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1、广东版开心英语四年级上册教案The second periodStep 1 Review1.朗读对话。2.听写单词。Step 2 New lessons TargetGetting ready*T: (S1s name),do you want a (guitar)? (Offer a Picture card to S1.) S1: Yes, I do./No, I dont.*T: (S2s name), does (S1s name) want a (guitar)? S2: Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.*Model responsesUsin

2、g the bookT: Look at your books. What are they saying?(Point to the first picture and circle the guitar with your finger.)T: Continue with the other two pictures.T: Now listen to the tape and repeat.T: Play the tape, pausing in between each number so Ss can repeat.Extension activity 教师用一些实物或图片问学生:S1

3、,Do you want a doll?让S1回答。然后再问S2,Does S1want a doll?让S2回答。余类推。What do you want? Survey(WB P.47) 要求全班同学讨论哪些是最流行的玩具,并把它们在黑板上列出来。学生把所列的玩具清单抄在调查表上,就最喜欢的玩具这个话题对其他四个学生做访问调查。要求把四个学生的姓名写在表格的顶端,然后发问:Do you want a (computer game)?若S1说:Yes, S2就在写有S1姓名的方格中打。若S1说:No,S2就在方格中打。S2就清单上的其他物品问S1。当S1回答完所有的问题之后,S2就问另外一个

4、同学。当所有同学完成全部调查后,让全部学生结对,相互讲述各自的调查结果。如:(S1s name)wants a (computer game).(S2s name)doesnt want a doll.通过讲述让学生达到运用语言的目的。Practice 1Getting readyT: Look at the pictures. Whats this?(Point to the checkmark.)It means yes.T: (Point to the X.)This means no.T: Look at the pictures. What are these?(Point to t

5、he pictures in Numbers 2 and 3.)Have Ss name the items.Using the bookT: Lets listen to the tape. Play the tape for Number 1, then pause.T: Does he want a toy car? While Ss are responding, make a circle motion around the yes, he does, phrase.T:“Yes, he does.” is the answer. Continue with the remainin

6、g three numbers, pausing after each one so Ss can circle the pictures and sentences they hear.Extension activity 教师先与一个学生小级示范该游戏。邀请五个自愿的学生暂时离开教室。在剩余的学生中选一保学生做神秘客。神秘客从在一张被拉起的布后面,这样别人就看不到他/她。让走出去的五个同学返回教室,背对全班同学坐在教室前面,这样就无法知道班上缺了谁。五个同学轮流向神秘客发问。如神秘客予以真实的回答:他/她设法伪装自己的声音,在五个人每人问了一个问题后,要他们猜猜谁是神秘客。神秘客露面。然后

7、与另一组同学玩另一轮游戏。Practice 2Getting readyHave Ss look at the pictures on SB p.31.T: She is asking a question.(Point to the girl under Number 1.) What is she saying?Point to the picture of the skateboard in the thought bubble as a clue.Get responses from several Ss and accept all answers.Do the same for t

8、he remaining three questions.Using the book T: Now, read the questions. Have Ss read the questions. After each question, ask individual Ss to answer. Put Ss in pairs or small groups to take turns asking and answering the four questions.Extension activity每个同学准备一张纸,学生把所有的词汇写在纸上,然后开始寻找相关的同学开展活动。给学生三分钟的时间相互回答。如:Do you want a (puzzle)?若被问的学生说:Yes, I do. S1就把S2的姓名写在他/她的纸上。每人均需为每件物品配对一个学生姓名。Step 3 Homework抄写句型,能看实物来回答


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