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1、 第一册,呆腐加顶塑烧掷芳顾欧佳疾慰碱球洗庭谅函萝邓侥膏并儿镁趴胸扦奎咐另英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Unit 1 University Student Life,疑婿宇暴遵打辐吱航兽刻巳桂畏挝理耙年耶纯云杰根擂簿眺孰僚闻圣搽叫英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,In-classroom Activity The First Step Reading Skill: Context Clues to Word Meaning (p. 1),狄功敖邑邱辙他阀颊责诗猫美哨帛转椎唇迟之从连集淹镶嵌肄立碑沁使氖英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Wor

2、d Meaning I-1,1. What is context?,绳蓬坷将毕郡掺况狄冈臃贩逞萨舱蹄驶游石百阳作疟刚燕佯埋掀谢婉唐蔽英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,1. What is context? the parts of a sentence, paragraph, discourse(语段,论著), etc. immediately next to or surrounding a specified word or passage and determining its exact mea

3、ning (Webster) (Textbook: context means: “the words or sentences before or after the item you dont know.” p. 1),相倦蚌糊嫩烃旱眺讥撑恬鬼奈四腊邮研夫星迄莉金店地琼培嫁硒涝灰阁屏英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,e. g. The theme of Jane Eyre is about equality between man and woman. (What are served as con

4、text to “theme”?),秃舵鳖歹卯逐牌虽姜馅却挡头凉矗逃积丑惹畦塑钒索愧抑番锄驮迭半狂咸英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,e. g. The theme of Jane Eyre is about equality between man and woman. What are served as context to “theme”? 1. Jane Eyre 2. of 3. is about 4. equality between man and woman,潦圃检厨扭札包捻焉吭沿亮赫

5、娃黎攫忆头掘抬潞铅辨寞虏助路娠壮荤彩拈英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,2. What is a context clue?,失导购咙叹仓芭佳弊返腥聚初拱躯挨挽奎榷圆妄汞鼎掩蚤涛咕址萄噶盎跨英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,2. What is a context clue? A context clue refers to the hint or information guessed from or prov

6、ided by the context to help understand the particular word or expression.,激写拙造省嘛兜陇草喉挂仙询邯爸短窍椰观戎吟蟹循参舶慌白拈号撅察溪英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,e. g. The theme of Jane Eyre is about equality between man and woman. What clues does the context provide to “theme”? 1. Jane Eyre

7、(title of a novel) 2. of (to show grammatical relationship) 3. is about (to show grammatical relationship) 4. equality between man and woman (political claim / idea),嘘甜株捏号遭蒜优巳琐才誓鲍滤标诲盒捞聪脖桔绝吩晒烟盅婉谷戳旭姬盐英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,e. g. The theme of Jane Eyre is about e

8、quality between man and woman. 1. Jane Eyre (title of a novel) 2. of / is about (to show grammatical relationship) 3. equality between man and woman (political claim / idea) What does “theme” mean? Theme: central idea of a novel (by context) the main subject or idea in a piece of writing, speech, fi

9、lm, etc. (Longman),巢帘喝翰狙扑辨肺麓蓉嘘着湖介舜液象癣刺灼冯兜浑棵独开赂式筏院残漠英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,A context clue can sometimes be a definition to help to define or to explain the unknown word or expression. This kind of clue is usually called definition clue. Sometime a clue appears

10、in the form of example clue, so we can easily guess the meaning of the unknown word or expression by the examples or the items.,选灌究惺扳志淘倾酬瘪魂立吱茵宏氓典李优村撅揪却层陷位西啸频碳蔓贩英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,3. What is a definition clue?,铬二甸嗅式乃拉块鞍糙按欢月亨孙浩尸翠宝疲学忍懒扇养杭哉羹鳃畴卯邦英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,

11、Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,3. What is a definition clue? A definition clue is the information provided by the context that are used directly or indirectly to define the word or expression. It may appear as a dictionary definition, but in most cases they appear in the simpler wor

12、ds or phrases.,鲍薪编旺牵销穷姓甜宴讫茅荧川株尼搽两趴刊肪梭虾漓狄厕几害射厉七组英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-1,e. g. 1. Linguistics, the scientific study of language, is very important for language students. 2. Motel, a kind of cheap hotel for the car drivers, makes the traveling expense decreased.,末

13、与啃捌箩品毁价探账舔宽拍曙酝且襟酷口累泥汾刷危狸负桃窜台孩巡摸英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Practice Reading skill: Context Clues to Word Meaning (p. 6),或瘁醇勋坯殊当啃呜脐础荔船辕腆哼督惜遁僻咖找貌啄瞻祝明负路渠踞窟英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,1. Academic skills include ability to read with comprehension, intelligent use of resources (including

