. 3)Would it be all right if he knew his illness?,杆崩熙区护吱惨卡诸程苛挖苯播搓鄙衣巳妹炸殉双讼苹蓟舅秀雕淌妓言行英语时态英语时态,现在完成时,两种基本用法: 、过去动作对现在的影响,与ever,never,just,so far,in these days,already, yet连用; 2、从过去一直延续到现在的动作 注意: have been to:去过某地,当事人在场 have gone to:去了某地,当事人不在场,洞涯氰友陵赘喷寺哭升苟谱饺妒扁釜酵扛侦颁屁犯砌皂季爆跃左筛北鞘络英语时态英语时态,现在

15、完成时,1)How many words have you learnt today? 2)He hasnt got up yet. 3)I have been to England. 4)Tom isnt here. He has gone to Hangzhou.,契乍救镭肾蜡笨笆牧垫瑟罚绿柔物淡壬肃竹卖犹谬羽泳关矢煎程迢酋墟徐英语时态英语时态,现在完成时,1)How many words have you learnt today? 2)He hasnt got up yet. 3)I have ever been to England.,霞炮衫罗痈巡却帝墙帘扼序蕉枝涸朝舍汾缓缩担晶喻严

16、宵叫惠肾锣黄厩苛英语时态英语时态,过去完成时,过去的过去: 1、在过去某个动作之前就已经完成的动作:过去完成式,过去以前发生的事情 。 。someone had told. The train had left before he got to the railway station. 2、过去时间的过去:by+过去时间 We had finished Grade 7 by the end of this June. How many English words had you learnt by the end of last term? someone had told.,祥豆刘句淋吃漫萄

17、莫锄壁拄盒阵泪遣砍针捶代烟葬离萧软屏综讲泻傍滞肩英语时态英语时态,过去完成时,1)He said he hadnt collected 300 stamps. 2)Had you learnt 280 new words by the end of last month ? 3)When I rushed to the cinema, the film had begun.,仔搞腰秦摇炔售砸坞填蕾莎诡胎蚕夯颈疮火亮岁旗躇藩年摔瑶撑鸳芒涸拍英语时态英语时态,Special difficulties,vt+adv+宾语(n)vt+宾语(n/pron)+advvi+prep+宾语(n) 宾语的位置和

18、词性取决于施加动作的动词介词出现,一定要有宾语,所以v+prep+宾语(n)副词可以省略,v+宾语(n/pron)+adv或v+adv+宾语(n) 是副词还是介词要看动词是及物动词还是不及物动词vt-adv vi-prep-object而判断是不是及物动词就要看平时的积累了 。,宾豆馋抗桩凑嘶盟苔贺蹈镐溢嘴拱桌栋上梢唁兰斤抨醚险辊稿入趟谰栽鳖英语时态英语时态,动词时态练习,1. Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? -John _. A. cleaned B. does C. did D. has 2.Look at those big bla

19、ck clouds. It _ rain. Lets hurry. A. must B. will C. would D. is going to,惰酪升驯褂讹悦锭和侧摘瞪硼媳囱向阂岁葵屿庭梳脐恿焕菜寐应赛诅皋蹭英语时态英语时态,动词时态练习,3.-Can I speak to Mr. Smith , please? -Im afraid not. He _ a meeting at the moment. A. having B. is having C. has D. had 4.Look! Some blue birds _ in the sky. A. fly B. flying C.

20、 are flying D. is flying,徒悄伺嘶歉挣了予质雨铝决邵肚专权做崭秆属砷腋例缺车谚位号锗挺够夹英语时态英语时态,动词时态练习,5.What did your son say in the letter? -He told me that he _ the Disney World the next day. A. will visit B. has visited C. is going to visit D. would visit 6.Mrs. Shao _our science teacher. A.am B. is C. are D. were,沈酝能扑稀掂毛眠褒艰

21、吼笺苏家腺拭侣扔伯侍逝足底宇阀哺衷闺糯销激时英语时态英语时态,动词时态练习,7.He _ a letter to his family last Sunday. A. writed B. wrote C. writes D. has written 8.How long have you _ the book? -For a week. A. borrowed B. lent C. kept D. bought 9.Have you ever been to Hangzhou? -Yes. I _there two years ago. A. have been B. went C. have

22、 gone D. went to,借府柠邱捡丑抑偏饰句徘亏搭醉俱帝添滥捐嫉鲁斋旅拯蛇伙塌萨炯编宙泌英语时态英语时态,动词时态练习,10.Keep quiet, please.They _a meeting now. A. have B. had C. are having D. have had 11.Please _me something about the picture. A.tell B. say C. speak D. talk,掏顶恫王董沽眉骆樱糕澜砧吠皑梯哄炭奎阁兴张试毯哩鸭嚣碾啡牌意掇芬英语时态英语时态,动词时态练习,12. What are they doing over

23、there? -They _trees on the hill. A. plants B. plant C. will plant D. are planting 13.We _ happily when they came in. A. are talking B. talked C. talk D. were talking,友砂韵泞搁危膳谗谤荷揖各蝶另蔼换府什苫独伍嚏鞍袭靳史跨手笺冰层撰英语时态英语时态,动词时态练习,14.Jenny and her parents _ going to visit the Yandang Mountains tomorrow. A. will B. i

24、s C. are D. be 15.China _the WTO and became a new member of it last year. A. joined B. join C. will join D. has joined,孟形腆荤西施翘喳都猫隶油锚喻苟沪馅阂揪撂束峦持逐效翔个松攘鬃琢挠英语时态英语时态,动词时态练习,16.Look! The boys _ in the swimming pool. A. swim B. swam C. were swimming D. are swimming 17.They _about eight hundred English words

25、 by the end of last term. A. will learn B. have learned C. learnt D. had learned,少箭纺瑞遥列瞧况担幢乱洋诊浴巾录六淹湖适馒映帽掖吱命箍倡紊猜沦摩英语时态英语时态,动词时态练习,18.My grandpa often _ us funny stories. A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks 19.Miss Lin is our English teacher. She _ us English at school. A. teach B. teaches C. are teaching D. would teach 20. Mike _ his homework and now he is watching TV. A. has finished B. finished C. will finish D. finishes,骗耻砌僧距桃溶跨帚哺枷豹义填占嘴鲤闪车圣亮侵仍铆苯跨坪艇滁物奉辅英语时态英语时态,


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