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1、Module 2 My family,my friends and me Unit 5 My friends教学内容与目标 新建小学英语组教学内容功能简介简单介绍自己的朋友。语言知识核心句型和日常用语He has a green T-shirt. She has a dress.词汇T-shirt,brown,shorts,skirt,dress,shirt,help语音字母i的开音节语言技能听听懂人物的简介。说 He has a green T-shirt.介绍人物的服装。用profile的形式来介绍人物。读读懂关于人物的简介。写正确书写本单元的核心词汇。正确书写句子:He has a gr

2、een T-shirt.教 学 目 标掌握本单元的核心句型能用He has/She has.来介绍人物的服装。用profile的形式来介绍人物。能正确读出字母i在单词中的发音。1、 任务预设:学生能够介绍自己的朋友。2、 课时分配 课时教学内容及目标课时一教学重点 词汇:T-shirt,brown,shorts,skirt,dress,shirt, 句型:He has a green T-shirt.教学栏目 Listen and say, Look and learn教学目标1. 帮助学生学习Look and learn 中几个关于服装的单词。2. 通过Listen and say 的情景对

3、话,帮助学生学习本单元的核心句型He has a green T-shirt.3. 开展各种游戏活动,帮助学生掌握单词。课时二教学重点 词汇: help 故事:The lion and the mouse 教学栏目Enjoy a story教学目标1. 通过故事,帮助学生进一步理解核心句型在真实语境中的运用。2. 通过学习任务,帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识。课时三教学重点语音:字母i在单词中的发音 教学栏目Learn the sounds教学目标1. 帮助学生学习字母i在单词中的发音。2. 通过语音故事文本,让学生进一步感知语音。三、教学设计教学课时:第一课时教学设计:Step 1.

4、 Pretask preparations1. Greetings.T: Good morning,boys and girls. Im very glad to see like singing. I can sing a song. Can you sing this song? Maybe you can sing.语境的创设从课的伊始到结束,教师以爱好开场,把词汇教学和会话教学有机地融为一体。 a song.把歌曲和语境结合为一体,既为新词做铺垫,又激发了学生的兴趣。Step 2. Whiletask procedures myself.T:Look at am tall and fa

5、t. I have a black coat and a pair of blue jeans. 2. Learn the words.I have a black coat. In summer I have a red dress .Show the picture of dress.教师板书单词,学习新词 and learn.Have students listen and read.What about you? myself.This is me. I am tall and fat. I have a black coat and a pair of can sing.5. Tex

6、t 1.This is me. I am tall and fat. I have a black coat and a pair of can sing.What about you? This is me. I am short and thin. I have a yellow coat and a pair of can draw.教师以自己的特征来介绍,起到示范的目的。 2.T: This is my friend, Peter. He is short and thin. He has a yellow coat and a pair of shorts. He can draw.

7、This is Peter. He is short and thin. He has a yellow coat and a pair of shorts. He can draw.Step 3. Posttask activities1. Listen and say.T: Joe has a good friend. Lets listen. Who is he? How is he ? What does he have? What can he do? Have students listen and say.2. Ask and answer.He is Tom. He is ta

8、ll and thin. He has a green T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts. He can skate. ,imitate and read.: Lets look at Alice. She has two friends, Peter and do they have? S: Peter has an orange T-shirt. Sally has a red skirt.Have students listen and say.5. Play a game Step 4. Sum up T: A life without a frie

9、nd is a life without a sun.Homework:1. Copy the words and remember them.2. Listen to the dialog and read .3. Talk about your friends and write down it.BlackboardDesignModule 2 My family,my friends and me Unit 5 My friends This is Tom. He is my friend. He is tall and thin. He has a green T-shirt and

10、a pair of brown shorts. He can skate.dress shirt shorts skirt T-shirt Teaching Notes:课时二教学课时:第二课时教学设计Step 1. Pretask preparations1. Greetings.T: Good morning,boys and girls. Lets enjoy a story.2. Guessing game.It has a big has big is big and is lt? It has a small moouth. It has small is small and gr

11、ay. What is it?Are they brothers? Are they friends? Why? Lets enjoy.Step 2. Whiletask procedures1. Picture 1 T: Look at Picture 1. The lion is looking at the mirror. What does the lion think? S: Haha, I am big and strong. Look at my teeth. They are big.2. Picture 2 T: The mouse is looking at the doe

12、s the mouse think?S: Xixi, I am small and cute. Look at my teeth. They are sharp.Have students listen and read.3. Picture 3.T: Oh, the lion is in the net. He cannot get out. How is he? S: He is afraid.T: What is he saying?S: Help! Help!4. Picure 4.T: Look at the mouse. Can the mouse help the lion? S

13、: Yes, he can.T: He is running to the lions back. He is biting the rope.5. Picture 5.T: The lion is free. They are friends.6. Have students listen and read.Step 3. Posttask activities1. Read the whole story.2. Role-play in groups. Step 4. Sum up T: A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。Homework:

14、1. Listen to the story and read.2. Make a new story about The lion and the mouse. BlackboardDesignUnit 5 Lesson 2 The lion and the mouse Lion is big and strong. He has Mouse is small. He has . Teaching Notes课时 三一、教学课时:第三课时二、教学内容:Learn the sounds. 三、教学目标1.知识目标:1)能听懂理解并正确朗读单词kite和bike。2)能正确分辨出字母i在单词中的

15、发音,并能利用发音规律读准同类单词。3)能理解歌谣的意思并能跟随节奏正确朗读。2.能力目标:了解字母发音的规律,打下良好的语音基础。3.情感目标:利用有趣的故事激发学生学习的动机。四、教学重点:利用字母i 在单词中的发音,读准单词,拼写单词。五、教学难点: 和bike 的发音。2.歌谣中语义的理解。六、教学准备:图片,多媒体课件,单词卡片七、教学过程:Step 1. Pretask preparations1. Greetings.2. Sing the song Step 2. Whiletask procedures1. Riddle. T: It has two wheels. I ca

16、n ride it. What is it? S: A bike.T: Great! I have a bike. I like my bike. My bike is nice. 2. Look and say.T: This is Mike. What does he like?S: He likes his kites. T: He is flying his kite. Its very high.3. Have students listen and read.4. Find the same sound.5. Have students read the words.I like

17、my bike Mike kite nice high Step 3. Posttask activities1. Read the chant.2. Sum up.Step 4. Homework1. Listen and read.2. Make new chant.BlackboardDesignUnit 5 Lesson 3 Sounds iI like my bike. I like my bike Mike nice high Mike likes his kite. hi Nike fly dice light right My bike is nice.Mikes kite is high. Teaching Notes


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