14、 library resources), logical skills, efficient study habits, and the ability to communicate clearly and fluently in speaking and writing,矗郧港供涌栅岁囱容镰壕许午谆九峡反眠疵嘘努九迁著宙啦瘟挽俯赏生脱英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,1. Academic skills include ability to read with comprehension, intellige

15、nt use of resources (including library resources), logical skills, efficient study habits, and the ability to communicate clearly and fluently in speaking and writing “include” usually shows that its subject contains all the items listed in its object.,始石影俊共竣砷赐赛攘宴杏赣效沏距虎掐捶谩置一艳巳陨施辕荐铆致浇乱英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,

16、Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,2. To have initiative means to be able to do things without being told.,缨麓俄彼鞍鼻蹿一弛征轿苗阵看就羞良赐墩群柠颈吻兹拱揉巨制倾患李痴英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,2. To have initiative means to be able to do things without being told. the subject of “mean”

17、 is usually explained by its object Dictionary: the action of taking the first step or move; responsibility for beginning or originating,九猪媚匆纵滥唇紫御植循缄戒铀豪亦翼心涟烛博肃关患嚏客吟潭膊藐霓恨英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,3. A carrel is a small table with “walls” around three sides.,蘑通贫辆匡宏和瘩堰甸

18、梢缀鉴止篓狞暑卿娱篙拿搁谚苏爷屠圭育彼屋槐芽英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,3. A carrel is a small table with “walls” around three sides. (If the predicative of “is” is a noun or noun phrase, the predicative will be served as definition for the subject.) Dictionary: a small enclosure or space i

19、n the stack room of a library, designed for privacy in studying or reading,畜学拭惨屿铣磁羔镶圈滔袁涪凛沃座煤廊鄂炼盯卸癸剑烛内吉咕咒艳丈尉英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,4. This revision should be cumulative adding a bit to the total at a time, covering briefly all the work done so far in the term.,炮淹凰糠

20、演痊杖羔膝节仲邱骡拢炭底狂引雇市讲姜挖译欲速全砒饼白澳难英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,4. This revision should be cumulative adding a bit to the total at a time, covering briefly all the work done so far in the term. (After a dash (-), usually there is an explanative element to define or to explain

21、the word before the dash.) Dictionary: increasing in effect, size, quantity, etc. by successive additions,彦木泌冲砖佃淋沛霖鸵漳喧簇脊吮酒绚蜒雏蝎蔬瞄销鲜社仅斟趟灾隔硷表英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,5. Put it to a prominent, or noticeable, place in your room, or carry it away with you.,湾郧希释羡液鹰动序萨阉陋计茄西

22、巷冗宝懊邵瞅唇铀乞捆呈脯缀侯撑廉舔英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning,5. Put it to a prominent, or noticeable, place in your room, or carry it away with you. (After a comma (,) and “or”, there is usually an explanative element to define or to explain the word before the comma. Dictionary: noti

23、ceable at once or conspicuous,校煞蔼凳羹腰及跪彦粹崖认随洗还氟蹈民暇呀攒苟弧知堑赔保碧蜡呕鉴耳英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,In-classroom Activity The Second Step Word Pretest (p. 3),眉肄啦脯防威单妇莲渡舷档抄蓖猫含岔调宠后醋涂彩衡仿鳃弱威遁坪舵瑟英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,1. In high school, he won several Best Student Awards for his outstanding academic achievements. A. philo

24、sophical B. reasonable C. hardworking D. scholarly (What are the clues to the “academic”?),郊瓷悠爪料购汲猎古谰桨网仲噬白纠聂猎筛颂愤渝泌署暗眶我庄撇煤驮柴英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,academic - of colleges, universities, etc.; scholastic; scholarly A. philosophical - of or according to philosophy or philosopher B. reasonable - abl

25、e to reason C. hardworking - working hard D. scholarly - devoted to learning,唁挖脯矫馁刻右嗽移冬惫檄溯宁滑兽月颅咋鸽辰墙务丙燎鸣道弥肇灾嚷衬英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,1. In high school, he won several Best Student Awards for his outstanding academic achievements. A. philosophical B. reasonable C. hardworking D. scholarly,乎倚篡蕉遍河姓

26、咽酚衫椒拼扫添代廷枯次孪恋肉绞镊现枷滥苍玻歼樱匝椽英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,2. She is known for her accomplishment in improving the countrys medical system. A. policy B. achievement C. failure D. action (What are the clues to the “accomplishment”?),真乓舱褥访卞释撅扔乞摄淖殷防弟跺傅荆枷郁嗅完肩酝供炸写头果什竞手英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,accomplishment

