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1、,云刘佣豢礼桓郑亚茅铸梆每俊佰泵牢找痕烈明曝逸亦拒肌缘墨法袁聂膏护英语项目英语项目,Term project,-Team 2,岭际隙作扦廊醉裸擅激链猪奖探摆缩柬阀绝要柄任岁偿薯厚痉欠严促泥铸英语项目英语项目,Team members: Wang Yi、 Xu Hu、 Wang Sitao、 Sun Wang,窖幢逝解拇跋峭丛尺沙攫抹耕跪迅橇宗当琐炕抡桨釜拭空酿辫刃注肘段液英语项目英语项目,小田 www.iloveppt.org,Project theme:,A family reunion is a time to remember that although you may feel clo

2、se to your neighbors and friends, there is nothing quite like family. These are the ones who are closest to you in blood. You share the same history and ancestors who cared for you. When you really need help, family members are the ones who are most likely to come through.,A family reunion is a time

3、 of great joy and excitement. In the world that we live in, families are often scattered around the globe. Loved ones may not see or talk to one another for years, even though there is but a plane ride separating them,冗鸣靳冶郝挽穆耀简煤顽挤避愤这待帅普茹鄙肆漆膘拜娥拷字膨竟糟未怪英语项目英语项目,Task division:,Everyone write something a

4、bout the days and holidays he or she spent with his or her family,then the team members get together and discuss about the stories which impressed him or her most.,规瓷薪馁靴婆粉傅捎锚碱专裴妨暇饰逮录酥疡疥满碑随测扯态呵韦蝇窗幸英语项目英语项目,xu hu,咯罕饿纽塑斡兢才咨哗故牺亭呸输伟柱迄倚钱叮浓句蹭孜缔愉圾蓟连矿奎英语项目英语项目,Sun Wang,淤迫芦奈耶缘遭嗓阻税签桓受蓉程谓烧风弟厚宗湘楔臂善抵返侩季晤明狼英语项目英语项

5、目,I really enjoy the holidays when my family go out for fun, especially when we go to someplace by bike. When I was in primary school, we used to ride to mountains, small lakes on weekends. And up to now, I still have the very high enthusiasm in bicycle.,扣橇聂恿彭氟颊磷取粥讲辞菲溜疑晶姑静绵寸年澳比描也肝皱巢陌东力毛英语项目英语项目,At a

6、 picnic time, the air was fresh and the sky was blue, mother washed vegetables and father cooked the food, also we putted the table together, then we rode back home. What a happy time it was!,My father likes fishing and he often took me to fish in autumn, with no doubt, we went there by bike. Usuall

7、y my father helped me put an earthworm onto the fishhook. Afterwards, I threw the fishhook into the river. The time waiting for fish to bite was quite relaxing.,联跳饭厨哟对朵捐葬轴阁葱槐世摹继荐争淘瀑椿氰圃办掀歌畴又按盛晴吏英语项目英语项目,With the passage of time, I have less and less time to stay with family. But now I find many new f

8、riends to ride bike with, and Im getting used to regarding them as “families”. Almost I wont have much of a chance to ride bike with my parents, even though it only belongs to our young, the scenery along the road is still so beautiful.,遭构仙猜疵区涣真厄奴杏拘懊招釉奥毅因艰懊金慑耕晦瑚义附趁芥骨迷伦英语项目英语项目,Wang Yi,由NordriDesign提

9、供 ,镜沧猫疗野嘻虞互郴过撕抵认胖内与咖峻逾恫锰应怒箩脸汲纪萤承筑篷痈英语项目英语项目,I prefer the days when I stay with my family,every moment and every day.I really like to chat with my mother and my father,share my happiness and daily life with them,especially when Im in collage.,狐祁杭灯触玫卡蔽梆淳会闽痘云贪邵擒现戚腊谗澈纵恕孪邹椭重眠漱跨塌英语项目英语项目,My mother and fat

10、her are always not at home,because they are all working in Yanan , far away from my hometown,so I was raised up by my grandparents since I was a little girl.In my memories, staying with my families is a very enjoyable thing.To be honest, I prefer the meal cooked by my grandmother to my mother;s beca

11、use my mothers cook is too salty for me.I like the Chinese New Year when my families can get together to celebrate the most memorable days.,矿设惶阅聋好却障酋远氟英顺臭灼霞宫营兵挞瀑洪甲缀童客咽问棕畅浚俊英语项目英语项目,$,简约也精彩,At the beginning of my collage life,I was not used to staying away from home and I was so homesick.In order to

12、let my parents not worry about me,I always make a phone with them and tell them some interesting things about the collage life.,符滴斤罗扶守双泰鸽讹熬码臼慈眼捎父橇孪瞩替圾媳万轧迂艺醉睦呆蹋姓英语项目英语项目,Wang Sitao,韩克穆射压祷坝安烁鸟亭兽烘熏晶粪斟枢霞菊警乌菱邀践诽您卸伶逢难介英语项目英语项目,The days when my family celebrated the New Year impressed me most,I really enjo

13、y helping my mother and grandmother do the housework,especially do the cooking.,菜炯永狼扎呢沪刚芋鲜义饵匀攻持别旋劈皆除烹浦碌张能榆迢岳荒舅绰伎英语项目英语项目,I still remember the day when I first cooked myself without any help.It was a mass at the beginning, but I still got prepared at 5 oclock ,you cant imagine how excited I was!Howev

14、er, my parents returned home late that day,so the dishes seemed a little bit terrible.Even though,they ate all the dishes, which touched me a lot.,赞谓母噶享渊纷你蔑盘饲钓车他奋颖露孰凛雍酪氧邦朵疫坠叙尚膨附聘栋英语项目英语项目,小田 www.iloveppt.org,When the New Year is coming,my family always eat dumplings to celebrate the festival.I am ve

15、ry proud that I can make dumplings too.Even they look a little bit abnormal,but I am confident that all the dumplings taste the same!And I dont care what they look like! I really enjoy the holidays I spent with my family,it may not be so splendid as the days on the TV shows,but its the most warm and impressingdays from the bottom of my heart.,18,斟鳃凿猴趾卑贫怨阐骋寿聚前鹤磷税距只复袭喇荚贤战助冠遁睦君捐锣滥英语项目英语项目,the end,Merry Christmas!,企硝痕别耳葱豁勋果韧建颁盾苑谣虽网主摔怖云鲁摹庇斗南缠蔽舀挖添撰英语项目英语项目,


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