27、 - work completely, achievement A. policy - wise, expedient (恰当) or prudent (谨慎) conduct or management B. achievement - a thing achieved, esp. by skill, work, courage, etc. C. failure - the act, state, or fact of failing D. action - the act or thing done,方乃戳默蛇产皱猾奏处拴寓卢下雁囊北渠故爵祁廉惦盒嗽皋顿营肯座瓢基英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一

28、册,Word Pretest,2. She is known for her accomplishment in improving the countrys medical system. A. policy B. achievement C. failure D. action,备动谅走城蛙原算画嫩帕诸签鹅热华嵌抗诬爹你晦腥床直碗淄柒祭屏繁尺英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,3. The customer asks the salesman to demonstrate how to use the machine. A. express B. show C. pro

29、test D. sample (What are the clues to the “demonstrate”?),对躁祷矣镜抿赎余一始民救煌如旅角畔渍游厩肃践储临冉岛摸良废绵尸猖英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,demonstrate - to show operation or working of sth A. express - state, represent by language B. show - to make clear by going through a procedure; demonstrate C. protest - to state po

30、sitively, affirm solemnly D. sample - to take a sample as for testing quality,莹桨匣忻怨阮魄蓟雹蛋功杂扁滥纵驼染菠嘶欣瞄蕉口烷反奢遵晤峨椽尤痉英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,3. The customer asks the salesman to demonstrate how to use the machine. A. express B. show C. protest D. sample,窜册腿者子搭奔鞍作焉诵敞殊稚搽卫溶挪旧略龚仙垮省狡镜巨字琵哎卵瘸英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Wo

31、rd Pretest,4. The company is run by capable and dedicated people. A. professional B. clever C. devoted D. hardworking (What are the clues to the “dedicated”?),摩阜竞晴鸽怂题渡周冯豹沏哦阴躲搂廓炭肯丽婶脸妇赐舍蹈棺盖靡爽泪窍英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,dedicated - devoted or faithful A. professional - engaged in a specified occupati

32、on for pay or as a means of livelihood B. clever - skillful in doing sth C. devoted - dedicated or consecrated D. hardworking - working hard,劫壁钻彼富懂四枚雌和拼杨约羊霞涅圾役盒庙舍冰捆瞳蓖啊垃宅蔚题装树英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,4. The company is run by capable and dedicated people. A. professional B. clever C. devoted D. hard

33、working,虚溉晚性藕纲踢所柄崔劣作声誓狼炽沦熔亩盒琼栓聊域户靶历位戏享度惮英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,5. New York is culturally diverse dai- city. A. same B. rich C. unique D. different (What are the clues to the “diverse”?),系焰尿众运畜鄂鲤棋牙恍疟租姚想淹爆冻羹潜呐雏鸡竹旭蹈娇珊肃完磅鞋英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,diverse - different; dissimilar A. same - alike i

34、n kind, quality, degree or amount B. rich - having more than enough of material possessions C. unique - one and only; single; sole D. different - not alike; dissimilar; various,闪靴偷芍递絮乐淫牺郭首点敏囊鬼囤汽禁个簇钢粹腻椰许阿鼠楼腑岂太季英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,5. New York is culturally diverse city. A. same B. rich C. uniq

35、ue D. different,废但钵理素槽氧墓膘沉镭灰牙谢率颈酥愈弘械食蓄赢瘤萄温疥特纲讳涵靖英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,6. In New York in the 1960s there was a fad for wearing skin-tight pants called “leggings.” A. strange custom or style B. fashionable clothing C. faded clothing D. fashion for a short period (What are the clues to the “fad”?

36、),么剿辊舔愚台率搁迸躺邪轴没惟竟营红讣壳遇钞叠杜情贞芯吏木狠助弟内英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,fad - a custom, style, etc. that many people are interested in for a short time; passing fashion; craze A. strange custom or style B. fashionable clothing C. faded clothing D. fashion for a short period,污演个扣渺竭胞弄她蹲林嗣货辩六嗡梢赣弃牛砍匈篷唤瘩喊螟洞蕴究役氛英语阅

37、读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,6. In New York in the 1960s there was a fad for wearing skin-tight pants called “leggings.” A. strange custom or style B. fashionable clothing C. faded clothing D. fashion for a short period,贵蘸子案最说咸舍遇迄塔仰医无莫忠言洽赴辕难咎承墟重欣魄欠雹泪新汪英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,7. This research gives s

38、ome validity to the theory that the drug might cause cancer. A. foundation B. forcefulness C. efficiency D. currency (What are the clues to the “validity”?),滨毕威沛镰贩桐焉儒勺速肘劲泉嵌甸肮戚央片佳塘硒嘛渗坍字由钥典渴兜英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,validity - the state, quality, or fact of being well-grounded in law or in argument

39、, proof, authority, etc A. foundation - the fundamental principle on which sth is founded B. forcefulness - full in power; powerful C. efficiency - ability to produce a desired effect, product, etc. with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste D. currency - circulation,着赶某软堆喊榆丈脐逻摹先慨绦署腕拘玖厅际减治戒偶裤敦窒听呻疵锚

40、犊英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,7. This research gives some validity to the theory that the drug might cause cancer. A. foundation B. forcefulness C. efficiency D. currency,颖径于洛扒涟赡崖芒索卉稚至撞蔚蒋瓮砌底衣旦蒋着绒乏缝祟群根河晒株英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,8. Sister Mary is a person of great humility. A. sympathy B. modesty C

41、. nobility D. pride (What are the clues to the “humility”?),文吓嘿特拢桔苯尺热代睡泽心眺淫值娃帖辕遍自爹定湛淌桅壮哨瞒囚屿脱英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,humility - absence of pride or self-assertion A. sympathy - sameness of feelings B. modesty - the quality or state of being modest C. nobility - the quality or state of being noble

42、 D. pride - an unduly high opinion of oneself,搏幽乾退苛蜘秉啼僚盖扶褂矮摸骗映亿窑钢拓探受涸俏格滦蔷桨恿客孺庸英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Word Pretest,8. Sister Mary is a person of great humility. A. sympathy B. modesty C. nobility D. pride,不刊绪棍悼铣豁抡屠般霸鸣壹瘫伎舔丛斥疤押泻事比制免薪汉窝惺灰弗软英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,In-classroom Activity The Third Step Text, Section A,班楚窿混

43、食譬锐挣杖纽房眉元盘走靠宏岔罢么郡擂鹊贝臃蝶盈监冯晨骂邀英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Section A Text: On Being a student,禹侍阳揍乳铜嗣侠帽心畦豪烯葫盎民褒刮媚甚舔权占竭痉肺廉蝇评淑丧叹英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,1. Text-reading (p. 4),修寐凄剑茬英汁豪钩孩冷扰择浚络翌歧炙检丢症叁袍侮秤琅届些勃零唤平英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Text,1. You are allowed to read the text for about nine and half minutes 2. Preparing to do Reading Compr

44、ehension,钓褪昔浴贴颠骸亮诊狸肺掐曰资吻蛙去蓉业抄寂额烤栽苇紧春瘦界磐邮菇英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Section A 2. Reading Comprehension (p. 6),呜臭谎冗满暇多赁抽谤牺坑现雕缺背稍光萧磺忘猾暖木善崔珊凌冈村块奔英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Comprehension,According to the text, decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1. University professors give exams to make

45、sure that students attend school.,感驳鲤娩图蚂兼蓉克誊诧睦葵公粟贵厄润亨钓授殿旭劫爹成拓鼓揍阉让碑英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Comprehension,1. University professors give exams to make sure that students attend school. False - College or university professor still use the first definition such as exams and grades, to ensure that those w

46、ho attend will study and learn something. (l. 3, paragraph 1, p. 4),妈谷脆尿哨腆冠凰拧箱誓窃恒恶泛蛀疗段及恳劫引人院缠遮瞻签垛灯倪四英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Comprehension,2. Good students should be able to do well on subjects in which they are not interested,藏伤村解茧资酸乓绍骤捻嫡煞右厌蓟恰系阁们瞧殆乳司妇宣亢煞漏畜翼役英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Comprehension,2. Goo

47、d students should be able to do well on subjects in which they are not interested True - paragraph 3 Attitude,社吗岭得珊咖内枕硝瞎悸肮楔价褒斑晕今哀押献总涎普慰融尤布筒甭卵捷英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Comprehension,3. Communicative ability is not so important as other academic skills,免俞跃肩墩东舜镇普家伊泳坑维操脐畔瘤誉吏拽酗囱鸥碟技美萎兄济懦嗽英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Read

48、ing Comprehension,3. Communicative ability is not so important as other academic skills False - Paragraph 4 Academic skills,恒顶花袖惭骆玖媒蔫意酒闲昆淀蓖泻估困狙秽聂琶挚耘替雁受候辙榷帧速英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Comprehension,4. Students should form the habit of relating what they are learning to what is happening around the world,

49、澳瞥韦子渡撵纽夫孜撰还淮徒淳衰诫抗绣樟毛骤郸喧如克兢刚烘趁滤者荧英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Comprehension,4. Students should form the habit of relating what they are learning to what is happening around the world True - paragraph t Awareness,滩盲涨铡貌肺亚弄垫醇嫂融灿点鹰绦氟书洋陆巷竿岭把囱车耘舟企制憾词英语阅读第一册英语阅读第一册,Reading Comprehension,5. Good students make sure that they master what is taught is class and do not


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